
Things Shorty & Fatty Say #334: Lamb Chop


Shorty and I were having dinner.

Me: Hmm I like the lamb chops.

Shorty: Really? I don’t like it… it’s a bit hard.

Me: Nice what… I like it.

Shorty: You want mine then?

Me: Ok sure…

Shorty: *passes a piece of lamb over*


Shorty: What ? what?

Me: I can see your teeth marks! You chewed halfway on this piece then you give to me ah!?

Shorty: Oh… heh heh… *guilty*

Me: Wah no manners huh this one…

Shorty: Heh heh…

Me: *eats it anyway*

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At Bankara Ramen and Library Coffee Bar

Today started off as a really regular workday for me. Things have been going really well with the company lately so I’ve been able to take a bit more of a breather. I was supposed to meet Zhon Wei and Rachel for lunch at Avenue K when just about ten minutes before I left, Shorty gave me a call. She said she was on her way to bring Fighter to visit her grandma but her grandma had a last minute thing she had to attend to. So Fighter was in the car with her and she thought since she’s already out she would just bring him for lunch with me.

Half an hour later I was with Fighter at Bankara Ramen,


Fighter’s routine when with us at restaurants is always like this. He sits quietly and is really well behaved when we first get to the restaurant all the way till the food comes. The minute the food comes… that’s it. He starts getting really grouchy like this and insists not only just on being carried but being walked around the entire restaurant. So at least one of us has to eat first while the other walks around with him.


Joanne told me yesterday that Fighter is going to have us wrapped around his finger. I think her prophecy may turn out to be true. I find it so hard though to not give in to a face like this.


Bankara Ramen’s co-owner is a friend of mine… Meng. We were hanging out yesterday after a session of golf. Meng is a really successful entrepreneur who brought Din Tai Fung to Malaysia. We were talking about the F&B business and how difficult it was given how competitive things were and how it’s really dominated now by the big boys.

I’ve always told everyone that my dream one day is to start a steamboat restaurant. Some people dream of starting pubs or bars… I just want a steamboat restaurant. One day if I’m no longer involved with Netccentric, I would love to have a steamboat restaurant. While owning a restaurant looks fun, I’m under no illusion that F&B is easy. I know that from my friends in the industry. They tell me day in and day out it’s difficult having to manage and find good staff and having to constantly deal with malls raising their rental rates on you every day. But I guess as Meng said… no business is easy.

After lunch at Bankara I went to visit Library Coffee Bar on the ground floor of Avenue K. My friend Hoay Ming happens to be an investor there so I bumped into him as well as my other forum mate Jeremy who is in the property business.


The Library Coffee Bar at Avenue K is a really nice cozy place.



We tried to take a group picture with Fighter and this is what we ended up with.


Fighter doesn’t make it easy for us to take group pictures. We tried again though and we got this.


On a final note, I don’t know if you guys have been keeping up with my Dayre and Fighter’s Dayre. There were some interesting pieces I shared recently. You can read them here.

1) My Thoughts on Christianity and Religion 

2) The Story of a Pen Salesman.

And for Fighter… make sure you read this one.

Why I might have to be wearing glasses at Age 3

Things Shorty & Fatty Say #333: IDIOTO


We were parking our car at a mall.

Shorty: I lost my parking ticket earlier today.

Me: What?! How much did it cost you? RM50?

Shorty: Yes…

Me: Tsk tsk…

Shorty: What? You also lost your parking ticket before.

Me: NO I HAVE NEVER (I have)…

Shorty: Yes you have.

Me: NO! You have no proof! NO PROOF!

Shorty: You blogged about it.

Me: Did I?

Shorty: Yes you did. IDIOTO!

5 minute later we were exiting the car park. Shorty pushes the door but it doesn’t open because she didn’t turn the knob. So she just rammed her body against the door.

Me: There is a knob there for a reason Shorts. IDIOTO.



Here’s a video of Fighter having his solids. I posted a snippet of this video on my Instagram but here’s the full video.

Follow his Dayre for more videos and photos of him 🙂

6 Reasons Why Our Teachers Should Be Paid More

Yesterday I had the chance to be a teacher for an hour. I was invited to be part of Teach for Malaysia Week where they invite people from the corporate world to teach a class in a school for an hour. When I first got the invitation to do it, I was really reluctant to do it because I wasn’t sure if the kids would respond well with me. I went ahead to do it anyway thinking that at the very least it would be an eye opening experience. And an eye opening experience it was.


I learned a few things about what it takes to be a teacher and I walked away from the experience thinking… whatever teachers are being paid right now, it’s not enough.

Let me explain why.

1) You’re always tempted to “cheat” with teaching.

What do I mean by this? Well throughout my lesson I was trying to teach the kids how to do something. The right way to teach someone something is to guide them through a lesson and a thought process until they come to the answer themselves right? I did a lot in the beginning with a few students at a time but eventually it got really tiring having to do it for 30-40 people in the class. What I felt eventually was the temptation to just give them the answer and be done with it.


Sure there are teachers who just fall into that temptation all the time and make it a part of their teaching routine but those aren’t the good teachers. The good teachers take the time to help you help yourself find the answer. Not give you the answer. The good teachers constantly fight this temptation day in and day out even if it means it takes more time and effort to help you get there.

2) Preparing for a lesson is time consuming.

Before my one hour lesson, I sat down with a fellow teacher to prepare for it. The whole preparation took 45 minutes and that’s not even including the time the teacher took the days before to do some research on the topic. The topic I taught was on the perspectives of different jobs people hold and the realities… it’s a bit of a different topic than the usual textbook subjects so perhaps that takes a bit longer to prepare than a normal lesson. Still… I hear it takes a teacher half an hour to prepare for each one hour lesson.

Again… my history teacher in secondary school probably didn’t need to spend any time preparing anything since he just read from the text book. But again… he wasn’t a good teacher.

3) Teaching drains you.

At the end of the one hour lesson, I felt totally drained and exhausted. I didn’t know why until Shorty put it into words. She said in class, a good teacher is expected to be upbeat and enthusiastic about the lesson. Teachers who aren’t… tend to come off as boring and students stop paying attention. So there’s a need to be this personality that is full of energy that has to lead a class. It’s easy to be enthusiastic and positive when everyone else in a group is as enthusiastic as you because you feed off each other’s enthusiasm.


In class though that’s not the same. Sure some students may be enthusiastic about the lesson too but they’re normally too shy to show it. So a teacher ends up having to be this bright ray of positivity in a class that is generally non-responsive. Everyone feeds off your energy.. and that’s why by the end of the class you feel exhausted. Imagine teachers having to do the same thing 6 times a day throughout a regular school day. It is VERY exhausting. Couple that with having to deal with disciplinary problems or students that constantly talk in your class and it gets even more exhausting.

It was eye-opening for me because when I sat in the same kind of classes as a student, I never knew how tiring it was for a teacher.

4) Teachers work in an environment that is less comfy than the typical office.

Let me describe the environment of a typical school. There is no air-conditioning in classrooms or even in the teachers room. In our tropical weather it’s always really hot and classrooms are like hotbeds for body odour… some of it probably coming from my sweating self when I was in the classrooms.

There aren’t any (or maybe I didn’t notice any) computers in the teacher’s room to check Facebook or watch a YoutTube video or even Google something short of the laptops teachers could bring from home. I don’t even know if they have wifi.


The toilets are especially dirty for some reason and has a kind of smell that reminds you of the dirtiest public toilets.

The irony is that this is the exact school environment that I grew up in as a student and it never bothered me. I loved it actually. Sure we all sweated a lot in class and had to use dirty toilets but no big deal. Perhaps it was because a student I didn’t know any better.


Compare it to the working environment of a typical office worker though and you’ll see a difference. We have air-conditioning, most likely a computer, heck we even have elevators to take us up one or two floors. I’m yet to see a school with an elevator. The school I visited had 3 floors and no elevators.

5) Teachers Sometimes Have To Be Multi-lingual

This is probably unique to Malaysia. The classroom that I attended and the classroom I grew up in at Secondary School had kids from different ethnic backgrounds. Everyone understood the National Language of Bahasa Malaysia but some are more proficient in it than others. So sometimes in order to be able to communicate, relate or teach a student well I found myself having to tutor some kids in Malay, some in Chinese and some in English. It’s not a must… but it helps.

6)Teachers Have A Very Important Job

They educate our children and shape them to face the outside adult world that’s in the years ahead of them. That to me is a very very important job. I was listening to BFM today and a speaker was talking about how Korea is able to produce internationally huge brands like Samsung. It started with Korea revamping its education system to make sure its work force was eventually able to support innovative companies like Samsung.


Teach For Malaysia gave me an experience that broadened my mind to the profession of teaching and my only hope for this entry is that people reading it now would know what a teacher’s job really entails. I for one think that teachers should be paid much more than what they’re being paid today. Yes, with better pay comes higher expectations so we expect more from our teachers too but isn’t that a good thing that we expect more from the education we give our kids?

I know people today who choose teaching as a profession even though they could get higher paying jobs outside. Why do they do it? For passion, for love of their kids, for wanting to serve the country… there are a whole lot of reasons there. What I have never heard though is someone tell me that they want to be a teacher because it is financially a very good career option. That eventually they could be promoted and earn a comfortable living.

My hope for the children of today is that they will be able to live in a world even better than the awesome world that I live in.

My hope for the teachers of today is that teaching can be a profession that fulfils their passion for kids and our future but also as a fantastic career path to be in.

PS: If you want to apply for Teach For Malaysia, their next application deadline is 5th May. You can apply here.

Things Shorty & Fatty Say #332: Cheque Book


I received an SMS saying that $150 has been charged to my credit card.

Me: WTF?!? Shorts you bought something online ah? $150.

Shorty: Huh? No… oh wait… oh I accidentally pressed… it went through ah?

Me: WHAAT??? How can you accidentally buy something for RM500 ?!?!?!

Shorty: Oh… nevermind I wanted it anyway. And I pay you back ah… I owe you some money anyway. I found my long lost cheque book already so I can pay you back.

Shorty goes off to grab her cheque book.

Shorty: HEY WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CHEQUE BOOK?!?! Why so few pages left?

Me: *looks at cheque book*… maybe that’s because you’re holding MY cheque book?

Shorty: Oh… HAHAHAHAH.

Me: So annoying this girl. Buy something accidentally with my credit card then say want to pay me back but then use my own cheque book to write a cheque to me!


On another note, check out this cute video of Fighter 🙂 Hehehe

He was laughing at my baby sitter who was doing funny faces behind the camera.

How to know if you’re marrying the right person…

Yesterday was a happy day. My business partner for the past  7 years Ming proposed to his girlfriend Patty. It brought back memories of the day I decided to propose to Shorty 3 years ago.

I was really nervous when I proposed to Shorty. I don’t really know why… because I was sure she would say yes. Otherwise she wouldn’t have wasted 3 years of her life with me. I guess I was nervous because it was truly one of the biggest decisions I had to make in my life. Marrying “The One”.

This pressure though stems from society or pop-culture’s expectation that we all have “ONE” person that we are meant to be with in our lives. I disagree though. I don’t believe that there is just ONE person for everybody. I believe there are a few (or more). So it’s not about finding “The One”. It’s about finding a person that makes you happy and can make you want to live your life with.

If you realize this then making that one decision becomes a lot easier.  

Shorty and I have been married for 2 years now… but together as a couple for 5. I don’t think that I’m the only person in the world that could make her happy. I think there are more than a few guys out there who could treat her as well as I do and make her as happy as she is right now. The thing is I guess we found each other at the right time… and she feels good enough to want to live life with me.

I talk about the “right time” a lot. That’s because I think while there is more than one suitable person for us out there to live our lives with, I think we could all meet them at different times of our lives. Sometimes we could meet them too early, sometimes much later… and the one you marry is the one you end up meeting at the right time. The time when you feel you’re ready to make the commitment and settle down to start a family.

I used to say that I met Shorty too early. That I hadn’t had enough girlfriends before her… but now I’m just glad I met her at all. We can’t control when the opportunities come… we can however make the decision to seize it when it does.

I saw my opportunity in the form of a short but noisy package… and I seized it. Now I’m happily married. 🙂

Things Shorty & Fatty Say #330 & #331: When I dropped my floss in the toilet


Shorty and I are in our hotel room in Singapore washing up. The sink and the toilet in our hotel bathroom are literally next to each other. I accidentally dropped my dental floss into it.



Me: *sigh* The worst part now is that I still have to put my hand in the toilet and pick it up.

Shorty: Well it could’ve been worse. The toilet could’ve been full of shit. Then you’ll really be in deep shit… HAHAHA GEDDIT GEDDIT?

Me: Don’t be annoying. Okay fine I’ll get it.

Shorty: Wait wait let me take a picture!

Me: NO!

Shorty: *snaps*



Me: *looks at wet dental floss* Do you think I can still use this?



Shorty and I were crossing immigration at the Singapore airport. We were lugging Fighter in his car seat the whole time and before we get to the tall immigration counter, we had to go through this really narrow path. So we were both like stumbling towards the immigration officer seated on his high table. Upon reaching him the immigration officer:

Officer: Sir you’re supposed to come one by…. *looks at a panting stumbling Shorty next to me*…. are you okay?

Shorty: Uhh.. yes… just carrying baby…

Officer: Baby? Where? *looks down* Ohhh..

After we crossed immigration…

Shorty: What do you think the immigration officer was thinking?

Me: I think he was probably thinking that by the way you were walking, you were a person that had special needs or something.

Shorty: NO… I think he probably thought you were kidnapping me and had me handcuffed to you.

Me: No… mine is more plausible.

Shorty: No … mine is.

Things Shorty & Fatty Say #329: Putter and Bread


Shorty and I were at Pavilion. She went shopping for clothes and I went to a golf shop to buy a new putter. When we met up later…


Shorty: Wah why you took so long?

Me: I went to buy a putter.

Shorty: A what?

Me: A putter.

Shorty: What?

Me: Putter.

Shorty: You mean like….. to spread on your bread?


Me: Haha funny.

Shorty: Like Beanut Putter? HAHAHA.

Me: Annoying huh this girl.








I’ve been really stressed at work lately. Sometimes I tell myself I don’t really have a right to be stressed because I think many other people have more stress than I do. Like a man trying to earn enough money to feed his family, or a someone who is avoiding oppression or risks having his freedom taken away. All these situations are a lot more stressful than the work stress I face.

Nevertheless there are times when I do feel really stressed. The stress I normally face is with expectations. It’s when I ask myself… is this all I can do. Is this all I’m able to do… and then I get upset and try to push myself further. Today was one such day… when I feel that I haven’t given something my best… and so I felt stressed because I felt disappointed in myself.

I think different people have different ways of handling stress but generally the solution is either a place or a person. When stressed, some people go to a certain place that relaxes them… it could be the beach, a quiet cafe, the movies… everyone has their own. The person part of this is the person we talk to when we’re feeling stressed. It could be our friends, family or spouse.

My “place” so happens to be London. It’s weird and kinda expensive but it’s the one place that I feel I can let go. London does it well for me because it’s far away, so I feel away from my problems and at the same time because I studied there for 3 years, it feels like home to me. I don’t feel the additional stress or uncertainty of being in a foreign place.

My “person” is… well.. I have a few. My wife, my father, my family and even my friends.

Today after work I came home feeling really stressed from work. I felt like maybe I should make a trip to London or somewhere else to go away and clear my mind. One option was to go to Japan with Ming and Pierre who will be going next week but the only main problem for us is that if we travel we would have to leave Fighter behind. Something that both Shorty and I were uncertain if we could handle. Still because I was stressed I was determined to go away somewhere.

I walked into Fighter’s room to check on him and there he was sleeping in his cot like a cute little angel. As I always do, I bent down and catch a whiff of his hair. Then I gave him a kiss on his forehead. He lay there still sleeping soundly. Before I left the room I decided to give him one last kiss. I leaned down to him, lips just a few centimeters away from his forehead when his eyes suddenly opened wide. His watery eyes first caught sight of me then darted around the room as if trying to figure out how he got into the cot. Then after a journey back and forth, he eyes finally settled on me. Then he gave me a big smile.


That one smile melted away all my problems and stress for those few seconds. Fighter had made my day so much better without even trying. Immediately I felt like I didn’t have the heart to leave him to go on a holiday somewhere even to release stress. I guess we’re not going anywhere again.

I’m so blessed to have Fighter. I guess now I have another “person” to help me relieve my stress.

Nuffnang’s 7th Birthday and Things Shorty & Fatty Say #328

Last night was Nuffnang’s 7th Birthday Party. We had it in Barbecue Garden with the support of Heineken, Mamee and a number of other sponsors.


When I was there I happened to meet a reader who said she loved reading my blog and that I was the only guy blogger she read. I asked her what was it that she liked about what I blogged about… because I’ve never really put a lot of thought into it. I just blog to fun things for myself that I want to remember.

She said she enjoyed the Things Shorty & Fatty Say a lot… because it gave an insight into me and Shorty’s lives. So with that in mind, here’s the latest two.


Shorty is doing some stuff with Colgate lately and part of her engagement was to attend this Colgate briefing to learn about oral hygiene. She came back with a lot of trivia about our mouths that she was sharing with me.

Shorty: Did you know that it’s useless to rinse your mouth with mouthwash if you don’t brush your teeth? Apart from temporarily eliminating your bad breath?

Me: Really? Why?

Shorty: Because if you don’t brush your teeth, there’s still a lot of food stuff or sugar stuff stuck in there.

Me: Oh ….

Shorty: And sugar somehow reacts with the bacteria on your teeth and does this process called demirelazation….

Me: Did you mean demineralization?

Shorty: Ya that’s what I said.

Me: No… you said… demirelazation. C’mon Shorty… you can’t just make up words like that!

Shorty: HAHA! Ok so anyway… the sugar reacts with the bacteria within 5 minutes and you have like acid in your mouth that eats away at your teeth. That’s why toothpaste is alkaline, so that it neutralizes the acid.

Let me end with a picture of Shorty and me at the #Nuffnangis007  party last night. Check out the hashtag on Instagram for the tons of photos taken of the party last night. Barbecue Garden at Life Center is a really nice venue with great food too. Check it out. 


Have a great Sunday everyone!