
Things Shorty & Fatty Say #336: Debate

Wow I realized I haven’t posted a Things Shorty & Fatty Say in a long time. So okay here’s one.


I was having dinner with Shorty a few days ago before watching a movie. During the dinner Shorty was debating something with me and I had a moment. For that one moment I was reminded why I love hanging out with Shorty… because I find her really intellectually stimulating.

So I got out my phone and took a few pictures of her while she continued to lay out her argument for whatever we were debating about.



Then after she finished…

Me: I love that you’re so smart.

Shorty: What what? Smart in what?

Me: Smart like you can debate and I like how you can relay your points really well and they make sense.

Shorty: Do you know what is debate?

Me: What?

Shorty:  Debate is the de thing you catch de fish with.

Me: Huh?

Shorty: De bait… as in “the bait”. AHAHAHAH.

Me: I take it back. My wife is an idioto.

Shorty: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA take so long to get the joke. Who’s the idiot now?

Me: -____-

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How a girl born into a homeless family in KL worked to become a lawyer

Just yesterday I discovered a Dayre blog that really inspired me. It was about a girl who was born into a homeless family who literally lived off the streets of KL. Here’s an excerpt of her entry.

“I wasn’t born into a rich family. When I was born, (and I was the first child) my mom used to tell me that we had no roof over our heads and we were homeless living by the streets. My mom said as a baby, I survived on free sample milk powder she got from clinic to clinic. 

My mom said that things were so bad she had to drink tap water from public toilets back then and my napkins/diapers were changed there as well.

They had a pram, and I was pretty much in that pram pushed all around town. My parents weren’t from kl, and when they did come down to kl they had the most difficult time making ends meet, with no connection/job prospect/offer from anyone whatsoever. 

After about 2 years they managed get a place in town, a small flat but sufficient for us at that time. But by that time 2 years had passed and my second sister was born.”

I can’t imagine what it must be like not just for her but her parents too. I can’t imagine bringing up Fighter while on the streets of KL, without a roof over my head. I guess my experience with Kechara Soup Kitchen has opened my eyes on how the homeless in KL live and just imagining living the life of a homeless person with a baby to take care of… it’s heartbreaking.

This entry affected me in two ways:

1) It made me realize how lucky I have been all my life. How whatever stress I face or have ever faced is nothing compared to the life she or many other people in that situation had ever lived. This story made me count my blessings.

2) It inspired me… that someone so close to home had her own “Pursuit of Happyness” story. It inspires me how people should never give up.

You can read the full story here.

7 Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Should Blog

I was reading Pierre’s Dayre the other day. He was blogging about his business trip to Hong Kong, speaking at a conference and representing his family company Mamee Double-Decker. I loved how his whole entry covered the good balance of his day. From work, to family time and to personal time.


Then I saw one comment.

How do you get yourself involved in such events? I just started my small start up.. life is challenging as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs should make dayre their virtual social circle. Your entries have been inspiring. We need more people like you sharing the journey.

Then it hit me. I love meeting entrepreneurs and hearing their stories. I love listening to their struggles and how they overcame it to where they are today. Reading Pierre’s blog entry on Dayre was me getting a peek into his life and his thoughts. But few entrepreneurs in Malaysia blog and it got me thinking about the benefits I have derived from blogging as an entrepreneur.

1) Building a Following

I remember reading a book by Howard Shultz, the Founder of Starbucks Coffee. It was many years ago when Starbucks and Coffee Bean had just hit the shores of Malaysia and were rapidly expanding. I personally was a fan of Coffee Bean. I don’t know why… they both were essentially the same but I liked it more maybe because Starbucks as a global brand seemed so mainstream. It seemed like this huge corporate brand that had no feelings to me.

Then I started reading the book which followed Howard Schultz from the moment he was on an airplane back home after discovering good coffee and pushed aside the airplane coffee. Vowing then to bring better coffee to America and then to the world. I read about his passion for the brand and the many many little stories that made Starbucks what it was today.

By the end of the book I had suddenly gained an affinity with Starbucks. It’s almost as if I had gone through the entire Starbucks journey with Howard Schultz. Every time I pick up a cup of Starbucks I no longer saw it as a cup of coffee from a cold corporate brand. I remembered the little stories and the hard work that had gone to build it to what it is today.

I’m sure Coffee Bean today has a very successful entrepreneurial story too but I’ve never been exposed to it. I’ve never read it in a book or watched it on a documentary. I’ve never heard the story of Coffee Bean.

Now not all entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to have books or documentaries made of our companies. I know I haven’t had that… but we can all have one other medium to tell our stories. That’s a blog. Not Facebook, not Instagram, not Twitter… no other social platform today can tell a story better than a blog can.

2) Promoting your Startup/Company

Entrepreneurs never just sell one product for the rest of their lives. There’s always a new feature to an existing product, a new product altogether or something different we need to promote. If you blog consistently your blog will eventually have some following. A tool that you can use to promote your own products very naturally and for free too? Why not use it? Look at how Vivy Yusof uses her blog and personality to promote FashionValet.

The best part is that promotional use of your blog doesn’t end at your own company. It can be extended to your personal life too. Remember when I bought a new property a few months ago? I’ve been looking to rent it out and have seeded the word out to many many property agents. All of which came back to viewings but NO offers. None whatsoever.

Then I blogged about it… and almost instantly one of my readers had a brother looking for a place. I just signed the tenancy agreement last week. To that reader.. thank you so much for helping out.

We entrepreneurs are the best advocates for our own products and for our own company and a blog is a tool that helps us amplify that.

Note: Check out Richard Branson’s blog.

3) Reflection 

As entrepreneurs we find ourselves in difficult times of our lives at many different points. We worry about many things that years later we’ll look back and laugh at. Sometimes we remember these stories but sometimes we forget.

I have been blogging for 7 years now which means I have 7 years of memories and thoughts kept in my blog and that’s only growing each day. Every now and then I go back to read my old entries to get a better idea of how I was then… remind myself of the struggles I faced before and drawing lessons and inspirations from them to apply for the struggles I face today.

4) Making A PR Stand to the Public

This is something I see Tan Sri Tony Fernandes of Air Asia do a lot. I used to follow Tony Fernandes’ blog but now he seems to have taken down his blog and focuses mostly on Twitter to do this. He uses his Twitter as a platform to rally support on really public issues that affect his company. For example the recent move of Air Asia to KLIA 2.

Malaysian Airports Holdings was going to close LCCT but Air Asia was reluctant to move to KLIA 2 for many of its own reasons. Both companies couldn’t see eye to eye almost till the moving date. The media reported different stories from different sides. Tony Fernandes though tweeted his reasons directly to the public. Citing higher costs that may be passed on to consumers or safety reasons … many of which would garner public support for Air Asia.

He tweeted

“Let’s be clear. Malaysian Airports is a monopoly. My concern is making sure they keep costs down for the Malaysian public.

“We created low cost travel. We did not ask for a 4 billion [ringgit] terminal that is 3 years late. The present terminal lcct costs RM250 million,” Fernandes said on the microblogging site Twitter.

I can’t imagine local media printing that Malaysian Airports is a monopoly (even though they are)… but he got that out through his own Twitter platform.

Twitter works but 140 characters can be limiting. Blogs allow you to carve arguments and share opinions in a comprehensive way. It’s also multi-platform. Blog entries or articles have been shared on every social media platform.

5) Networking

I was in Bangkok just last week when I met a client. The client asked for my Instagram ID and then went on to add me. When he saw I had 27K followers on Instagram he went “What? How do you have so many? Are you a famous entrepreneur?”. Immediately it broke the ice for us.

If you look around in Malaysia, there are many many internet entrepreneurs far more successful than I am. All of them are on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too.

The only different thing I do is that I blog… and the influence of my blog has translated to numbers in other social media platforms as well. Like Instagram. I haven’t seen it work well in reverse though.

I’ve seen bloggers that had built a Twitter following in the past and then stopped blogging. Then when Instagram came out, they weren’t able to convert their Twitter following to follow them on Instagram. Which is another reason why I keep my blog no matter what. It’s my anchor. It’s the only platform where people can really get to know me. People won’t get to know me over a daily picture of me on my Instagram. They can however get to know what kind of person I am from the way I write.

6) Exhibiting Your Company Culture

Whenever I interview people I always ask them why do they want to work at Nuffnang or ChurpChurp or any of our companies. They often go “Because it looks like a really fun place to work”.

Then I say “How do you know?”… and almost all the time they would come back saying “I read your blog and see all the things you guys do and it sounds like a lot of fun”.

Every time we do something fun in our office I blog about it and as a result of that my blog had accidentally become a medium in which exhibits our company culture.

The truth is many other companies out there are really fun too and have very fun culture but most people don’t hear about it. In fact… something I always tell people is that our company isn’t necessarily all fun. There are times when we’re all really stressed out too or unhappy about things too just like any other company out there. But I guess the good thing is that people are hearing about our company rather than not.

7) Lastly… yes there is a huge demand for entrepreneur bloggers

I don’t do a lot of sponsored posts on my blog because I find it hard to find the time to do it but the truth is there is a HUGE demand for entrepreneurs who blog but very very low supply.

The premium the client will pay for this of course depends on how famous your business is. So if you have a very well-known business like say you’re Pierre Pang of Mamee Double-Decker then yes they would most likely be willing to pay more.

This however I would say should be the last reason why you should blog. Blog for yourself… for your business… and know that money is really just a bonus.


The one thing I realize is difficult for entrepreneurs is finding the time to blog. I can relate to that. Sometimes I’m so busy I find it so hard to blog and I had many times in the past 7 years considered even giving up my blog but I’m glad I didn’t.

It’s hard to keep up with blogging but the good news is that technology has made it easier. WordPress and Tumblr allow you to blog from your mobile device so you can do it every time you have any few minutes of idle time.

Or you can use Dayre which I feel makes the entire task of blogging a real joy. If you are an entrepreneur and have just gotten on Dayre… please share your Dayre username with me in the comments. I’d love to follow yours.

How I Ended Up In University College London (Part 2)

Back to my A-level days, I was struggling so hard with my A-levels had totally forgotten about my SATs. My low confidence I had in doing math totally made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to get into Harvard anyway.. why bother applying?

So when it came to applying for universities in the UK, I looked at universities that were good at economics and then I applied in the following order of my preference.

1) Oxford (obviously)

2) London School of Economics

3) University College London

4) University of Warwick

5) Durham University.

To be honest I was only looking at the first two because my parents had never heard of UCL, Warwick and Durham. So if I had failed to get into Oxford or London School of Economics I would probably have ended up in Australia. My parents were thinking of sending me to Sydney. University of New South Wales. My cousins went there and they have a really high regard for the university.

I filled in the UCAS form which is really one form that you can use to apply to 5 different universities and I submitted and waited. After a month or so I finally got my first offer. It was from Durham University that promised to offer me a spot in their university if I got ABB for my A-level results. That means a minimum of 1A and 2Bs. I thought it was quite achievable but it didn’t matter. I didn’t think my parents would let me go anyway.

Then came Warwick that offered me a spot for 2As and 1B. A higher standard but it didn’t matter again.

And then it happened. I had my first rejection letter from Oxford. Right after that… a rejection letter from the London School of Economics. The LSE one hit me the hardest. It hit me the hardest for two reasons:

1) It put the nail in the coffin for any remote chance of me studying in the UK since I had already gotten rejected by Oxford… the one other university that my parents recognize. Well they recognize Imperial College too but I wasn’t up for doing engineering.

2) The other reason why being rejected by LSE hurt because not one of my friends who applied there got rejected. Almost everyone who applied to LSE had gotten it. Some even turned it down for other universities… and I had failed to get it.

I started looking at Australian universities and more or less accepted that I would be studying there. Australia has a good education system and I had loads of friends going there too so I don’t know why I wanted to go to the UK so badly.

I had totally forgotten about UCL. until one day out of a big surprise my parents were talking to some of their friends about universities in the UK and UCL came up. They left that conversation thinking that UCL is actually a really good university and if I had gotten in they would let me go to the UK. Plus for the past two years UCL had ranked top in the UK for Economics and that was what I applied for. My hopes of going to the UK was renewed. So I waited for my offer letter to come and one day it finally did.

UCL offered me a position to study Economics at their university. Their offer though was AAA. 3 As. Given that I only took 3 subjects in A-Levels that meant I had to get straight As. Slightly more challenging but I had good hope. If I got in, my parents had agreed to send me to UCL.

So I studied hard and exam time came. I was only worried about Mathematics but after all the studying and practice I had done, I felt confident. The paper came and went and I felt confident I would get an A for it.

My next two papers were easy. Economics and Accounting. Both subjects that I’m good at. I aced the Economics paper… but something happened in my Accounting paper. I had done everything comfortably and was spending the last 10 minutes or so of my paper checking my answers over and over again. Then came the last 3 minutes and it was then that it hit me. I hadn’t turned to see a couple of last questions at the back of the paper. Panicked I hurriedly scribbled down answers of them as fast as I could… with whatever seconds I had left. In what felt like a flash… time was up… and I had my incompleted paper sitting right in front of me.

A few months later my A-levels results came back. I had gotten an A for both my Mathematics and Economics… but a B for my Accounting. One A short of qualifying for UCL. I felt angry at myself but I decided that hey… let me try one more thing. I called up UCL all the way from my home in Penang…. I told them about my situation and I appealed for them to still take me.

They promised to look into my case and at my personal statements… and they asked me which subjects I had gotten A for. I gave them everything they needed and hung up. There was nothing to do then but wait.

A couple of weeks later I got a letter from them saying that my appeal had gone through. They accepted me. I was so happy I ran to tell my parents and we immediately started making plans to go to London.

A few months later I was sitting in for my first lecture. Unlike LSE, UCL isn’t really popular with Malaysians. So there were only 4-6 Malaysians in my entire year. All of them… had gotten straight As to get in. They were surprised when I told them my story of how I appealed.

It took me only the first year to realize that while I liked studying Economics in A-levels, I hated it in university. At university, the Economics we did was very very mathematical. I spent years writing pages and pages of formula and all sorts of equations that I never use again today. I hated it… and my worried parents told me I could come home or burn a year and choose another university or course. But I said no… I promised them that I would finish what I started. I graduated 3 years later.

The 3 years I had in UCL were great fun.

I loved it… though the only thing I regret is that I didn’t skip enough classes to fully enjoy my student life there. Still… UCL was awesome and I’m glad it’s now made it to the 4th best university in the world.

How I Ended Up in University College London (Part 1)

Today I came across this article. It talked about how University College London beat Oxford for the 4th ranked university in the world. I was surprised but happy… so happy that I shared it with my fellow ex-uni mates and they’re all celebrating it too.

That article brought me back to many many years back thinking about how I ended up in UCL… and the struggles I had in college.

After I finished Form 5 I did my A-Levels. For the first time in my life I had to pick what I wanted to study in university for real and I guess I settled for Economics. Why? Because I guess I kinda liked Economics in A-levels… I enjoyed it.

After I knew what I wanted to study, I had to decide on where. I had initially wanted to study in the US but my parents only agreed to send me if I got into top top universities there. Universities that they would have heard of before. That means MIT, Stanford, Harvard and the likes. Even Duke, Brown, University of Chicago, Northwestern and colleges like that which were top education institutions in their own right wouldn’t pass the test. If I didn’t make any of these then my parents wouldn’t send me. They would send me instead to Australia.

So I studied for my SATs and I studied for quite a while but as I started my A-levels something else hit me. Mathematics. You see…. in school I had never been really good at mathematics. So I didn’t opt to take add maths. I did however still get my A1 in modern mathematics but that’s just modern maths.

Then I went to A-levels and I took mathematics because it was an important subject to take in order to get admitted into a good university. I remember my first lesson of mathematics at A-levels. We were doing differentiation and the lecturer Miss J was teaching as if it was something we should have already known. I was clueless.  I was like.. wtf is differentiation? I didn’t study that in modern maths.

At the end of the lesson I went up to Miss J and told her that I didn’t do add maths in school. She then asked me to drop mathematics in A-levels because she said I would find it way too difficult.

I considered it but I decided not to do it. I decided that even though I was bad in mathematics I would work hard and got my A. My parents supported me by getting me a really good mathematics teacher named Jahn.

When I told Miss J that I wasn’t going to drop mathematics though she literally just said “Why? You’re going to fail… I’m telling you”. I didn’t want to believe her so I went on ahead with it anyway.

I spent my entire A-levels struggling with Mathematics. I spent about 70% of my time studying on Mathematics and the remaining 30% on the other subjects I was doing… which to me weren’t even remotely as difficult as mathematics.

I remember one trial exam we did. Miss J failed like half the class with the highest scoring one getting only 76. I ended up with a score of 58… which relative to a lot of my friends and the rest of my class was considered good. When she passed me in the hallway one day, Miss J said “I’m really surprised you passed your test. Not bad… not bad”.

It was obvious to me by then what kind of teacher Miss J was. She’s embraced and celebrated the gifted students who were good at the subject she taught, but she discouraged, demotivated and was impatient with the students who were slow. I was one of them slow students so whenever I asked her for help she got very agitated very quickly if I didn’t catch something fast enough. The top students in the class would say Miss J was a good teacher… but I disagreed. It was then that I learned what a good teacher really meant. A good teacher isn’t the one that helps top students score good marks. They’re going to score good marks anyway with or without your teaching help. A good teacher is the one who can find the struggling students and turn them to A students.

After 1 and a half years, the finals grades came in and I had gotten an A for Mathematics. I proudly met Miss J one day in Midvalley and told her that I had gotten an A. She said “I always knew you would get an A”. I just smiled back at her because I didn’t want to put her on the spot or anything. Looking back now though I feel like I should’ve said something. I should have told her how my A had nothing to do with her and if anything she had made it harder for me to get an A with all the confidence issues she gave me. Maybe I should have told her that.. so she wouldn’t do the same to any other student. But alas… I didn’t. I walked away… and I have never seen her since.

I realize this blog entry already seems pretty long so I’m going to split it into a part 2 for the next entry. So to be continued….

What Shorty Did For My Birthdays

My 30th birthday is coming up and I told Shorty that since it’s my 30th, and I only turn 30 once I should do a party of some sort. So she’s been helping me organize a birthday party.

This process made me reflect on how I spent my previous birthdays.

29th birthday

This was last year. Shorty organized a dinner for about 50 of my friends. It was held in Thai Thai at Sunway Pyramid because the owner is a close friend of mine and he was able to provide a function room for us. Not only that by the end of the night he gave us a discount on the bill too.

28th birthday

Two years ago. I was going through sort of a thrill-seeking phase at that point in time. Always wanted to do things that were potentially dangerous but exciting. So what Shorty did was she planned a surprise “Pilot for a day” experience where I would learn some basics of flying then have a pilot fly me up in a propellor plane.

Then right above KL he would let me take the wheel and for the first time experience flying a plane.

All this while Shorty sat in the backseat of the plane with me.

It was truly an experience to remember. After that experience we went off to a “surprise” dinner at Delicious. I say “surprise” because I knew there was going to be a dinner but I didn’t know who she had invited.

27th birthday

This one led to a bit of an argument. You see before this birthday, I had always given Shorty a lot of surprise birthday parties. So this year she wanted to give me a very secretive surprise.

As time got closer I kinda got the hint that it was a surprise trip away. I mean why else would she ask me to book a range of dates to make sure I kept them free. That’s what led to the fight.

You see… I didn’t want to go away on my birthday. I wanted to spend my birthday with my friends… not away somewhere. Shorty though thought it would be a good surprise because she said I was always really stressed with work and some time away would help. I wanted to cancel it or not go but Shorty had already booked everything. So our mismatched expectations caused a fight.

Nevertheless I went for the trip anyway. It was to Krabi and Shorty had booked this really nice resort there called Centara Grand.

It was a beautiful resort and the service was just awesome.

We spent the next few days there doing nothing but eating, lazing around and having lots of massages.

My birthday song was sang to me by only one person that year. Shorty…. at night.. on this patio that was connected to our room.

While we started that trip on a negative note… we ended with a good one. I apologized to Shorty for being upset at her for booking this surprise away even though I had wanted to celebrate with my friends… and I told her what a good time I had.

And you know what the funny thing is….

When I think back about my past 3 birthdays…. I’ve done some nice things. I’ve celebrated with my friends and I’ve even flown a plane. But when I think back on which birthday was the most memorable to me… it was my the surprise trip to Centara Grand. To think that the birthday I thought I would enjoy the least… turned out to be the one I remembered the most.

I don’t know what this year’s birthday is going to be like…. but as long as I have Shorty with me.. I think it’s going to be great.

New Outfits

So while we were in Tokyo I suddenly decided to make a change. I decided that I wanted to dress better. When I first met Shorty I would put more effort into my dressing well.. because I was courting her.

Over the years however that has deteriorated. I started getting lazier and lazier and ended up wearing only t-shirts and jeans for most of my days. Even at work.  The jeans I wore… were all baggy.. because I didn’t like how skinny jeans were tight and gave me little room for me to pocket things. I dressed to be comfortable.. not to look good.

It dawned on me I guess that I was being selfish. Shorty never let herself go. She still put in a lot of effort into making herself look good… which in turn makes me look good. So why shouldn’t I look good for her. So I decided to put in more effort.

In Japan I appointed Shorty my “stylist” and we went to shop for a new wardrobe. I started doing #OOTDs on my Dayre and my Instagram and here are the results over the past week.



Shorty loves layering. That means wearing layers on top of one another. I always avoided that because it’s really hot in Malaysia. And heck I did find some shirts that were “fake layering” that means they look like two years but are actually just one. But even then it’s really really hot.

Shorty said however…. “Nobody said fashion had to be comfortable”.



I do think Shorty has great taste though. She knows not just how to match colors and all but also to add something unique but not to go too far. When I tried to add something more… like a neck chain or something she knows how to say… “No… too ah beng”.

My guy friends on the other hand have been wondering if I had fallen ill or something. They think my #OOTD shots and all are really “gay”… in their words. Well I’m not homophobic and in fact I have a lot of friends who are gay…. so being called “gay” for doing something doesn’t really make me wanna stop doing it.

Here’s the last one. Since today is Labor Day I decided to wear something more casual.


But I love the t-shirt. It’s so cute and has this furry thing on the front. Also approved  by my stylist. Heh.

I just wonder how long this will last. Hehehe.

What do you guys think of my new style?

PS: Oh… and funny thing right. It’s only one week since I’ve had this new style and I’m already getting clothing brands who are reaching out to me to style and wear their stuff. Haha cool… maybe I can be a fashion blogger. LOL.

Things Shorty & Fatty Say #335: Missing breast pump



We’re on the plane to Tokyo when suddenly Shorty goes:

Shorty: NOOOOOO!!!

Me: What what?

Shorty: NOOOO NO NO NO!!!

Me: What?!

Shorty: I think I remember what I forgot to bring now.

Me: What?

Shorty: My breast pump.

Me: WHAT?! (This is a big deal because Shorty is still breastfeeding so she needs to pump milk twice a day or her boobs will explode).

Shorty: I remember packing it into the bag last night but I took it out this morning to pump again before we left for the airport and I can’t remember if I put it back.

Me: Great.

Shorty: I guess you’re going to have to suck the milk out Fats…

Me: NO!

Shorty: What do you mean No? George did it for his wife.

Me: He did? Why?

Shorty: She had a blocked duct or something so he had to unblock it.

Me: Yes.. that’s a blocked duct. You’re asking me to suck out two full milk bottles of milk. That’s more than Fighter drinks at one go. NO!

Shorty: You gonna have to.

Me: NO! You’re just going to have to buy a manual pump.

When we landed and got our check-in bags she quickly opened it to look for the pump.

Me: So?

Shorty: So when do you want to start sucking it out Fats?

Me: NO!

Shorty: HAHA Joking la.. it’s here.

Me: -___-

My New Blog Layout!

Hey Guys

How do you like my new blog layout? Heh.. after all these years I’ve finally decided that it’s time to update my blog layout. This has been a work in progress for the past 6 months to be honest. Not because it takes 6 months to update my blog template but because I told our design team if they’re ever free they can help me come up with a new design for my blog.

They’re rarely free of course… hence the 6 months.

Let me tell you what I like about this blog.

1) The picture on top

When choosing a design for the top, there were so many options. I knew I wanted something more than just a blog title there but also not too much such that it looked a bit cluttered. We initially picked a photo of Shorty and me kissing (wedding photo) but I was like… kinda grossed out about it.

So we finally ended up with this one which I thought was perfect. Of me leading Shorty somewhere which I think really symbolises what this blog is about. Me leading my Shorty through life…. since Shorty is a big part of my life now… and me having a family and building a business.

2) Mobile Version

This is a long time coming. Especially for those of you who read my blog on Imotiv. It really isn’t as easy to read without a mobile version. So here we are. This blog is now mobile compatible.

3) It’s Dark everywhere else but white where the text is.

This was a criteria for me. Nothing is easier to read than black text on a white background.

For this wonderful blog I have to thank: Yuan Hooi, Hon Mun, Farah and Nick Tee. Thank you guys!

What do you guys think of my new blog layout?

Oh on another note, today is my business partner Ming’s birthday. Happy Birthday Ming!

Hey Jude

For those of you who don’t remember… Fighter’s real name is Jude. Heh… sometimes I even forget that. When people see me with him and ask me “What’s his name?”, I often go “Fighter”…  and then they ask me “Serious?”

And I pause for a while before I say “Jude”.

We named him Jude after the famous Beatles song. Shorty is a big Beatles fan and she likes Jude because it’s a fairly uncommon name in Malaysia and it’s not too pretentious a name. A simple name.

One of the things Shorty has always done for him is sing “Hey Jude” to him. The first time was when he was still with tubes and a mask over him in an incubator.

She felt that the song made him feel more calm and relaxed. Call it Mother’s Instinct or what but I agree with her. Not just that, her singing makes me… the Daddy… more calm too. Heh.

Just last week Shorty and I were putting him to bed. Our routine now is that Shorty will play Fighter the song “Hey Jude” from a music box a friend gave us. I took this video of it.

He seemed much more happy and active rather than sleepy but that’s my boy.

Fifteen minutes later… he was fast asleep.