Today on the 6th of June 2014, I finally turn 30. I’ve dreaded this day… not just because it’s the end of my twenties and not just because I’m getting older. I’ve already been feeling that. Before whenever I attend meetings, I used to be the youngest person in the room. Now I no longer am. I won’t say I’m the oldest, but I’m somewhere in between.

I dread turning 30 because I realize a lot of things are different at age 30 as opposed to me being age 20. So I actually sat down today on my birthday and made a list of things that are different when I’m 30 … as opposed to when I was 20. Here is that list.
1) I feel a lot more vulnerable with health
I felt invincible when I was 20. I didn’t think any sickness will come of me and I wasn’t afraid to go out late at night and wake up early the next morning to go to class. My body would be able to take it.
At age 30 though I feel the difference. If I stay out late one night and wake up early the next morning I will feel the burden on my body. I also feel a lot more vulnerable when it comes to health issues. I fear that the possibility of things like cancer or any other disease really isn’t as far away as it was before. I’m sure this vulnerability will only increase with each decade to come but for the first time, I’m very conscious of it.
While I never bothered to go for any health checkups at all before. I now make it a point to go once a year.
2) People depend on me
Before I had no responsibilities to my name. In fact I was my parents’ responsibility. They were responsible for bringing me up, taking care of me and even providing me with the good education I had. I didn’t have to really take care of anyone.
Today my wife and my son depend on me. Not just financially but also in being there for them when they need me. For the first time I start thinking if I have saved up enough for them if I died all of a sudden.
The sense of responsibility doesn’t just end with my wife and son. It extends to my parents, that sooner or later as they grow older… they will need me more than ever. I still pray and hope that my parents have really good health for as many years as possible, but I know everyone has a time.. and each year as I get closer to that time, so do my parents.
3) Money
I didn’t have much money when I was 20. Well I was blessed that my parents provided me with whatever I needed but I didn’t have much money to my name. If I wanted to buy a new phone or a computer, I had to ask my parents. Unlike many of my peers, I didn’t work part-time as a student to learn to save up money to buy these things to myself.
Now at age 30 I feel that I have more money to my name. I’m not super wealthy or anything but I think I have enough to buy that new mobile phone when I crave for it. Or that new bicycle. Having money also brings us one other thing… and that is …
4) Freedom
With money comes some freedom to some extent. You can go for the holidays you want to go for, you can eat out when you feel like eating out. But freedom at age 30 extends beyond that.
Because I am no longer stay under the roof of my parents, I can live my own life. I can go out whenever I feel like it, sleep late, eat out.. whatever I wanted. The irony is that now that I have the freedom to do whatever I want, I find myself living less of the crazy life I imagined I would live if I had freedom, and more of the life my parents wanted me to live.
I don’t stay out late at night, I don’t eat out as much… and things like that. I remember those days when even the amount of time I spend in front of the computer or phone would come under some lecturing from my parents. Today I can talk on the phone or be on the computer as much as I want any nobody would say anything. But I don’t do that anymore. If I were to be on the phone for long it’s mostly because of work calls.
5) Guy friends and girl friends
At age 20 I had so many girl friends that I hung out with. Going out clubbing or to a bar isn’t the same with a bunch of guys as it is with a mixed bunch of guys and girls.
Today I hardly have any girl friends that I hang out with and almost all my friends are guys. The people I play golf with, go cycling with or even go out drinking with… all guys. Very rarely is there a girl among us and if there is, it’s probably one of the wives.
I don’t really know why. Maybe it’s because at age 30 when most of us are married or in serious relationships we don’t care for meeting more girls. We just learn to value guy to guy conversations a lot more. My guy friends aren’t my wingmen anymore at age 30, they’re the pillars of support that we talk and laugh about with when it comes to the struggles of life.
6) Taste in Cars
When I was 20, I was like most 20 year olds. Ask me what was my dream car and I would say the F word (Ferrari that is.. not the other F word).
Today at age 30 I admire Ferraris for being beautiful cars but when it comes to cars I really want… I want a 5-seater car with four doors and plenty of space for me to put a baby chair. i used to think cars like the Toyota Camry are the ugliest cars in the world. It’s just big and fat and tall. Today I look at the new Camry and even though it still isn’t a beautiful car to me I think to myself “Hey… this car quite spacious hor… can put baby chair, stroller and gold bag all”.
7) Time no longer belongs to me
At age 20, time belonged to me. I chose when I wanted to study, how much I wanted to study or how I wanted to play.
At age 30, time doesn’t belong to me. 1/3 of time belongs to my family. That I have to spend with them no matter what.

1/3 of time belongs to work. That I spend in the office working to earn a living.
And the last 1/3… that’s all I have left for myself. For cycling, for golf.. that’s it. Now some of us spend 80% of our time working and 20% for family with almost none for ourselves. That happens to most of us… but for me I try… and I struggle to keep with that 1/3 for family, personal and work. because I think that’s the perfect balance.
8) Friends
As I grow older I realize that I have fewer and fewer friends. Now don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of people I know and a lot of people I occasionally hang out with that I call friends. But if you talk about friends as in the people who spend a regular and significant amount of time with every week… I have much less of those today than I did in my 20s.
Why? That goes down to time. Having a girlfriend/wife takes up time… having a kid takes up more time. Also as my parents get older and more vulnerable I find myself having to need to spend more time with them too. So I have even less time to invest with more and more friends. So today I have a lot of friends that I meet up with once in a while… but very few regular friends. The thing is most of them too experience the same thing with family commitments and all… so we all drift apart… but the good news is that we still sometimes find a way to keep in touch.
Yes today I turn 30 and there are so many things that are different than 10 years ago. The truth is that I don’t think it’s different bad or different good. I just think it’s… different different.
Perhaps that’s what life is about… that sometimes we need to grow older and move into new phases of life with new challenges or we just get bored.
I hope I will live through a good 30s as I did in my 20s and for anyone turning 30 this year, I hope you do too.