Here’s the problem I always have. No matter how big my phone’s storage space is, I ALWAYS run out it eventually because I’m taking new photos and videos every day. So every now and then I have to make it a point to plug my phone into my computer and then transfer all my photos into an external hard disk to clear up storage space on my phone. That’s fine and all except that:

1) It’s a hassle.
2) Once my external hard disk failed and I almost lost all my photos from years before. It was painful.
We live in a world now where more and more things are “on the cloud”. We stream music, rather than store MP3s on our computer, we even stream videos and store most of our files online now for easy sharing. So I thought…
Why isn’t there an easy way to store all my photos automatically from my phone to a cloud ?
The answer is… THERE IS. Dropbox, Flickr all provide us a service to do just that and automatically too. You take a picture and it will automatically upload it on to your Dropbox/Flickr account so you will never have to worry about having to keep a copy on your phone.
BUT here’s the problem. They both are free only to a certain storage space and then after that they cost money. That’s a problem for me because even though Flickr gives me 1TB of space for photos (Which is a lot), I’m sure I’m gonna exceed that some time in my life and I don’t want to be forced to pay. And I also don’t want to get my hopes up that they’ll give out more space for free in future. What if they don’t?
Then just yesterday Hui Wen gave me the PERFECT solution. The perfect solution lay in Google Plus.
At first I was like? Google Plus? Isn’t that a social network?
Then I learned that it was more than a social network. There are many many productivity tools built into it but the one that’s relevant to my current problem here is their photos page. They allow me to upload an UNLIMITED number of photos on it for FREE. Heck I don’t even need to personally upload it. Every time my phone connects on to wi-fi it will automatically upload all the photos I took on to my account. And yes it’s secure. None of the photos are shared unless I personally choose to share it.
Here’s how you get started.
Note that the screenshots below are from my Sony Xperia Z3 Android phone. I haven’t tried it on my iPhone yet but Hui Wen uses an iPhone and she uses Google+ photos just fine.
1) Download the Google+ app from the iOS app store or Google Play and login.

As long as you have a Gmail account you have a Google + account.
2) Find the Photos tab.

Click on to the “Everything Tab” then on to “Photos” on the bottom left.
3) Click on 3 dots on the top right of the screen. Then go to settings.

You can then set how you want your photos to be backed up. I choose mine to do it only when I’m over wifi so it doesn’t eat into my data plan.
After that. You’re all done. Every photo you take from now onwards will be automatically synced to your Google account and stored there. So no more transferring into an external hard disk. Whenever I run out of space I just delete the photos and I know I have a copy of it on my Google account.
In fact I actually took an extra step after this. I went to Google+ on my PC and then uploaded the years of photos I have from the external hard disks on to Google+. As I type this, the whole uploading process is still going on because I have that many photos. But after that’s done… the best part is… I have everything in the cloud forever.
Along the way you’ll notice some really fun things that Google+ Photos does too. It’ll sort photos automatically for you based on trips you take.

It’ll also create gifs out of photos you take together and automatically make collages. It’s search function also makes it easier to find photos. Browsing all your photos on the web is such a joy.
I’m still new to this whole thing and exploring all the features and I’ll come back and add on to this article if I find anything new that is add-worthy. But in the mean time here are some questions I predict you might have and here are the answers:
1) Is it safe?
Yes and no. Yes in the sense that if you’re comfortable enough putting those photos on your social networks then yes it’s safe. In fact unlike photos on your social networks, nobody will be able to see your photos on Google+ Photos unless you choose to share it. You can choose to private it.
But no in the sense that if you’re taking nude photos of yourself or stuff like that then yes probably not a good idea to have it online or even on your phone (in case it gets stolen). Remember what happened to the iCloud nude photos saga?
2) What if Google shuts down?
Google is a company that has a market cap of $360 billion today making it one of the biggest companies in the world today. Yes it could shut down.. but personally I would bet the chances of my hard disk failing is higher than Google failing and not giving us a chance to import our photos out.
3) If it constantly uploads photos will it eat up my data plan?
No you can set it to just upload and backup the photos when you’re over Wifi.
There is ONE downside to Google+ photos. Its unlimited storage is for “standard” size photos 2,048 pixels at widest which is the resolution of the iPad’s Retina display. For high resolution photos Google gives you some free storage but beyond that you have to pay.
So if for example you want to store high resolution pictures from your DSLR then yes maybe you’re better off storing it elsewhere. For me I personally find 2,048 pixels is enough.
So there you have it everyone! The easiest way I’ve found so far to store my photos. Now I no longer have to manually transfer photos to my hard disk when my phone runs out of storage space.
Feel free to ask any questions and I’ll answer best I can. If you find this tip helpful then please do share it with any friends who have this same problem.