
3 Awesome TV Shows You May Not Have Heard of

Shorty and I love TV shows. Every night if we’re not out we cuddle together in our room, turn on the TV and watch a TV show we’re following. There are a lot of great TV shows out there. My favourite ones from before are Friends, Entourage, Desperate Housewives, 24…  heck the list goes on.

As for TV Shows that are currently running, there are many great ones too. Game of Thrones, Walking Dead etc etc. These shows have such a big fan base you definitely would have heard of them.

So I started thinking about great TV shows that are currently running that not everyone may know about. Because it doesn’t get as much hype as Game of Thrones and I came up with 3.

3) The Americans

I think we first heard about this from Reddit. It’s about the lives of two Russian spies who live in the US during the Cold War and pose as Americans with really legit lives. They have kids, a home, jobs etc etc.

It’s awesome!

2) Orange is the New Black

Of the 3 TV shows here, this is probably the most well known. Orange is the New Black is often touted as one of the best Netflix produced TV Shows (right along with House of Cards which is also one of my favorites).

It’s about life in a minimal security women’s prison. We (Shorty and I) love the show for the dialogue and the characters.

1) Black Mirror

Shorty and I have only watched two episodes of this British TV series and we are like blown away. It’s got to be one of the best TV Shows ever. Each episode is its own story about the future and the possibilities (and implications/consequences) of technology. It’s very original and very often keeps you at the edge of your seat wanting to know what’s going to happen next.

I don’t watch many TV Series from the UK, but this one… you really have to watch!


Okay time for us to go back and be couch potatoes!

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Happy New Year 2015!

Hello everyone!

Just want to drop in here to wish you guys Happy New Year!

Don’t be deceived by the nice fireworks picture there. That’s actually a picture Ming took of the Hong Kong fireworks this year.


I on the other hand had a rather uneventful New Year’s Eve. I had dinner at home, hung around with Fighter and then put him to sleep. After that I watched a movie and waited on my balcony for the countdown. Smoking a cigar with my brother.

I messaged some of my friends and asked them how they were spending their NYE and surprisingly a big bunch of them were just spending it at home too. Is this age that has finally caught up with us? I remember in my early twenties it was almost unheard of to hear of any of my friends staying at home for New Year’s Eve.

2014 was a challenging year for me but I’m really excited for 2015. This time last year I made a New Year Resolution to do more exercise. So I started cycling and playing badminton. New Year resolution fulfilled.

I’m still thinking about what my New Year resolution for 2015 should be. One idea I had was to make it a point to give an amount of money… e.g. RM500 every month to a charity or to someone I know personally who really needs financial help. I thought about this because just last week when I was wrapping up the year I was doing some math and realized that while I have made some donations, it hadn’t been as much charity as I wanted to for the year.

So in that last week I rushed. Making out cheques to people I knew personally who needed help to support their families and to charities. Besides my mom tells me that as long as we’re able to save and live comfortable lives, we should always find a way to give back.

I thought about this but I’m not sure if it counts as a New Year Resolution. Maybe it’s just one of the things I should be doing anyway.

Anyway I’ll think about it. If you guys have suggestions or thoughts for New Year Resolutions or have yours to share please do share them. I’m looking for ideas.

Happy New Year everyone. I hope 2015 will be really great for all of us.

My 2014 in Review

The week we’re on now (the week in between Christmas and New Year’s) is a week of reflection for me. It’s when I reflect at everything that happened in 2014. The truth is I don’t think anyone really has a perfectly stellar year. Each year we’re met with a lot of challenges in our personal, work and family lives. In that respect this year has been a challenging one for me.

But if we look hard enough there are the good things too and the purpose of this post of mine is to reflect on those good things. To be thankful that they happened.

So here’s what I’m thankful for in 2014.

1) I Discovered Cycling


If you follow me on Dayre you’d probably realize that cycling plays a huge part in my life. I make it a point to go out on a ride as often as I can. This time last year though I hadn’t even owned a bicycle. It all started in January 2014. I was making New Year’s Eve Resolutions when I decided that one of the resolutions I need to make was to exercise more.

Sure I played golf and I occasionally went to the gym but that wasn’t enough (and golf isn’t really cardio). So I decided to take up cycling, buying my first bicycle somewhere towards the end of January if I remember correctly. It’s been an insane ride. Since then I’ve actually influenced a number of my friends to start cycling and we all go on regular rides together now. Not only that I’ve also met a lot of people from cycling.

Almost one year into cycling, I feel healthier and much more fit.

2) I was nominated for some awards.


This year I was nominated for the Prestige 40 under 40, making it to the Top 10 along with some of my buddies like Bryan, Kenny, David, Chan and Chung Lynn. The award night was good fun with all of us having drinks and joking around until our names got called and we all went on to stage. To my surprise I ended up winning the RHB Excellence Award that night too.

I also got nominated for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award under the Emerging Category. I didn’t win though. The winner was the guy behind a curtain company called MK Curtain and I thought it was well deserved because he had one awesome rags to riches story. Being nominated was enough for me.

3) I got to watch Fighter grow


This year I got to see Fighter grow from a newborn to an almost toddler. Watching him grow, learning new tricks each day has been such a joy.

4) We got Bump

This year we were blessed with another gift. Shorty is now pregnant with our number two. A baby girl.

Shorty is really excited and shopping up a storm for cute baby girl clothes now in anticipation for Bump.

5) I Found Balance

When I first joined Entrepreneur Organization a few years ago, they taught me about finding balance. About how we need to find balance in our personal, family and work/business life. Most of the time we find it easy to spend a lot of time with work and family commitments but hard to fulfill our personal needs. Personal needs mean two things… doing things that make you happy and doing things that make you healthy.

This year I found it. I love cycling, it fulfills both my happy and healthy needs and I love badminton too. Every week I end up playing badminton twice a week and then cycling another twice. That makes it four days in a week of healthy and happy stuff.

The rest of my time is spent at work and with my family. Fighter and Shorty. I struggled to find this balance in the past few years but I’m glad I’ve finally found it at least for now. I just hope i’ll be able to keep it.

6) Some of the stories on my blog went viral

This is something I never really expected before and has never really happened until this year. This year I shared some of the stories that seemed to have gotten quite a number of shares and comments.

Here are some of the notable ones.

The Story of a Mercedes Salesman

The Sacrifice my Filipino Maid Makes

Why you must never ask a couple why they haven’t had kids yet

Unfortunately I switched sharing and comments tools on my blog just a few months ago so that messes up the number of shares that some of those articles got but in any case I was happy to see more interaction on my blog.

7) Netccentric had a great 2014

Netccentric did well in 2014 and where I’m really happy was that this year we saw a lot of the growth of the group coming from overseas. It means a lot to me because in the early years of Netccentric we had invested in starting companies in foreign countries and we had waited for a long time for it to bear fruit. So long that at times I even began to doubt and wonder if we had made the right decisions.

This year though that doubt had all been dispelled. Nuffnang China, Nuffnang Thailand, Nuffnang Australia and all posted great results.

So that’s my 2014 everyone. I hope everyone has had an overall great 2014 and I hope 2015 would be even more awesome for you guys.

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!!!

Hi Everyone,

I”m back in Penang for Christmas as I usually do every year. While I’m Christian, my family isn’t Christian so we don’t celebrate Christmas by going to church and all. But still Christmas is a time of the year where our family does try to get together… back with my parents in Penang.

I’m sure you guys are really busy with your Christmas plans today so I just want to say a very quick Merry Christmas to everyone!

It’s my favorite time of the year.


Christmas Decorations in the Netccentric Office, 2014 edition!

So remember how every year our office would have a Christmas Decorations competition between departments (click for last year’s).


Well this year we had it again and I feel everyone took it to a whole new level of competitiveness. They went with different themes and all. This time though someone suggested instead of just internal judging, that we would post the pictures on social media and then let people vote for it.


Not wanting to flood our official social media accounts with all the tons of photos, some of the Nuffies suggested we use my Dayre account and that’s what I did.

I gotta say I love how our office feels every Xmas. It’s the most Christmas-sy place in Malaysia to me. More so than even the malls. When you walk in you see all these Xmas decorations and hear Xmas music in the background.

Ah it’s so wonderful.

Anyway to see all the photos of the Christmas decorations in our office, it’s all on my Dayre here.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Do we spend money on ourselves just to feel less stressed?

At my weekend cycling adventure today one of my friends brought his new bicycle. He had spent a fortune on his new bicycle, upgrading everything to almost the top possible spec for each thing. I suspect his bike cost somewhere around the region of RM40,000. That’s equivalent to a small car.


This is my bike. It doesn’t cost that much.

While we were admiring his bike he didn’t seem to talk so much about his bike itself but more about how stress he is at work. He is an entrepreneur behind a really successful business. I found it odd at first. Why is it he suddenly brought up the matter of work stress when we’re talking about something so happy like his bicycle. Then I began to understand.

He’s been really stressed with work. His business has been affected by some really tough challenges lately and he had been working very late and sleeping very little. So to make himself feel happier he splurged on the expensive bicycle. The bicycle that we were all admiring was something he loved but something he couldn’t help associate with the stress he was facing.

Then I thought about myself and whether I had bought nice things for myself just to make myself feel better when I was really stressed. The answer is yes. So when people say a tai tai spends a lot of money to make herself feel better of troubles she may have at home… while it sounds like sour grape talk.. there could be some truth in that. You don’t have to be rich to have retail therapy to make yourself feel a little better.

While I thought about whether retail therapy helped though I began to remember that yes it did distract me or make me feel a little better…. but it was short lived. In a matter of weeks or even days sometimes, I take for granted the new toy I have bought and it doesn’t make me feel as good as it used to. This reminds me of something my uncle once told me. He said he doesn’t believe in buying material stuff because there is no limit and no end to it. Once you satisfy a want, there will be something else you want and when you think about it… that’s really true.

That’s the nature of our materialistic world though. We have grown so good at making things that people want that there is no limit. Perhaps a better way to spend money to relieve stress is on holidays. Holidays don’t last forever of course so they suffer the same thing as buying a material item. However it offers something else. During the few days or weeks that you’re away you offer yourself an escape from your stress or your problems. And it gives you a new experience to focus on or at least distract yourself with … at least for a while.

So what do you think is better money spent when you’re stressed? Buying yourself a new handbag? Or traveling?

Things I wish sick people in Malaysia would do…

Having just battled one of the worst viral/bacterial infections I’ve ever had in my life, I thought a lot about how I got sick and the etiquette of a sick person (sick as in ill NOT sick as in… well… disgusting haha).

I thought about the few things that many of us Malaysians don’t really practice in our culture here and I’m hoping that we will do. Here’s what:

1) Stay away from crowded enclosed places like cinemas, airplanes… etc

When I trace back my steps on how I got sick this time round I remember exactly how I got it. I was watching a movie in the cinema some time before that. Seated behind me was a kid that had a very very bad cough. I could hear the thickest of phlegm every time he coughed.

To make matters worse, his parents never seemed to have taught him to cover his mouth when he coughed. So every time he did, he broadcasted his virus airborne into the entire cinema. Give him a cough every 10 minutes over a 2 hour movie and it makes sense that I (among many others I’m sure) caught his bug.

I find this very inconsiderate of his parents (more so his parents because he’s just a kid). The boy is sick. Not only do you bring him out with you instead of having him rest at home, you bring him to a crowded closed environment where people seated next to each other in very close proximity.

How inconsiderate! I wish we could fine people like that. So please… if you are sick, avoid watching a movie. Stay home and watch a DVD or something because you don’t want to get others’ sick.

2) If your kid is sick don’t send him to school either!

I’ve heard of parents who still send their sick toddlers to play school and result in the rest of the toddlers getting the exact same bug. Why any parent would do that to the other parents out there baffles me. If you’re a parent, you know that having to take care of a sick kid is really stressful. So by bringing your sick kid to school, you’re giving your headache to another 5-6 parents or so who are unlucky enough to have their kid infected by the same bug.

3) Wear a Mask


I was in Tokyo many years ago when I first noticed some people taking trains and wearing face masks. At first I thought the masks were to protect from the haze but when I looked up I saw clear blue skies. Then I realized what the masks were for.

The people who wear masks are sick and they are wearing the masks to prevent themselves from spreading their bug to everyone else be it office co-workers or strangers on the train. I’m told this practice started long ago since the days of SARS.

This however isn’t the practice in Malaysia at all. This time round because I’ve been so sick I’ve made it a point to wear a mask whenever I go out even to a mall or a restaurant.

I hope more Malaysians will do the same and we will one day have that culture of being considerate enough to not spread our sicknesses.

Man Down

Wow I just realized I haven’t updated my blog in 5 days. I’m sorry guys. I have a bit of blogger’s guilt now.. you know… knowing that you guys keep coming back to my blog for an update but only get disappointed to see none. So I decided to quickly draft out an entry here. Let me tell you why I’ve been out of action.

On Friday I developed a bit of a cough. It was the kind of cough that preludes some illness although it didn’t show any serious signs yet. Whenever I coughed out phlegm it would be transparent and it was mostly a dry cough. I went about my day as normal and planned so many things over the weekend.

Mainly I planned a long 87K cycling ride on Saturday morning then off to Penang on an afternoon flight and another ride again on Sunday. All that changed on Friday night.

A fever started to kick in so I took a couple of panadols and it was during the middle of the night my fever really started to kick in. I was shivering in the cold air-conditioned room and I forced myself over to go through the shivers and take another dose of panadol. After a while the shivering stopped and I could go back to sleep.

Then came Saturday morning, the start of the day that was going to be the most suffering for me in a long while. In the morning my fever clocked 38.8 degrees celcius and so I went to see a doctor. The doctor diagnosed a viral and bacterial infection and so he gave me some meds and even said if I’m feeling well enough I could make my afternoon flight to Penang if I really wanted to.

I didn’t. I ended up sleeping the entire day right after the clinic, only waking up to have something to eat. My fever then had clocked 39.2 and Shorty was concerned because my fever kept getting higher and higher and the panadol didn’t seem to have any effect.  By evening she decided to send me to the hospital for a dengue test.

I waited 45 minutes in the Accident & Emergency room the whole time feeling a little cold because of my fever. When I finally got to see the doctor, the doctor told me that it’s too early for him to test if I really have dengue or not but if I wanted I could take the test anyway. Shorty decided I should do it anyway and since I was already there I okayed it.

I hate needles and drawing blood but some nurses have got a really good skill for things like that. They know how to make it as quick and as painless as possible. This nurse wasn’t one such nurse. She took a very long time trying to pull blood and she said I didn’t have enough blood and I could tell because she started pushing the needle deeper which hurt.

When she finally pulled out the needle I thought it was all over but she said she didn’t manage to get enough. She consulted the more senior nurse and they concluded that they needed to poke my other arm and try to draw blood from there. I was pretty pissed off but I guess they could tell because they were apologizing profusely.

After it was all done, we were told we needed to wait for 2 hours for the results. I couldn’t stay there any longer because I was feeling really weak and tired so I decided to head home first and told them to call me when they got the result. Within an hour they gave me a call and told me that they needed me back at the hospital to take a 3rd sample because one of the earlier samples was faulty. I got super mad and I decided I wasn’t strong enough to get out of bed and go to the hospital again to take another test. So I decided that if the fever didn’t come down by the next morning I would go for the test.

Saturday night was bad for me. By 2AM my fever had reached a temperature of 39.5 degrees celsius, a new peak. Nothing I did seemed to be able to bring my fever down. The panadols had no effect and the sponging hadn’t brought it down either. Fortunately my brother came to check on me around that time and I told him I was really worried about this fever. So the only thing we could do was for him to sponge me. He did so for about half an hour and managed to bring the fever down from 39.5 to 39.0. A number that was still high but a number that I was more comfortable with.

I went back to sleep after that and I woke up a few times before morning came. Subconsciously though I began to feel better. I began to feel less cold and Shorty who came to check on me told me that she could see I was sweating. So my body was getting back to normal.

I woke up the next morning with my fever almost gone. In the 37.5 degrees level. I felt a little bit more strength in me but I had new symptoms. Diarrhea and I still had my cough. So I ended up sleeping the entire day today until now.

So that’s why I’ve been out of action these few days guys. Sorry I’ve been away. Gonna take a rest now. Will update again as soon as I get well.

Why some blogs are dying while some are thriving

I’ve been active in the blogosphere for 9 years now. 7 of those 9 years I’ve been with Nuffnang.

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To say that things in the blogosphere have seen some change in the past 9 years is an understatement. Think about it… 9 years ago the iPhone wasn’t even invented yet. The blogosphere has changed as much in the past 9 years.

Never before though have I seen change happen so rapidly except for the past year. Here’s what’s different.

1) Facebook is the new newspaper

It used to be where people would read blogs by opening the browser on their computers and typing in the URL of the blog to see if there was an update. Times have changed.

Today we spend more time on our mobile phone than we do on our computer or any other device. Our mobile phones aren’t just used to communicate with one another, they are now used to consume content. To watch videos, read your friend’s Facebook updates and yes read articles whether they’re news articles or blogs.

Ask anyone where they read most of their news today and while some would say Flipboard or Google News, the mass majority of us get our news from our Facebook stream. Facebook is now the new newspaper and this has disrupted all content sites not just blogs.

No longer is it a habit for most people to go to Thestar.com.my to look for news to read. We look at our Facebook feed for the ones worth reading as voted by the shares our Facebook friends make. Think about it, have any of you read an article on Buzzfeed before? If your answer is yes, my next question to you would be… do you know what the front page of Buzzfeed.com looks like? Your answer will most likely be “No”, because you’ve only read Buzzfeed articles on your newsfeed.

So the big audience that all content sites need now is on Facebook. The main currency to getting this content is Facebook Shares which brings me to the next point.

2) Bloggers need to write what’s SHAREABLE but most of us aren’t doing just that

This is harder than in sounds. Why?

Well in Malaysia and SIngapore, most bloggers are “lifestyle bloggers”. We write about our lives and our whole following on our blogs is driven by the fact that somehow we have group of readers that want to follow our lives.

So say I write a blog entry about my trip to Tokyo Disneyland with my wife and my son Fighter. Will my most loyal readers want to read it? Most likely yes.

But will any of them share it on their Facebook with all their friends? The answer to that is most definitely… NO.

Why? Because it’s not relevant to their friends. It doesn’t bring any specific value to their friends. It doesn’t make them laugh or it doesn’t tell them something relevant and interesting that any of their friends would want to know. So if nobody shares your link on Facebook, you almost never expand your reach. Never. Your blog gradually dies.

I’ve tried this on my blog recently. Actually it was by accident. Because I started blogging about my daily life on Dayre I realize that I didn’t have that much more to write on Timothytiah.com. So I started writing more thought pieces or stories that I thought would be shareable. It is of course hard to get a viral hit but I got a few. Eg my Mercedes salesman story with 12K shares and The Sacrifice My Filipino Maid Makes at 48K shares.

My traffic has since gone through the roof.

3) The Rise of Commercial Bloggers

9 years ago if you asked bloggers why they blogged, they’ll give you all sorts of reasons and money or perks is never one of them. Never.

Today there is a rise of commercial bloggers. Bloggers who have blogs not necessarily because they’re passionate about blogging but because they like the perks attached to being a blogger. Being invited to events, getting paid for jobs, getting products to review and the list goes on. Admittedly Nuffnang has been instrumental in providing these opportunities to many bloggers.

Now all this is fine within some level of moderation. Many readers of today are understanding of that. But when you have a blog that has commercial content far outweigh the original content then your blog will never take off. Which is why many of these commercial blogs don’t really get very famous or high in traffic. They just stay where they are because people don’t always want to read just about events. Besides there aren’t that many interesting events to want to read about. Sure we’ll love to read and share an entry on Apple’s new iPhone launch announcement in Cupertino but how many more launches are like that?

I asked my wife Shorty about how she balances all these commercial content with original content and she tells me of the sense of responsibility she feels towards her readers to moderate it. And even if she writes sponsored content, she puts just as much effort in there to make it entertaining for her readers as she would in her original content.

4) Lifestyle bloggers who grow with their readers stand a better chance

9 years ago most popular lifestyle bloggers were in their 20s. They lived really happening lives going for parties, having meetups and going for the coolest events.

Then as they all grew older age kicked in and they split into two general groups.

One group got married and then had kids. Their blogging content changed from partying and drinking to wedding plans, raising kids and even cooking recipes.

The other group continued 9 years on doing what they did best. Going for parties and events and all.

I asked a small informal focus group of readers who used to read blogs about which group they still follow. Most still read only bloggers of the first group. Not the second. I asked why? And the common reason “I’m married and have kids now… so I can’t relate to all the partying and events content anymore. What interests me is weddings or kids or well.. cooking or whatever I’m going through in my phase of life now.”

The twenty-something party goers of today now follow a new generation of bloggers who go for happening events and parties.

Like it or not, the bloggers in the first group evolved without knowing it and that’s why many of them still remain so popular and well-read. Look at Vivy Yusof or my wife Fourfeetnine for example.

But how can you tell if a lifestyle blogger is still influential or not?

Well if you don’t have access to a blog’s traffic which most people don’t, then one good indication is there Instagram following. If someone is influential, then people would want to follow him/her on Instagram right?

Normally from a general Malaysian advertiser point of view, for someone to be considered influential, he normally needs at least 20K followers on Instagram.

The benchmark for female bloggers is a little higher at 30-40K above because there seem to be lots more popular female Instagrammers who have a high following than male.

There are a few important points to note though:

– Some niche advertisers don’t look purely at reach when looking to engage bloggers. They look at brand fit and content fit for example parenting brands and mommy bloggers.

– Note also that I say Instagram instead of Twitter cuz Twitter isn’t super popular in Malaysia and Singapore now and most followers there appear quite inactive as opposed to Instagram. You can see how inactive Twitter is by the number of RTs or Favorites each tweet gets. In other countries where Twitter is still really popular though this would be a good measurement.

– Most advertisers know that Instagram followers can be bought. So advertising folks also look at engagement rate and likes. Anyone who has 30K followers on Instagram but 50-150 likes per picture gets red flagged for having fake followers. And anyone with less than 1,000 absolute likes falls below what an advertiser might consider as someone influential.

–  Instagram as an indication of influence applies for lifestyle bloggers but not so much for specific content bloggers like food bloggers or celebrity news blogs. Take for example KYSpeaks or Beautifulnara… both still very popular bloggers today. They don’t necessarily have high Instagram following but they don’t need to because people read them for their content. What they sell on their blogs to readers is good content. Not their personality. Both of them still have good traffic to their blogs today.

5) Many blogs still aren’t mobile compatible

In this mobile world we have to accept that if we want to be big, our blogs have to be mobile compatible. If they aren’t then at least have it be easily readable with one double tap.

That’s a straightforward point but look around and you’ll be surprised how few blogs are. Heck even my wife’s blog isn’t yet.

With this in mind here’s where I think blogging is going to go in the next couple of years:

The next generation of popular bloggers aren’t going to be lifestyle bloggers. They are going to be bloggers that have a lot of creativity, skills for research and write well. It’s not going to matter how well they look or how good their selfies are. All that will matter is how well they write stuff that people want to share. We bloggers have to stop thinking about our blogs as this narcissistic space for us to talk about ourselves and for people to follow us. If we want that then use Instagram or Dayre or Facebook.

Look at how blogs in the US have evolved. They’re now bigger than ever churning out great content and many have become full blown news sites. Think Huffington Post or Mashable.

If we bloggers wake up to this and evolve…. there is a chance we will cash in on the next gold rush.

If we don’t…. we will fade away into the past and being invited to events or product reviews is as far as we will ever go.

When who you think is “the one” really isn’t

Here are some weekend thoughts.

I met up with a friend recently who was a bit heartbroken. He was really into this other girl but in the end he found that he didn’t exactly have everything she looked for in a guy. He didn’t fit her “criteria” so he didn’t stand a chance. It was disappointing … because he thought she was the one. She after all met all his criteria.

I told him outright that no she’s not the one and it’s mainly for these two reasons.

We don’t really know what we want.

Back when we were in college we used to have a list of things that we want in a future girlfriend or wife. Everything down to beauty to even long hair, or things like that. When you get married many years later and start looking back at that list of “criteria” you set out before you begin to realize it was a little naive of us to think that way.

Why? Because as much as we think we know what we want…. we don’t know what we want until we have it. The “one” isn’t defined by a list of “criteria” or a checklist but really by the way that person makes you feel and that’s hard to imagine if you haven’t felt it before.

Heck when i was in college my idea of a dream girl was someone like Jessica Rabbit  (tall, big chested, long legs and long hair). My wife now is not necessarily big chested, she doesn’t have long legs… in fact she’s short and she doesn’t have long hair. But guess what… I’m happier than ever and I actually know she is the one. How do I know? Because of the way she makes me feel… not because of what she is.

The One is a person who feels the same way for you

That’s what a soul mate is all about right. It’s not a one directional thing. It has to be both ways. The other person must feel the same way about you than you about him or her. Disregarding everything that is in that criteria list.

I think everyone of us has a “one” or a soulmate but this soulmate isn’t necessarily perfect in the eyes of society.. but he’s definitely perfect for you. So I think some point in life we have to stop looking for someone that is deemed perfect in the eyes of everyone else but is perfect in the eyes of you. And guess what… if your girlfriend or wife feels like she’s the world to you then her added confidence will make others look on to her more like someone perfect in everyone’s eyes.

So if you’re hung up over someone who’s not into you…. don’t be. Because that person isn’t the one. In fact the right one is out there probably looking for you too.