
Things Shorty & Fatty Say #330 & #331: Reverse


Shorty runs upstairs panting

Shorty: FATS!! I need your help!

Me: What?

Shorty: I’m trying to reverse our van out so I can take Penny’s stroller out of the back but the car doesn’t move!

Me: How can it don’t move?

Shorty: I just have to press the brake and then press the start button to start the engine right?

Me: Yes.

Shorty: Then I release the hand brake which is the leg lever at the bottom right?

Me: Yes.

Shorty: But after I do that the car still doesn’t move!!!!

Me: Hmm… did you shift the gear into Reverse?

Shorty: …….

3 long seconds past…

Shorty: Oh… hehehe… ya thanks thanks. Ok ok let me go back and do that now.

Me: Seriously… when I tell this story, people are gonna think I make this shit up.


Packing for a trip

Shorty: FATS WHY IS OUR SAMSONITE BAG SO BATTERED! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT? You were the last one to use it!

Me: Huh no I wasn’t.

Shorty: Yes you brought it to Sydney with you.

Me: No I didn’t. I used my small bag for Sydney.

Shorty: Then how do you explain all your socks in this bag?

Me: *walks closer and looks at contents of bag* Really?


Me: *picks up camera charger that belongs to Shorty* So this Casio camera charger here…. this would really work well with my Casio camera… if I had one huh?

Shorty: Oh… hehehe… hehee.. *grabs camera charger from me*

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I tried doing what my wife does for my kids and here’s how it went


I used to tell my wife that I envy her job. Before I leave for work every morning I think about how I would rather be the one in our marriage who stays home and takes care of the kids. The one that gets to spend more time with them. Shorty though tells me it’s a lot harder than it looks and so in the past months I tried off and on to do the things that she does as a mother.

Here’s what I did and how it went:

1)  Being the one to feed my 20 month old toddler at restaurants.

At most meals out, here’s how it works. Fighter sits in a baby chair next to Shorty and Shorty feeds him while eating her own food. I would then be busy talking to our guests and towards the end once Fighter’s done I would carry him away from Shorty so she could finish her meal. Sounds easy right?


What I decided to try one day was to be the one to feed Fighter while eating a meal. My thought process was really simple. Take a spoonful of whatever it was I was eating and while I was chewing my own food, feed Fighter his. Multi-tasking at its best. Whoever said men can’t multi-task.


Fighter does a lot more than eat on his baby chair. He grabs the nearby fork and waves it into the air before almost jabbing it into his own neck. When I take the fork away from him he screams out of anger. Then I tell him off and he cries and a crying baby doesn’t want to eat no more.

If he’s not playing with sharp metal objects he’s playing with his food. The area beneath his baby chair becomes a mixed buffet of whatever he was eating. He grabs his food, throws it on the dirty dinner table and then picks up again and then tries to put it in his mouth. Fortunately I do a Matrix-worthy leap and stop it. He cries again.

I then resort to the worst case scenario. Bringing out the iPad and hypnotize him with Pink Fong while I feed him comfortably. In the brief moment of peace I reflect at what a lazy parent I am… resorting to the iPad once again.

2) Waking up in the middle of the night to my crying 3 month old baby girl and tried to comfort her back to sleep


3 month old Penny wakes up and cries. Probably hungry. I just feed her some milk and/or change her diaper then put her back to sleep.



I rock her and go “shhh”. It doesn’t work. So I shush harder until my “shh” becomes “SHHH!!!!” sounding almost like a vulgar slur. I then take her for a walk around the room. Twenty minutes in and I feel like i’ve done a marathon and Penny’s still screaming.

Shorty wakes up and decides to take the crying Penny of me.

My heart says “TAKE HER TAKE HER!!!!”.

Shorty holds her for 5 seconds and all I hear thereafter is silence. I go back to sleep. Mission failed.

3) Spending an afternoon babysitting both my kids


Okay I’ll just put Fighter in his playpen. Penny in her moses basket and I’ll kick back and watch some TV with a beer in hand. A lazy Sunday afternoon. Nothing much to it.


Fighter stop touching the shoes on the shoe rack!! NO NO NO DON’T PUT YOUR HANDS IN YOUR MOUTH NOW AFTER YOU’VE TOUCHED THE SHOES!!!

NO KEEP AWAY FROM THE STAIRS…. DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH THOSE SCISSORS! Shit… Penny is crying from all the shouting. I gotta go carry her… FIGHTER NO! DON’T EAT THAT!!! Okay okay.. stop crying Fighter… Daddy didn’t mean to scold you… I was just…. Penny stop crying too ok? I wasn’t talking to you.

*phone rings*


4) Changing my toddler’s diaper at malls


Ah there’s a baby changing room. That makes things super easy. Just lay Fighter down, wash his butt, diaper cream, replace the diaper and all good to go. Imma try for a Guinness World Record for fastest diaper change ever.


Why are you crying?! Why are you crying Fighter? Don’t you want Daddy to change your diaper? Would you rather have a dirty diaper all the way home? Stop crying and stop struggling ok? No stop kicking me!




Look… this diaper is going to get changed whether you like it or not. STOP STRUGGLING!!!


Okay now lets go wash your hands. Wait what’s that brown thing on your pants…. OH COME ON FIGHTER! I DON’T HAVE ANYMORE PANTS FOR YOU!! It’s the Donald Duck for you now!

5) Burping a newborn baby


Burp Penny and then put her to sleep. Done deal.


Ahh this has gotta be the easiest of all. Just 10 seconds and I got myself a burp. This is too easy really. Too easy.

OH CRAP CRAP SHE PUKED. Ahh it’s all over me!! TISSUE TISSUE!!! Why you crying miss?! Did I puke on you or did you puke on me?!

Ok you wait here for a while. Let me go change my shirt now.

Okay all changed now. Why you making so much noise? Do you still have gas in your tummy? Ok let me try burp you again. HA HA… 5 seconds burp… a new record! Wait what’s that….



At the end of all this. I think I’ll keep my day job as a working dad.

How I felt about turning 31 vs turning 21

Today is my 31st Birthday. This one really crept up on me. It’s like I always felt I was in my twenties and I just realized today that I’m well in my 30s. I thought back to about 10 years ago to how I felt when I first turned 21 and compared it to how I feel today at age 31.

Here’s how I felt at age 21.

1) I felt “grown-up”

I was still a student so I wasn’t in any way financially independent yet however 21 is that age where you’re legal for anything in any country. It’s legal for you to go clubbing, legal for you to drink in the states, and legal for you to go to jail if you commit a crime. I felt grown up that I could now walk into any casino confidently and flash my ID.

2) I thought about my future

At age 21 I knew I was at the tail end of my university education so I did kinda know what I wanted to do. At that point I believe I still wanted to be an investment banker. I imagined working life to be dull and stressful and nothing like student life because a lot of people told me student life was always the best.

Of course I didn’t totally enjoy my student life so I had this impression that working life was gonna be really bad if it’s really worse than student life. Turns out I actually ended up liking working life more than my student life.

I was excited about the things I was going to achieve in the next 10 years. For some reason I didn’t think much about the starting a family yet or getting married as part of my achievements but really just thought about work or career achievements.

3) I wanted to have a huge birthday celebration

Alcohol, music, dancing and lots and lots and lots of friends. That was how I wanted to celebrate my 21st year. 21 is a big number after all. It’s the number that most parents give their kids a “key” as if to say you’re an adult now and can make your own decisions. Because I had lots of friends my birthday party was going to be huge. I was gonna invite everyone, and the most obvious place to have one was at a club. The club seemed to meet all my criteria.

Now I compared that to how I feel about turning 31 now.

1) I feel old

Not old old but I feel a lot more vulnerable than I did before. I’m quickly approaching the age where I have to worry about health and perhaps that’s why I made a resolution last year to cycle or exercise more and play less golf.

2) I thought about my kids’ future

By this point I kinda know where my future was heading so instead I find myself thinking a lot about my kids’ future. Which school with Fighter go to, how will his friends in school treat him, will he get bullied?

Is Penny going to be a happy kid or a grumpy kid? Will she go to a female liberal arts college like her mother?

I think of all these things and less about my future. The realization hit me that I don’t live for myself so much anymore. I live for my family.

3) I didn’t want a huge birthday celebration

The thing age and having a family does to you is that it takes away a lot of time that you have to mingle. So I hang out with a lot less friends now and during my birthday celebrations I opt for something simple. Maybe just a dinner and an early starting one too so that Fighter and Penny can be awake for it.

My birthday today so far is rather uneventful. I’m spending it like how I spend any other Saturday. Coffee in the morning, cycling in the afternoon and spending the rest of my time playing with my kids.  I thought hard to see if there was anything else I would rather do but the answer always came back as a no.

Perhaps its true that celebrating birthdays get less important to you as you get older. At least until you hit a really old age.

So happy birthday to me. My wish is that I would be able to spend many many birthdays more with close friends and my family.

The one thing Startup founders should STOP doing

On the plane back from Singapore the other day I was reading a book called “Start Something That Matters” by Blake Mycoskie. Blake is the guy behind Tom’s, the really comfortable shoes that I’ve grown to like.

The part of the book I was reading was tips about how he grew his company from a startup to what it is today. One of his tips for startup founders: To stop calling ourselves CEO on our name cards.

At first I thought I had read it wrong. I darted my eyes up a paragraph and re-read what he wrote and my eyes didn’t fail me. He said what he did. When I read on to hear why it hit me how much truth there was in what he said.

Why should startup entrepreneurs stop calling ourselves CEO on our name cards?

Because very often, unless you’re a huge company that everyone has heard of, calling yourself a CEO when you introduce your company as a startup tends to set off the impression that you’re a really small company. That the company is just you and some interns (and maybe an assistant).

Being a small company is nothing to be ashamed about, heck that’s what being a startup is all about anyway. It shouldn’t matter to you, but it may matter to other people that you might want to work with. Be it potential employees, potential investors or even potential business partners. Perception is just as important (or some would say more important) than reality. People want to work with winners and you owe it to your startup to do it justice by presenting yourself as a winner as often as you can.

I’ve never personally had CEO or any of these titles on my name card as a startup 7-8 years ago. All my partner Ming and I had was “Co-Founder and Executive Director”.

If I do a startup again though I probably just wouldn’t have a title on my name card. Just my name would do.

When people then ask me what I do? I’d say “My job is to <insert startup’s vision here>”.

That I believe would be a lot more powerful a statement than saying you’re CEO.

If however you’ve grown to a moderate sized company or at the extreme end you’re a very well known company like Uber, then by all means put on the CEO title in bold and emboss is in gold if you like. The irony though is when you get to that stage, you don’t even need to have a title on your name card and people would know who you are.

Why this 44 year old company is one of the most innovative Malaysian companies around

For the past 6-7 years I’ve had the pleasure of being a close friend of Pierre Pang. Pierre’s family is the Malaccan family that brought us the snacks that all Malaysians have grown up with Mamee Monster, Double-Decker and Mister Potato. These are snacks that have been around for decades and still are today so my initial impression was that this company was one that could just sit back and make money from its classic hit products.

I was wrong however. In the past 5-6 years I’ve seen Mamee Double-Decker innovate as a company over and over again in a tough competitive environment. Sometimes they fail but sometimes they succeed. In this article I’m going to tell you why I think Mamee is one of the most innovative Malaysian companies in the region.

1) Mamee Chef

Mamee Double-Decker has been in the instant noodles business for decades. The past 5 years though has been very difficult on them. Indonesian instant noodle players with huge budgets have entered the Malaysian market spending tons on advertising & promotion and pricing their products very competitively.

The Indonesian players put a lot of pressure on the local brands and stealing market share. The biggest brand for instant noodles in Malaysia (Maggi) wasn’t really affected because of its strong brand but the loss of market share came at the expense of the other players like Mamee, Cintan and more.

Mamee was in a tight spot. The natural thing to do would be to fight on price to gain back some of its market share but instead what they all did was take a trip overseas to see how the instant noodle markets abroad fared.

They learned that in China, Japan and Korea the instant noodle product had evolved significantly. They had gone from the regular instant noodles we’re used to in Malaysia to proper meals with condiments and good paste coupled with very springy noodles. There they saw the solution. They decided that they couldn’t compete head to head with a homogenous product against players who have more spending power than they do. So they innovated.

They came back not with a new product but with a vision. A vision to bring higher quality instant noodles back to Malaysia. The kind of instant noodles that people won’t be shy to eat for a proper meal. The result of that vision was a product called Mamee Chef.

For Mamee Chef they got a celebrity chef named Chef Ismail to cook the paste and the flavour of the soup. Then they invested in new machines to improve the springy-ness of their noodles. Lastly they added condiments to make it look more like a meal.

My personal favourite Mamee Chef flavour is Curry Laksa which so happened to be listed as Ramen Rater’s Top 10 Instant Noodles of 2014.

2) Sponsoring Manchester United

In 2011 Mamee Double-Decker went where no Malaysian company had ever gone. They boldly became the Global Snacks Sponsor of Manchester United. The 3-year deal cost them an undisclosed amount of money but considering that Manchester United is the most popular football club in the world, it’s safe to say it was a huge bet.

The sponsorship reaped huge returns. It wasn’t just from putting Manchester United players on Mister Potato canisters or the digital boards that we see during every game. The value they saw was bigger. Being the Global Snacks Sponsor of Manchester United lent credibility to their brand into places where nobody knew of them.

So in tandem with their Manchester United sponsorship, Mamee Double-Decker went on a huge regional expansion plan. They talked to distributors from countries who had never heard of them before, but because of its sponsorship were willing to open their doors and hear what they had to say. As a result of that Mamee Double-Decker was able to get their products on to shelves in many many more markets that they had ever been in a short time.

The value they got from the sponsorship was far more than the amount they paid for it. It was a huge bet, a bet no traditional Malaysian companies have ever embarked on. But they did it and it worked.

3) Mexican Wave

One of my favorite Mamee Double-Decker products is unfortunately a product that no longer exists. It was called Mexican Wave.

Mexican Wave was an extension of Mister Potato. Instead of the regular clean potato chip you see on Mister Potato, Mexican wave was the criss cut type of chips. The best part about it though is the flavors.

My favourite all time flavour was Seaweed. It was so awesome I remember our group of friends constantly asking Pierre to send cartons of Mexican Wave seaweed flavour to us. Unfortunately though Mexican Wave didn’t quite work out and Mamee Double-Decker had to discontinue it. So I’ll never have a chance to eat it again.

4) Perfecto

Replacing Mexican Wave though is a premium type of potato chip now with fresh garnishing called Perfecto. The funny thing about Perfecto is that most people don’t realize it’s a Malaysian product. I was in Ben’s grocer once and I saw an expat mother with one canister of Perfecto in her shopping cart. She looked like the kind of person who would buy Kettle chips or Lays and hardly the kind of person who would buy a Mister Potato. But she bought Perfecto.

Perfecto is Mamee’s new attempt to innovate in the potato chip category. Sure Mister Potato remains the largest potato chip brand in Malaysia in terms of market share but they’re looking to extend that. Going into a more premium position but not too premium. It’s still early days but looking at the response of Perfecto and its fan base I don’t think it’ll go the way of Mexican Wave.

Give me a choice between the two and I’d still go for Mexican Wave though.

5) Perfecto Popcorn

Their latest product of course is something we Malaysians aren’t really used to seeing at our convenience stores. Popcorn in a packet: Perfecto Popcorn.

The idea behind Perfecto Popcorn was that Mamee Double-Decker wanted to dominate snacks that we eat while watching TV. Movie theaters have successfully managed to train us to associate eating popcorn with watching a movie so why not eat popcorn at home while watching TV.

There are 3 flavours I’ve tried of Perfecto Popcorn. I found the caramel one nice but when if you compare it with Garretts or the really expensive popcorn then you’ll really be disappointed. What do you expect when you’re paying many many times more the price for Garretts.

What I do love about Perfecto Popcorn though is their French Vanilla flavour. It was a new, refreshing taste of popcorn that I’ve never had before.

 6) Cool Tea

One thing we don’t realize about Mamee Double-Decker is that they have a beverage business. They sell drinks mostly to less urban areas in Malaysia.

This year though they decided to try something new in the drinks business. Again instead of copying whatever we had widely available in the drinks market (like milk tea or ice lemon tea) they decide to innovate. They went for bottled leong cha that we’re used to drinking at coffee shops. In a move that even Captain Obvious would be proud of, they called this new product Cool Tea.

Pierre sent me a few cartons when he first launched it and my brother who’s normally critical on new products has been drinking one bottle every day. Every time I fill up the fridge with 10 bottles I see it go down faster than my bank account when I started having kids.

Cool Tea is a new product and I believe it won’t be the last beverage product that Mamee Double-Decker comes out with. I thought it was interesting because it wasn’t a drink that was widely available in Malaysia until now. I wonder what drinks they’ll come up with next.


The thing about Mamee Double-Decker is that if you look at the history they’ve had tons and tons of products that they’ve created, invested in and failed. Mexican Wave and Funkees to name a couple. Yet they’ve never given up on innovating far beyond their classic products and have on the journey had some great hits.

That’s the fundamental principle of an innovator. An innovator doesn’t always get all products right but they keep trying and they eventually do.

I know a lot of very successful traditional Malaysian companies that have been around for decades but I think Mamee Double-Decker is one of the most innovative ones around.

Netccentric is on its way to an IPO

Yesterday news of Netccentric’s coming IPO came out so I’m finally able to talk about what I’ve been working on for the past 9 months. I feel really relieved that I can finally talk about the IPO and I feel excited about it. At the same time though I feel a little tired. Exhausted from the long hours of work to prepare for this. I haven’t been on a holiday for a year now.

So why did I go through all this?

Let me first bring you back to somewhere in the middle of last year.

Netccentric was having a great 2014. As a company we were growing rapidly and hitting new records. We were really pumped and excited but as Ming and I sat down we weren’t looking anymore at 2014. We were looking at the years after that. How were we going to continue growing at the pace we want to? How do we grow Dayre?

We decided that we had to raise money and because we have never found any VCs or private equity funds that we could get comfortable with we decided the only way to do it was to go for an IPO. We chose Australia because there were a lot of Asian companies with successful listings on the ASX and we felt that the investors there have a good understanding and appetite for technology stocks.

So our long road to IPO began. 

People used to tell me that IPO is a tough process so I went in with the expectations that it’ll be really really tough. 9 months later, how tough this was went beyond my expectations. It was fucking tough. There are so many things involved that I think I could write one whole blog entry about How to IPO and what it takes from start to end (note that I’m at the last lap but not at the end yet).

In short though, the next 9 months involved finding a lead manager/underwriter that believed in us, finding accountants and law firms and then going through a very painful due diligence process.  I learn that in an IPO, everything in a prospectus MUST be accurate. You can’t inflate or mis-state anything. If you say we made A$11 million we have to have it audited. If we say we have over 950,000 blogs, we have to prove it.

After 9 months of due diligence, conference calls, presentations to cornerstone investors we were finally ready to lodge our prospectus. That day of lodging was on the 25th of May 2015. On the 26th of May as soon as our prospectus went public, it was covered by the press. We were covered in the Australian Financial Review and closer to home on Channel News Asia and some other news channels.

If all goes well we expect to be listed on the ASX in a month.

Where are we today?

Today we stand in a great position. Netccentric as a company hit over A$11 million in revenue in 2014. Our revenue had grown 35% and profits up 400% from the year before. The IPO is set to raise us up to A$12.5 million with cornerstone investors already taking up A$7.5 million. The cornerstone investors who are betting on us include Kevin Tsai (The President of Want Want China Media Group), Tan Sri Pang Tee Chew of Mamee, my uncle Datuk Tony Tiah and KSK.

Netccentric is the result of all the work of Ming and I and the Nuffies for the past years. The Netccentric Group includes Nuffnang, ChurpChurp, Reelity, Ripplewerkz and even Dayre.

Netccentric will have a valuation of A$50 million (approximately RM140 million). The company Ming and I started with RM150,000 years ago is today worth RM140 million.  Ming and I think we’re just getting started and we’re putting our money where our mouth is. Neither of us will be cashing out a cent from the money raised in this IPO. All because we believe in one thing that Ming always said. That “The best is yet to be”.

You can read one of the news articles about our IPO here.

Fighter Videos!

I’ve been posting a number of Fighter videos on my Dayre lately but I thought just in case some of you guys don’t follow me on Dayre I’d post some here too.

1) Fighter does some exercise

This video was just taken this morning. My sister told me that Fighter likes this pull up bar that we have at home. So I lifted him up to reach for it and he seemed to know exactly what to do. So we had the idea to do this. At first I thought of putting an “eye of the tiger” soundtrack as the background music but just didn’t have the time to do it.

2) Fighter plays with his toy Ferrari

So my college friends and I had this bet back in college that whoever of us had a son first, the rest would pool money and buy that son a Ferrari when he hits 21 years old. I ended up being the first to have a son. So for Fighter’s Full Moon they gave me this toy Ferrari with the promise of a real one to follow when he turned 21.

This particular morning Fighter insisted on opening up the box and taking the Ferrari out and he started playing with it.

3) Fighter’s first words

Fighter says a lot of words but we’re not always absolutely sure if he really means what he says because he doesn’t say it consistently. He doesn’t even say Mommy or Daddy consistently yet. Well Daddy to some extent but not all the time.

The words he says all the time?

“There” and “Car”.

Why You Should Work For Someone Else Instead of Starting a Business

The expectation of entrepreneurs is somehow to promote entrepreneurship. We get invited to give talks at colleges or universities to tell our stories and inspire other people to become entrepreneurs.

I’m a happy entrepreneur. I love what I do but I’ve never always known I wanted to be an entrepreneur. Life just took me on a path to be one and here I am. Yes I do enjoy some of the advantages of being one but I also see the advantages of working for someone and being a professional. I even think there are good reasons to be working for someone else rather than being an entrepreneur.

So for the first time, I’m not going to talk about why you should come out and start your own business. On the flip side, I’m instead going to tell you why you shouldn’t.

These are the things people tell you and why they aren’t right.

1) You will never be rich working for someone else

The world used to be a place where if you wanted to be rich, if you wanted to own a Ferrari or live a luxurious lifestyle you HAVE to start and own your own business. You will never be rich working for someone else. While that may be true in the past, that is no longer the case now.

Professionals today earn more than ever before. I know of investment bankers in Singapore who earn S$500,000 a year or even up to S$1,000,000. They’re young, have a lot of disposable income and drive some really nice cars.  S$1,000,000 a year in gross pay is more than most entrepreneurs (especially SMEs) bring in.

Perhaps it’s because of the growth in productivity, or knowledge per worker or the effects of technology. Professionals today have the capacity to earn an insane amount of money without having to take the business risks many other entrepreneurs will have to take. Couple that with the demand of talent in our job markets, it makes it very very easy for someone with decent skills to leave a job now and find another one. Because there is huge demand for talent.

So it’s no longer true that you have to be an entrepreneur to be rich. Heck it’s not even true that professionals will never be billionaires. Look at Steve Balmer or Eric Schmidt. Both professionals…. both billionaires. They just found great companies to work for and grew with them.

2) I want to start a business because I want to have more flexibility

This is only true for limited cases. Yes it’s true that if you start a business with the intention to generate moderate income that yes you can find a good time balance and have more flexibility.

However if you’re starting a business with an ambition to make it big. Flexibility is not something you will have. Sure you don’t have enforced office hours or a boss that pushes you to work. But you work when your client needs you. You work when your team needs you. You work when your company needs you and it doesn’t matter if it’s a weekend, your son’s birthday or your birthday. You work when you need to. That isn’t flexibility.

I have never met a successful entrepreneur who works 9AM-5PM. So time flexibility isn’t something you will really have.

3) I want to do what I’m passionate about

Passion is something that drives a lot of entrepreneurs but it’s not something that is exclusive to entrepreneurs. I know a lot of professionals who are really passionate about their jobs or their company or their industry.

My friend Suet Li has been working for Teach for Malaysia for years and she’s passionate about teaching and the education system. No less passionate than an entrepreneur would be about his or her business.

The only difference is that as a professional if you lose your passion in something you can make a switch to something else that you might find passion in

As an entrepreneur you can’t afford to lose that passion. Once you’re committed you’re in there. You have to see it through.

4) It’s a great time to start a business

Yes there are factors today that make it really conducive to start a business. There is a lot of capital available, looking to fund great businesses and great entrepreneurs.

But there are also other factors that make it a very very difficult time to start a business. The world economy we live in right now is more open than it has ever been in the whole world. That means in most industries you go into, chances are a behemoth from a large market like the US or China has the ability to come in and challenge you with more resources than you could possibly have. They don’t have to play fair too.

We also live in a world where technology is rapidly changing and quickly disrupting many many markets. The disruptors in this world quickly become the disruptees. Take the Blackberry for example. It became one of the first smartphone many people had. It made e-mail seem like text messages to us. Giving us a whole new reason to use our phones.

Then the iPhone came along and disrupted the Blackberry. Who knows what might come and disrupt the iPhone some day. If Blackberry, a company that was once worth $70 billion a few years ago is now worth a small fraction of that, who’s to say any company can’t and won’t be disrupted.

It is also a hard time to find talent. Multinationals are constantly competing with you for the best talent, for the best people you can hire and they’ll be competing with you now more than ever before. Ironically these are the same reasons that make it a great time to be an employee over an employer.

5) If I don’t try now, I never will

Inspirational quotes that we often see in social media tend to promote this. That if we don’t try something then how do we know we’re not capable of doing it.

I agree with that notion. We don’t know what we’re capable of until we actually try. However I feel this somehow motivates people to skip to the WHEN (do I start a business) and forget the WHY.

Why do you want to start a business? Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Is it money? Because I just explained above that you can make money either ways.

Is it flexibility? I also just explained that above. Is it fame? Well being a successful entrepreneur isn’t the most straightforward way to fame.

Then why?

I was at a conference once and they had Donald Trump speak through a video conference. He said not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur. He knows people who have been professionals all their lives and are very successful.

So why do you want to be an entrepreneur? There isn’t a right or wrong answer to this. There is only your answer but what I’m advocating here isn’t the answer. I’m advocating that we really think about the answer and decide if that’s what we really really want.

I’m not saying don’t be an entrepreneur (heck I’m happy being one). I’m saying there are great merits too of being a professional.

Sydney in 2 nights

I was in Sydney this week for what must’ve been the shortest trip to Australia I’ve ever been on. Well okay wait there was a shorter one. My work trip to Melbourne a couple years back was just as short. Just 2 nights.

This Sydney trip on the other hand was also 2 nights but it was a lot busier for me. Here’s how it went.

I left KL for Sydney on a Tuesday night. I slept on the plane and arrived at 6AM on Wednesday. My first meeting was at 9AM. My meetings went on all the way till 1AM on the first day. By the time I was in bed it was 2AM. Then the second work day started.

Thursday. This one lasted till 2AM. Friday came and I spent most of it in the office too until night when I flew home. I arrived KL Saturday morning at 4AM.

I did manage to take some pictures of my Sydney trip though and I think they tell a good story of my trip.


This was taken on the second day right before we headed to work. I was feeling a lot fresher because at least I had a proper sleep in a bed before my meetings started. The day before I had only slept on the plane.


Here’s a snapshot of the meetings I had during the day. Well these meetings really lasted all the way till night and this is how the nights looked like.


On the first night we only managed to duck out for dinner about 9PM. Being Sydney though most of the restaurants had already closed by then so we ended up eating in a pub.


And ordered some beer along with it. When we got to the pub the kitchen was closing too and we just made the last order.

Learning from our mistake of eating dinner too late on the first day, on the second day we went out for a nice dinner. Italian food at the Westin in Sydney.


I enjoyed it and the great conversations we had.

On the last day of the trip I managed to duck out for a quick lunch with my cousin Michelle here. Michelle Tiah! She’s now working in Sydney.


She told me her lunch ritual is first to have lunch in a food court and then buy a coffee back to the office. She said the coffee in Australia was awesome so I asked her to bring me to her favorite place. She brought me here.


A place called Gumption. Perhaps I’m not a coffee person so I couldn’t really tell how this was better than the coffee we had back home in some of the hipster coffee places. I thought it was just okay.


This last picture was taken on one of the nights that we worked late. The office we worked at was at a really busy place called Martin Place. Whenever we left the office though it was totally quiet like this. And cold too.

That’s Angeline walking in front of me. She was freezing and practically did an Olympic standard sprint back to the hotel.

So that was my quick trip to Sydney. Really busy but you know what… I actually had a lot of fun!

Helping the Underprivileged find sustainability

You guys know I’m part of Entrepreneurs Organization. One of the initiatives that EO is doing this year is called EO Impact. An initiative for entrepreneurs to give back to society.

When we talk about give back though we’re not looking at just a one-time donation or even really a donation at all. We look at initiatives that are long-term. That instead of giving someone a fish we teach that person to fish. Sustainability.

That’s what a lot of my fellow members have been working on. Instead of orphanages to homes for example, we have kids at home bake cookies (my wife’s latest hobby) and find the people to sell those cookies too so they can have a constant stream of recurrent income.

This Saturday 16th of May EO will be organizing an event (bazaar and stuff) in Publika to promote this and all profits from the event will go to support the homes involved.

So if you’re free go check it out. Details in the flyer.

EO Impact Blaster for FB