
This is one of my favourite Android phones on the market right now

Since I started using Android some couple of years ago I’ve grown attached to the Android OS. When Android was in its infancy it was a little buggy, even slow sometimes but I think the Android of today has matured. I find it stable and very intuitive.

The problem with Androids though are picking the right phones. Some phones with bad hardware can give you a really bad experience but some good ones give you a good experience.

About a month ago my friend Danny who works in Huawei contacted me and asked if I would like to be sponsored by them. They had a new phone coming out soon.

Without him telling me exactly what phone it was, judging from the month of release (September) I knew it was going to be the successor to the Huawei Mate 7 (Huawei’s largest flagship phone from last year). I thought it was going to be called the Mate 8 but instead it was called Mate S.

Before accepting an engagement with a brand and a product I normally do a lot of research. The last thing I wanted was to be caught promoting a product that I didn’t believe in. So Danny lent me the older Mate 7.

There were things I liked about it like the fingerprint sensor and the long battery life but there were things I didn’t too. Like the camera. And the camera is really really important to me. These things however were significantly improved in the new Huawei Mate S.

So I took the engagement with Huawei and in came the Mate S. I’ve been using it for almost a month now.

Here’s what I think.

  1. How it looks


I often don’t really think much about the looks of smartphones these days because they generally look the same to me However for the past few weeks that I’ve been carrying this phone I’ve had at least two people who have come up to me to ask me what phone it was that I was carrying.

Because they thought it looked nice. I’m not sure if it’s because you don’t see that many Huawei Mate S around in KL yet or if it’s because of its design. What I do like a lot is this is the revolving wallpaper.

Let me explain that. Basically the phone comes with some very nice professionally taken photos. Whenever you turn it on, these photos rotate so every time you look at your phone it has a different wallpaper. This is how it looks like.


And then I turn off the phone to standby and on again and it changes to this.


And this.


Nice right!!

2. How it runs

I’m not going into the details of the specs because if you want that you can find them all here. What I will focus on however is how it runs. Does it lag? Is it choppy? The answer is no. It feels pretty smooth and I know some phones feel smooth for a while but I’ve used it for some weeks now and I have no issues on it. How it feels This is my favorite favorite part of the phone.

3. How it feels

You see a lot of smartphones these days are experimenting with fingerprint sensors in all different parts of the phone. Some of the front, some on the side. Huawei’s approach is to put one on the back here. Why on the back? Because when you pick up the phone you naturally slip your finger on to the back.


It feels really natural and it’s very very fast too. Even faster than the Mate 7’s finger print sensor. The phone unlocks itself the very second your finger touches the sensor at the back. Now at first I thought this really was a gimmick and well no big deal but the more I used it and got used to it the bigger difference it made to my lifestyle.

I eventually got an iPhone 6S Plus to test Dayre on but suddenly using the fingerprint sensor on the front felt somewhat unnatural.

How it takes photos

I take a lot of photos of Penny and Fighter so photos is a really important thing for me. Here I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Here is a photo I took of Fighter while he was sleeping in a dark room. Taken with my iPhone 6S Plus.


Here is a photo I took with the same lighting but with my Huawei Mate S.


What I do really like about the Huawei Mate S though is the selfie camera. It really smoothens out the skin and almost makes it look like you photoshopped yourself. Here are some of the photos I took with it.




I also really like the selfie camera flash. If I’m not mistaken the flash has a little diffuser on it so the flash becomes less harsh on your face. That’s something a lot of other selfie cameras don’t seem to have and it makes a huge difference.

How long it lasts

Battery life is really important to me and here’s where I gotta be honest, I wish I had more.  The Mate S has a battery 2,700 mAh battery which is much smaller than the huge battery the Mate 7 had at (4,100 mAh). To be fair the Mate 7 had one of the largest batteries I’ve seen on smartphones but 2,700 is still smaller than many phablet size phones.

That’s understandable though because of the smaller size of the Mate S and to be fair, the battery is still bigger than other phones its size. Like the iPhone 6S.

All in all I really love the Huawei Mate S. If you’re looking for a good android phone with a good Android experience, I think the Mate S is one that won’t disappoint you. There are many good Android phones on the market, but the Mate S is one of the best I’ve tried at the moment.

Did I also mention that you can get it for  just RM2,698?

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In Penang for my MRI

I am on the way back to Penang as I write this. I’m going back to Penang to finally do an MRI scan. At this point you’re probably thinking: “Why go back to Penang for an MRI Tim? KL don’t have meh?.

Well here’s the thing.

1) The first doctor I saw regarding my pancreatic cyst recommended I do a Endoscopy Ultrasound where I put this scope down my throat to look at my pancreas. The whole procedure would cost RM4K. I thought that was overkill for my tiny cyst so I went to get a second opinion.

2) This new doctor I saw at University Hospital agreed that an endoscopy was indeed overkill for the size of my cyst. He recommended I do a CT scan first and then only if it turns out to be something suspicious that I do an endoscopy ultrasound. My parents were super against the whole CT scan because of radiation and preferred that I do an MRi. So I asked the doctor if I could do an MRI too and he said I could but he prefers I do a CT Scan for no particular reason. He said I’m not doing it regularly so I don’t have to worry about radiation.

To my parent’s disapproval I went ahead for my CT Scan appointment and when I got there the radiologist told me that since I’m asthmatic they need to first give me some medication before I can take the contrasting dye they want to give me. So I couldn’t do the CT scan that they and my parents told me to just do an MRI.
Problem was that i can’t do an MRI without going back to the doctor, paying him a consultation fee just so he can write me a piece of paper to refer me to the radiologist for an MRI. My Dad however knows a radiologist in Penang who can do it for me.

So tadaa here I am in Penang.

I hope my cyst isn’t anything serious but I like how it has changed my lifestyle. Because of my previous health test I have significantly cut my sugar and snacking. I just realized that my weight also has dropped from 73-74 to 69.5. I don’t think I have been this light in a long time.

I also notice my belly has come down significantly. You know the typical middle age Asian man belly. So I feel fitter.

My Dad used to say that the best motivation you can have to change your lifestyle would be to find out you have a problem. If my cyst comes out to be nothing, I guess amid all the trouble I’ve had to go for all these tests and doctors… it did motivate me to change my lifestyle.

Bad food blogger review: Spot the inaccuracies

It’s so competitive being a food blogger these days because there are so many good ones out there writing great reviews. So today I decided to do the opposite. I decided to write the worst possible food review out there filled with misinformation. The kind of food review that gives you NO VALUE WHATSOEVER. Do not take anything in this article seriously. Here goes.

There are 6 factual mistakes in this review. See if you can find them all.


Dropped by Haraju Cube the other night after dinner with Sue Ann.


I had the Citrus Cured F1 Wagyu Tenderloin with Crisp potato, eggplant and parsley.

It was a Chilled, lightly cured tenderloin, diced in the style of “Steak Americaine” has a slightly firmer texture to just raw diced beef. Smokey flavours imparted into eggplants when burnt over a chargrill for an hour add a deep and satisfying layer of complexity to the beef, crispy kipfler potato and purity of parsley essence.

Pairs very well with a Mountain Pass Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 2009 red wine.

Here is a picture of the dish I just described above.


Looks nice and juicy eh.

The restaurant was beautifully decorated with hanging chandeliers and old tapestries of past US presidents. In line with its rustic vintage 1900s theme.


If you’re interested to try this restaurant here is the address.

Address: Cheras G-49, Ground Floor, AEON (Jusco) Cheras Selatan Shopping Centre, Aras Satu, Lebuh Tun Hussien Onn, Balakong, Selangor, 43200, Malaysia

And here is a map of the place.

And there goes my food review.

What do you guys think? Did you spot all 5 of the factual mistakes?

The Haunted Toy Dinosaur in My Living Room

Fighter has this purple toy dinosaur. My first thought was that it was a really good educational toy. It has a button on its head that would make some sounds if you press it.  Sometimes it plays a tune and sometimes a kid’s voice from inside the dinosaur would greet you with a “HELLO!”.


Then of course there are all the colourful buttons along its back. Each button represented an alphabet and each time you pressed one of them the same kid voice would say the alphabet.

Great right? I’m quite convinced that it has helped Fighter learn his alphabets. This dinosaur toy and I had a really good relationship until something started happening.

It first started with my helper saying that sometimes they’re walking past the living room and they hear the dinosaur play music on its own. They look over only to see nothing but the dinosaur. Nobody around to activate it.

Initially I brushed it off. I thought they were being paranoid but then some nights I would be in bed upstairs when I hear the dinosaur playing tunes on its own downstairs. Almost like somebody was downstairs pressing its buttons.

I open my door and look downstairs only to see nobody around. This one time I walked downstairs and there it was. All alone on the play mat was the purple dinosaur, staring at me in the darkness.


I waited a while to see if it made any noise on its own but no. Nothing. It’s as if it knew I was around and didn’t want to give itself away. So I turned it off and then went back to sleep.

Then the next morning I would hear the kid say “HELLO!”. To my knowledge that only happen when somebody presses a button. I rush out of my door and look and see nobody around. The dinosaur was where I left it the night before and as I stared at it, it remained quiet. Not a tune. Not a word. Not a sound.

And that’s the funny thing right. I thought that maybe the toy has a motion sensor that activates it but there can’t be. There’s nobody around. Windows are closed so no movement from wind hitting curtains or anything like that.

So I have only one theory left. I think Fighter’s purple alphabet dinosaur might be haunted. Does anyone else have this toy? Does your purple dinosaur make sounds on its own?

What happens to your body when you eat poo

It started like any regular day. I was done with my business meetings in Singapore and next was an investor roadshow in Hong Kong. So I found myself in Singapore airport, one of my favorite airports in the world. Why shouldn’t it be? It has everything and is so well run I wish all airports in the world were just like it.

I was walking towards my gate when I made that fateful decision.

Before you understand the logic of my stupid decision, you have to know first that I have a bladder the size of a pea. Yes a regular green pea. This problem is also compounded by the fact that I drink more water than a blue whale.

So every hour I drink enough water to power Niagara falls and all this water is stored in a bladder the size of a pea. Well okay maybe not a pea but maybe a bottle cap.

Being the best airport in the world, Changi airport had restrooms everywhere and right next to every single gate. I walked into the one right next to my gate and it was like how you would expect any restroom in Singapore. Clean like a laboratory and bright like a Yankee stadium.

The next few things happened very very quickly and in the following order:

1) After having verified that the restroom was clean, my eyes sent a signal to my brain to tell my brain that the coast was clear.

2) My brain then sent a memo to my nose to stand down. Any foul smell that would normally come along with public restrooms do not appear to be present. The memo read “Breathe normally. No breath holding required”.

3) On a separate line my brain communicated to the buff muscled crew of my legs to walk towards the closest urinal right next to the cubicles and my bladder was told to prep for unloading.

4) As the crew manning my nose were having water cooler conversations after being told to stand down, a red alert went off. The nose had picked up the smell of shit from a nearby cubical. This shit was no normal shit. The offensive, pungent and vomit-inducing smell indicated that a fully formed turd the approximate size of the USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier sat floating majestically above the water of one of the nearby cubicles.

5) The well trained crew of my nose hit the red alert and the fail-safe system kicked in. The fail safe system is meant to automatically hold any breathing temporarily when a foul smell was detected. Apparently when you smell shit in the air, it’s somewhat because shit particles are floating around.

6) The trained crew of my nose did a stellar job. They held off any other entry of gas from the invisible to the eye brown turd cloud. What they didn’t account for was that the nose and the throat were connected and the shit particles that had already gone in through the nose was so strong, so gloriously despicable that it punched the throat into irritation.

7) The throat reacted as it naturally would in a situation like this. It initiated a coughing sequence to expel the shit particles from going further down the throat and into the unsuspecting lungs.

8) This is when the shit hits the fan (pun not intended). In order to cough, the body requires air to cough out. So when a cough is initiated, the mouth and nose automatically take a deep breath. Because the dark brown floating cloud of shit existed in the air right outside the body, the nose and mouth ended taking a huge gush of “shit air” right before the cough.

9) At that moment the brain stored the memory of a totally new feeling. In the past years, the body of Timothy Tiah has felt the brunt of taking all sorts of shots. There were vodka shots, tequila shots, whiskey shots and even flu shots. Never ever before though, has the body ever absorbed or taken in a package of air to pungent, so rude and so densely packed that it felt like taking a shot of shit.

10) For a short few seconds the body shut down as it recovered from the shock. The reactions to this crisis were mixed throughout the different parts of the body.

i) The brain screamed and swore that heads will roll for this.

ii) The crew in the eyes, nose and throat all shook fearfully, not knowing which one of them was to be blamed and would get the boot.

iii) The tongue was just recovering from having shouted enough curse words to make the movie Reservoir Dogs look like Sesame Street.

iv) The hands were busy covering the nose.

v) And the crew in the large intestine and anus were thinking that everyone else was totally overreacting. They deal with shit every day and a little shit never killed anyone.

11) The aftermath was not pretty. The shit shot was so strong that it lingered in the throat some 20 minutes later. In that 20 minutes the brain was able to do a damage assessment. 32,000 brain cells, 50,000 lung cells and 48,100 cells in the throat were killed in the attack. Blood that ran across the body had been contaminated and temporarily turned brown but fortunately the crew in the kidneys have been working over time to cleanse it all.

It was a rough day for the organs running the body. But they lived yet again. The only bright side is that the tongue and lips can now proudly communicate to other human beings that he knows what shit tastes like. Because he has eaten shit before.

I slammed this milk company on social media. This is the amazing way the CEO responded and won me back.

On the 17th of October I wrote this entry on my Dayre.





That Dayre entry was shared around and received some 84 comments, one of which had a link to the company’s official reason behind the whole thing.

It seemed that I wasn’t the only one affected and Farm Fresh Milk was just responding to it. This was their official response.

Dear valued consumers,

Recently there have been a spate of complaints about our Farm Fresh milk curdling and turning sour. Initially we had thought the problem was due to less than ideal handling on the retail level. At the same time, we were also doing everything to examine our operations at the processing level. We then discovered that a very small amount of our yogurt had somehow gotten into two of our filling lines. That explains the slight curdling of the milk and the sourish
taste, without the the typical spoilt milk smell.

We have since isolated these two filling lines. We truly apologize for the inconvenience caused and we understand that this has caused some consternation for you, our valued customers. The curdled product, though it may seem disturbing, was basically an unintended version of “yogurt milk”.

We are thankful for your prompt feedback, and we want to assure you that we are constantly doing our best to ensure the highest quality standards so that you can continue to enjoy the freshest quality milk from our farm. Our apologies again, and thank you for your continuous support.

Further to this, we would like to offer all customers a refund for any bottles of Farm Fresh milk purchased which were not up to the desired quality. Please email us at custsvc@farmfreshmilk.com.my indicating the number of bottles purchased and the total retail price.

I told Shorty to look at how to refund our couple of bottles when she had the time and I left it at that.

A few days later though I received an e-mail from a guy who calls himself Loi. I didn’t know who he was at the time but as I read on and then later Googled his name it turned out that Loi is the CEO/MD of Farm Fresh Milk.

This was the letter he sent me.

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 I was moved by his sincere e-mail. So I replied him…

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I thought that was the end of it. And then a few days later Loi sent me another email.

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Within minutes of me reading his e-mail, I received a message from my office that someone had left something for me. I had it brought home and this is what it was.


Loi truly inspired me. At a time of crisis he kept his calm and dealt with tough situations like this with humility and sincerity. Why I say sincere? Because after I had replied him and said I would clarify he need not had gone the extra mile to send me something, or to give 12 bottles to the old folks home instead of the two.

I respect him for that. I’ve always said that my motto in life is that

“It’s not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters”.

I don’t know if I could have done better than what Loi did. He turned a crisis into an opportunity.

I would love to meet Loi one day and I’ll take up his offer to visit his farm. Not just for the cows, but for the man behind the cows.

This Popular YouTuber Walked Away From It All….

One of my favourite YouTubers of all time is a guy named KevJumba. I used to watch a lot of his videos years ago but I drop in and out of following YouTubers so I kinda forgot to check back on him for a while.

Recently though I thought about him again and decided to go check out his YouTube page for his latest videos. To my surprise, I learned then that he stopped uploading videos 2 years ago. He has also been pretty inactive on all his social media platforms.

I was shocked. I mean here we are today reading articles about YouTubers who become millionaires in the US and KevJumba with his 3 million YouTube subscribers today was probably way up there in the ranks and would have been today if he continued.
Why did he stop? I googled around and there isn’t much material on why but I did find out that with some of the money he earned from his videos, he built a school in Kenya named after him.

From his limited postings on social media you can also see that he’s been spending time there with the kids. He talked about how he ended up starting the school in this article here.

I’m amazed.

Most people don’t know what’s the real reason why KevJumba decided to quit. Some comments online speculate that it’s because he got tired of the pressure of constantly doing videos, or tired of the fame, or that he wanted to find his true calling (helping kids in Kenya maybe) or maybe he just got bored.

I’m impressed though because not many people can walk away from what he had and almost completely disappear from social media. Heck we’ve seen people like Adele or Justin Bieber claim publicly that they’re going to quit but they never really do which begs you to wonder whether it’s all just a publicity stunt.

But the way KevJumba quit though was very subtle. There was no huge announcement, no official goodbye. Nothing attention seeking at all. His last video was this vague “Goodbye video” that most of his fans never even realised was meant to say goodbye.

This is his last video.

One day, I’d love to meet KevJumba and ask him two questions. Why he quit and how it felt. Was it difficult? Or was it perhaps liberating?

What you never knew about Inception and the business lessons you can learn from them


I recently attended the On Demand (OD) entertainment launch by Astro and was looking at the collection of TV shows and movies they have available to stream or to download. One of them was Inception.

Inception is one of my favourite movies of all time. Great movies are ones that impact you in the way that you can’t forget even after you walk out of the cinema. I remember walking out and digesting everything that I had just watched in the past few hours. Then I remember pinching myself and wondering if I was still in a dream.

So out of interest I started reading up on some Inception trivia and came across this article when I learned a few really interesting things that I thought applied to us in life and in business. Generally.

Here’s what what I never knew about the film and my lessons from it.

What we never knew 1:


He took a similar approach to writing a movie about dreams as he did to writing Memento, a movie about memory. He primarily used his own experiences and feelings rather than outside information. “I think a lot of what I find you want to do with research is just confirming things you want to do,” he told Collider. “If the research contradicts what you want to do, you tend to go ahead and do it anyway. So at a certain point I realized that if you’re trying to reach an audience, being as subjective as possible and really trying to write from something genuine is the way to go. Really it’s mostly from my own process, my own experience.”

Lesson learned:

When I first came up with the business plan for Nuffnang, I came up with the whole 9 yards. We had a plan, cost structures and a financial model with all sorts of assumptions that could predict our growth. I spent months doing research on this business plan to make sure that I had covered everything until Ming finally told me that we had done enough research. It was time to take the plunge.

We took the plunge and guess what… what turned out for Nuffnang was nothing like the business plan I created. We can plan all we want but business is about adapting to the challenges reality throws at us.

We are brought up to believe that we should research everything we do before we do it. We research extensively which university to apply to, what course to study, even what job to take. People tell us to do our homework… but not often do people tell us that we’ve done enough homework and it’s time to take the plunge. After all, as Christopher Nolan pointed out the main motivation of our research is really to confirm what we want to do.

Even if the research tells us it’s wrong, we often go for it anyway because we often follow our heart (or gut).  We are often faced with a decision on whether to follow our heart or our minds. So far I haven’t been wrong yet for following my heart.

What we never knew 2:


Nolan knew that he wanted Leonardo DiCaprio for the role of Cobb, so according to him, “We were just trying to cast the best people I could find for those parts, who felt right around Leo.” This also involved casting a young ensemble because Nolan “wanted to get a young, energetic cast around him who wouldn’t make [DiCaprio] look younger.”

Lesson learned:

As a company grows, its business is managed not just by one team but a number of teams, creating a natural hierarchy. The job of an entrepreneur or a CEO is to pick the right people to lead each team. That’s it. The lead will then tell you what kind of people he needs under his team and it’s the CEO’s job to find him the right people that he needs so he can do his thing.

In the past I’ve often made this mistake. I overreached and picked the people in the team of my own managers based on who I think is the right person for the job not based on who my manager thinks he or she can work well with. Having learned that, I now find out what kind of people my managers need, I give my input but I let them have the final say.

What we never knew 3:


He actually prefers the constraints that time and money give him, so he makes a serious effort to be efficient when it comes to filmmaking.

Lesson learned:

I’ve met a lot of successful people in my life and they all share one thing in common. They have never once complained about their circumstance. About not having enough money or not having enough resources. They make do with what they have and just like Nolan, having limited resources forces them to be more efficient and creative.

Successful people tend to focus on how to make things happen with what they have. Unsuccessful people tend to complain about the cards they’re dealt and how they just never had enough to achieve what they needed to achieve.

If you’re looking to stream OR download Inception to watch legally you can get them from OD Plus for RM15.90 a month. Along with a lot of other movies like The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and TV shows like The Flash or The Big Bang Theory.

If you want to watch really new movies (like released in the cinema this year kind of new), you can select and pay for individual titles at the OD Store from as low as RM5.30. Movies you can get here are like Inside Out, The Avengers: Age of Ultron and Fast & Furious 7.

Or if your pocket has recently been hit by the rise in toll rates you can choose from a library of virtually unlimited FREE on demand content, including Same Day as The U.S. titles, the latest seasons of Akademi Fantasia, Super Spontan and many more for free with OD Free. There you can watch TV shows like Game of Thrones, Empire, Quantico, Heroes Reborn, The Walking Dead, Marvel’s Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and lots of local content like Akademi Fantasia.

If you have Astro on the Go you can also use the new Download feature to download content on to your device (from your Wi-Fi) and watch it offline. So you can carry your movies on to a plane or whenever you don’t have an internet connection. This is a first in Malaysia.

Connect your PVRs to your home Wi-Fi before 31st Jan 2016 and you’ll get 3 months free access to OD Plus’s content (worth RM47.70). To learn more about ODjust go to www.watchOD.com and follow the instructions.

Here’s why it’s ok to play badminton in a non-air conditioned court when there’s haze outside

A few weeks ago we made a last minute cancellation of our badminton game because of the haze. It was a mixed decision. Some of us though that there was no harm playing badminton when it’s hazey outside because badminton is indoors. The others thought there’s no difference anyway because the air still comes from the outside.

I don’t know how to explain it but somehow when I’m in the badminton court I hardly smell the haze I do outside.

Pierre challenged me. He said he can understand why it’s okay to play in an air-conditioned badminton court because the air con filters clean the air but for a non air-conditioned court what’s the logic?

Most courts after all are non air-conditioned.

I didn’t have an explanation so we went on to cancel the game that day.  I tried Googling “Is it safe to play badminton indoors when there is haze?” and I found nothing.

Then today I was just talking to my father about it. My father is very health conscious. When there’s haze outside, he makes it a point to wear a mask and minimize all the going out time. On the other hand, haze or not… he will always make it for his indoor table tennis game.

I asked him the same question Pierre asked me.

Why is it okay to play table tennis or badminton indoors when it’s a non air-conditioned court? Isn’t the air the same. It all comes from the outside anyway.

His explanation blew me away.

He said dust particles are heavier than air. In an outdoor environment, the air is always moving from wind or a breeze so it keeps the dust particles in the air.

Indoors or in a court though there is no breeze and no wind. The air is very still. So much of the dust particles will then fall on to the floor and don’t remain in the air anymore.

I don’t know how well this explanation holds up scientifically but it makes sense to me and my friends. The reason why the haze isn’t so bad indoors even in the absence of an air filter is the same reason why badminton courts often feel stuffy (because the air is still).

Now of course in an extreme case when the haze is at like 200-300 API/PSI then that’s another matter. It’ll probably still be best to cancel your game. But at the level of 100-150, I find it hard to cycle outside but I find it totally fine to play badminton indoors.

So there you have it. Does my Dad’s explanation make sense to you?