
Urban Redevelopment Authority

My partner Ming is a very patriotic Singaporean.

So with whatever spare time I had when I was down in Singapore, he brought me to the Gallery of the Urban Redevelopment Authority in Singapore.

There they displayed all the work that has been done in Singapore in the past decades and what else they plan to do in the near future.
The gallery was filled with miniature models of the city of Singapore that looked like these.

What really caught my eye though was a post-it board that allowed anyone visiting to post their “aspirations for Singapore”.

People were free to write whatever they thought about Singapore to share them with all the other people who visit the Gallery (like myself).

I love the comments that the previous visitors left.

First, there were the usual patriotic Singaporean messages like this.

Then there were those left by tourists like this which read

“Singapore is OK. Not as great as India.
It still has a long way to go, especially in the Indian Food Department”.

And one probably written by an unsatisfied local or an idealistic tourist

Pay attention to the picture and notice the follow-up comment posted right below that message.

And last but not least… there was this

So I guess I’m not the only Malaysian that likes Singapore…

(Dear Malaysia… please do not be jealous… I cheat on you NOT… I love u long time too!).

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Visiting a Successful Fellow Entrepreneur

Picture this:

You’ve just finished high school and your father tells you

“Son… here is some money. You are old enough to decide what to do with it. So you can either go spend it on an education and get a degree… or you could go do business with it.”

What would you do?

My guess is that 80% of people faced with situations like that would spend the money on the education.

10% would do a business with it.

And the remaining 10% would tell his father that he will take the money to start a business but instead throw it all on girls and booz.

Meet Jian Bang.

Jian Bang is a Singaporean friend of mine who was faced with the exact same situation as described above years ago.

His dad gave him the money to his education and told him that he could either go study with it, or go do a business.

He chose the latter so he opened the first Pandora’s Box at Far East Plaza in Singapore.

Pandora’s Box has an interesting concept.

What Jian Bang does is he rents out boxes (shelves) in his shop to other aspiring entrepreneurs who want some store space to sell some goods but want to do without the heavy rent of an actual store.
Jian Bang gets a monthly rental for these boxes and also a commission for each item his ‘tenants’ sell.

Things were tough at first but Jian Bang persevered on and Pandora’s Box today has been pretty successful.

Now not only does he rent ‘boxes’ out to his ‘tenants’ but he now even has his own products.

Not being able to cope with the demand for ‘box space’ in his store and with a growing waiting list, Jian Bang decided to open a new shop at Orchard Cathay Cineleisure which I visited yesterday.

Now if you’re a man… Pandora’s Box probably has nothing for you unless you’re shopping for your girlfriend.

But if you’re a girl (a teenage one especially), you’ll find a great deal of very very cute items there.

Everything from hand made accessories to clothes or even boots.

I couldn’t help but buy a few of his items eventhough I had no clue when I will ever get to use them or who I would ever give them to.

But how could you not buy something from a cute store like that.

Heck even a little Hello Kitty greets you at the cashier every time you want to pay.
Of course… the main attraction for most of us guys was next door.

Just opposite of Jian Bang’s shop we saw a shop selling this


HARDO GAY TOY HOOOOoooooooooooooo!!!!

Initially we all grabbed it as soon as we saw it trying to test it out and hear what he says when we put those little plastic swords into him.

We all knew we had to buy one each!
But we gave up the idea when we saw that each one costs RM160 each.

*sigh*… all those Hard Gay toys and we can’t buy any of them 🙁

Anyway, back to Jian Bang.

At his age, I must say Jian Bang is an inspiration to all of us entrepreneurs.

I love meeting other entrepreneurs (which was why I got Ming to bring me to Jian Bang’s stall some time during my business trip to Singapore).

Those who make it… brings inspiration to the rest of us.

And those who didn’t make it… brings lessons to the rest of us.

Now not only is Jian Bang working on expanding Pandora’s Box

He has also recently started an online store that sells sex toys… HO HO HO

PS: For those of you who have FORGOTTEN ALL ABOUT HARD GAY (which I will consider as an ACT OF TREASON!!!!) then please refer to one of my older entries here.

The Midvalley of Automobiles

To my dear Singaporean readers, please skip this post because it probably won’t interest you since it’s about something that you guys see every day.


Let me start from the beginning…

Yesterday morning (in Singapore), my partner Ming met with a car accident on his way to pick me up for work.

His Volvo XC90 went up the arse of a local taxi that looks something like this (but in blue). Naturally after a car accident, we have to take the car to a workshop to evaluate the damage (his Volvo wasn’t too badly damaged but the taxi he bumped into had its rear severely destroyed). Now when Ming told me that he was taking me to a workshop, I thought it would be one of those Bengkel Kereta’s that we see back home but nooo… he took me to this building. And inside this building, there were many many floors that were linked by ramps like thiswhich takes you to a thousand workshops like this
and this

all put together in the same place.

It was like a shopping mall but only instead of having retail shops in the shop lots, there were BENGKELS in each and every one of them.

Now even your car can go window shopping.

I couldn’t believe what I saw.

I was like

But Ming replied
“What? This is normal lah! You mean you don’t have something like that in Malaysia?”.

I was tempted to lie and say
“Oh yeah… we had something like this in Malaysia in the 1980s. Now we just have a little car teleporter that beams the car we want to repair up into space to let our space monkeys work on it quickly under zero gravity conditions and then send it back down to us again in only a few minutes”.

But I knew he wouldn’t believe me so I didn’t.

Anyway, we got to our designated workshop and the guys checked out the damage on Ming’s car.

While I admired the Golf GTI in the workshop right opposite the one we were at.

We worked out the cost of the repair in half an hour and left the place.

Yet, even after we left the “Auto Mall“, I glanced at Ming to see he was still nearly in tears.

So to cheer him up… we went to the Red Light District of Singapore…


Singapore Mari!!!

I left KL on Sunday morning heading down to Singapore for a short business trip.

It was a 4 hour drive to Singapore from KL but it didn’t feel too long before I reached the last bit of Malaysian land before crossing over to Singapore.

But before going over for a few days of everything Singapore, I insisted that I had to have one last Malaysian thing.

I decided to pump my petrol at PETRONAS!!!

It doesn’t get any more Malaysian that that.

Business at Petronas was booming… not from Malaysian cars… but from Singaporean cars!

It didn’t take me long to realise that my car was the only Malaysian car there at the petrol station.

It was almost as if every Singaporean car heading back to Singapore was stopping over for one last pump.

Well I guess we go over to Singapore to buy their cheaper electronics and Singaporeans come over to Malaysia to buy our cheaper (subsidised) petrol.

After I fed my leetle car, I crossed over the causeway and before you can say “Boss Stewie”…

I reached the wonderful city of Singapore!

I love Singapore.

I love Singapore for so many reasons!

But Sunday gave me another reason to love Singapore.

As I looked out the window of my apartment in Singapore I saw a fairly sexy model posing for photographers.

Now in what other country do you see models posing right outside your bedroom window.

Boss Stewie *hugz* Singapura

Christmas at BSC

I found myself at Bangsar Shopping Complex yesterday afternoon.

BSC is famous for many things.

To some people it’s the infamous place where Canny Ong was kidnapped, but for others, it’s famous for being the place where rich people hang out and where poor people go to look at the cars of the rich.

I was there not so much to look at the BMW M5 parked right outside

or to look at the Ferrari parked just a little behind the M5.

I wasn’t even there to look at how cheap the Nissan Skyline looked when put among the M5 and Ferrari.

Tokyo Drift doesn’t sound so cool now does it?

Tell the owner of the Ferrari that you own a Nissan Skyline and he’ll say

“Oh I’ve heard about your car… it’s one of those cheap Japanese cars that people buy when they can’t afford a car like mine right?”.

But do not fear my dear Skyline owners… there will always be people who will be impressed with your car. Just not when it’s parked in front of a Ferrari.

Anyway, I was at BSC because I heard that they brought Christmas… to BSC.

After feeling sorry for the Skyline and envy for the Ferrari, I walked into BSC and the first thing to greet me was this.

Christmas carols were playing and people were moving all around exploring the cute little items on display.
There were Christmas trees everywhere, decorated with ornaments on sale that were specially imported from Thailand.
Now I am used to seeing Christmas trees being decorated with fake candy sticks, socks, lights and little plastic balls.

What I am not used to is seeing Christmas trees wonderfully decorated with ornaments like this
or this

or even this big one. I walked around to explore the space and to check out the little ornaments they were selling.

But after admitting to myself that even if I bought this particular ornament that I liked
I wouldn’t have the patience to go home and put them all on my papaya tree (poor people or people in the lower income bracket like myself use papaya trees as our Christmas tree…. DON’T JUDGE US!!!!).

So I walked pass the ornaments to see what else there was.

There was the usual gift section which sold photoframes

But more importantly… there was… FOOOD!!!!!!!

Freshly baked bread that were either made in small pieces like this

or HUGEEE pieces like this.

But alas, after I felt I had enough time walking around the place and looking at things that I couldn’t afford, I decided it was time for me to leave before I was tempted to steal something.

On my way out, I looked back at the beautifully decorated high ceiling and couldn’t help but think…

“All these beautiful decorations but WHY NO GREEN TEA ICE-CREAM?!?! “.

So much for having something for everyone during Christmas 🙁

PS: Ok but seriously, if you’re looking for some Christmas-sy things or even for some Christmas events to watch, do check this place out at BSC.

Research on Malaysian Bloggers and Blog Readers

There are many thrills that I get from blogging which keeps me going.

There is the fun of writing blog entries itself.

There is the fun of interacting with my readers.

There is the fun of meeting new friends.

There is also the little pocket money I get from advertising every once in a while. Or even the tiny bit of fame I may get for being Boss Stewie.

But one of my favourite thrills…. is having the power to help.

I recently got an e-mail from one of my readers named June, asking me to help her with her research on Malaysian bloggers and blog readers, to see if we contribute to the democratization of Malaysia

Her research is for academic purposes only ie for her thesis at University Malaya.

So the least I could do is try to help her out by doing a survey she prepared.

I actually thought the questions she asked were pretty thought-provoking.

If you guys would like to help her out too, click here.

Anti-Rape Female Condom

Ahhh… South Africa.

The land of BEAUTY.

How many more places in the world can you see scenery like this.
Studying in London, I have met many South Africans and they all won’t stop telling me how beautiful their country is.

Even Alina (one of my best friends at university) spent many years in South Africa and she would never stop telling me how beautiful the place is.
But there is one thing I find very disturbing about the place and one thing that refrains me from going there with any of my friends or family.

South Africa is infamous for having one of the highest rates of sexual assault in the world.

The fear of rape is something I believe that any man can never understand as well as a woman could.

No matter how hard we try to understand and hate this disgusting act… we can just never fully understand it.

Just like how a woman can never understand why many of us men find it so hard to ask for directions when we’re lost.

Anyway the good news is that Cely recently brought to my attention that a South African inventor named Sonette Ehlers just came up with an anti-rape female condom!
The text in the picture reads.

“Ehlers unveiled a new anti-rape female condom on Wednesday that hooks onto an attacker’s penis and aims to cut off his penis one of the highest rates of sexual assaults in the world.”

Now it doesn’t say what’s supposed to happen when the ‘condom‘ hooks on to the attacker’s penis but I think it’s supposed to inflict some pain to the attacker.Right?

That would make at least some sense right?

Why would you have it attach to the rapist for any other reason than for the man to scream

and then weep quietly in a corner
“IT BURNS!!!! IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”.

Unless the Anti-Rape Female Condom is meant to tickle the attacker’s penis so that he falls to the ground laughing while the woman gets away.
I don’t know, those little white spikey things on the condom looks like it could either poke or tickle.

Now while I think it is a fantastic invention that I would most probably buy for my loved ones if it were available here, another side of me makes me wonder….

“Why complicate things?”

All a woman needs is this and this

The chopper to Samurai the attacker’s Leaning Tower of Pisang

And the plastic bag to pick up what’s left for the nearest Tong Sampah.


Jaga Kebersihan Rakyat!

Rasa Sayang… Hei Rasa Sayang Sayang Hei!

There has been plenty of publicity on the recent opening of Penang’s Rasa Sayang Resort after its years of renovation.

The renovation bill came up to RM100 million but I guess that is small money to Robert Kuok, Malaysia’s Richest Man and owner of the resort.

The new Rasa Sayang is supposed to be a very very posh hotel, a lot more posh than the ALREADY posh old one.The cheapest room in the newly renovated Rasa Sayang costs almost RM1,000 a night (during peak season that’ll probably be more).

RM1,000 a night is something few people could afford.
So I do what most Penang people do.

Find a reason to go to the hotel (like have lunch there) and have a tour of the hotel after that.

So last weekend, I went for lunch at Rasa Sayang.

A lunch that costed all of us almost RM90 per head.

Then we spent the rest of the day walking around the hotel pretending to be hotel guests.
We had our buffett lunch at one of the two restaurants at the hotel called the Spice Market.
Now I don’t fancy blogging about food so I’m just going to say that I had some of the usual stuff like this

and A LOT of SASHIMI to get my money’s worth.
Yes… the kiasu attitude at its best.

I had so many plates of Sashimi that the guy serving it was very close to saying
“Bang… cukup lar… kalau makan lagi nanti restoran tutup saya juga takde kerja lar!”.

So I had my last plate of Sashimi and went for every fat man’s favourite course of the meal….

But I skipped most of the cakes, kuih and usual stuff and went straight for the… CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!!

I had so many marshmallows dipped in chocolate it wasn’t even funny.

So after my lunch I walked around the hotel with my hands in my pockets pretending to be a hotel guest and feeling very good about myself.Confucius say, man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day long.

And cocky I was.

Everything in the hotel was so nice and proper.

Everything was in order.

Even the sitting areas like this…
All the chairs and tables were so aligned that it’s almost as if nobody has ever sat on them before (either that or they were all nailed to the ground so nobody could move em).

And even the landscape was to die for.

It almost looked as if Heaven was on the other side of the hotel.
I walked a little further and I came across the swimming pool that had the most unique shape ever.

And somewhere in the middle of that, two guys were playing ping pong.I went up to one of them looking like I belonged in the hotel and said
“Hey how you doing… you staying here?? YEAH.. SO AM I… I’m in room 112…”.

After making everyone ELSE think that I could “really” afford to stay in a hotel like that, I moved on.

A little ahead of the pool was a nice sitting area and a little ahead of that was…. THE BEACH!!!

Ok that is one thing that I like about Penang in which London and KL does not have:

And NO … little sandboxes with a puddle of rainwater beside it in your KL kindergartens do NOT count as BEACHES.

Having most of my attention focused on the beach, it wasn’t long before I lost my way around the resort but I came across a signboard that pointed to the all famous Rasa Sayang Spa called Chi!I have heard plenty about this Spa.

I’ve heard that just a simple massage and spa treatment there would cost you easily at least RM300-RM400.

Now I know what people like Wingz might be thinking

“Aiyah RM300-RM400… if char bor sui then worth it lar!”.

But I assure you that when this hotel says “massage” they LITERALLY MEAN “massage” on your back, your neck, your feet, hands and everywhere else but your kotek.So don’t expect any of the staff from the spa to come up to you and say
“Sucky Sucky Five Dollah?”

(unless of course you like your kotek pepper sprayed… then please do)

Anyway, soon enough, my tour of the hotel had to end.

And I had to go back to my old “unposh” life of being Boss Stewie.

The signboard at the carpark on my way out read“Exit to Batu Feringgi Road”But it might as well have read

“Poor people walk this way”.


Now some people might leave the resort saying
“I wish one day I’ll be able to stay in a hotel like this”.

But I don’t like to just dream. I like to chase the dream.

So I left thinking
“How many coke cans would I have to collect to stay in a hotel like this…”

The Hunt for My Next Precious

Throughout history, man have always been digging.

Ever since the prehistoric caveman realised that his hands can also be used to dig, the caveman digged!

Men love digging! So much sometimes that we even build gigantic digging machines like this.

It’s not because it’s fun to go through the hard labour of digging a hole.

And it’s not because we hope some women may find digging sexy.

But it’s because of what’s at the bottom.

Whether it’s treasure hunters, archaeologists or even petroleum companies digging for oil, everyone feels excitement and a good sense of accomplishment when they have struck the bottom because that’s where the reward lies.

Everyone… but Stewie.

While digging with my spoon yesterday, I reached the bottom of My Precious.NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!


I needed another RM505 to buy another tub of Haagen Dazs, and I needed it QUICK!!!

First I went to Beach Street, the old financial district of Penang to see if I could borrow some money from the banks there.But all the bank officers there turned me down for a STUPID reason.

They said my pet dog Ah Bop was not good enough as collateral for even a RM2 loan.Can you believe that?!


So I got creative.

I went to this building

where the EPF office in Penang as located.

EPF is one of the best things to happen to Malaysians.

It takes a cut out of our monthly salary to put into savings so we’re forced to save enough money for our retirement.

In the past, EPF has been very helpful and flexible.

They allow their members to withdraw money from their EPF savings for different reasons.

As long as the reason was good!

For example, in the past they allowed us to withdraw some money to buy computers!Now I don’t know about you guys but drawing out money from our lifetime savings to buy ice-cream is a VERY GOOD REASON.

So I went to ask if they would allow me to draw money from my EPF savings to help me with my “daily expenses”.

The nice lady behind the counter first asked me what expenses in particular and when I said “Beli ice-cream” she told me to get lost.

So fine!

I left! But I didn’t give up hope…

I then went over to the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri where we pay our income tax.In the past, our government has been very understanding to people in the lower income bracket like myself.

They allow us tax rebates for different reasons like for buying books or possibly even… for buying tubs of ice-cream.

But again the woman at the counter told me to leave.

Depressed and beaten… I walked the streets helplessly realising that there was nothing else I could do to get money to buy my ice-cream.

Then I came across these ‘advertisements’…Some very kind people were willing to lend me some money to buy my ice-cream.

And all I have to do is just give them my ATM card, my passport, my home address, the address of everyone in my family and a picture of everyone in my family!

Oh oh.. and the only documentation I needed was to sign a note that said

“I Boss Stewie, agree to pay back Lee Ah Long the amount of RM505 with the agreed interest in one month or Lee Ah Long and his ‘friends’ will throw red paint in my house”.

Ahh life is good again.

PS: I blacked out the numbers of the loansharks because I didn’t want any ten year old kid who stumbled upon my blog craving ice-cream to REALLY CALL UP “Mr. Lee” to borrow money to buy himself some ice-cream. Don’t be silly ok? I obviously didn’t REALLY do any of this!

Woman Sues Man For Having Sex with Her and Then Not Marrying Her

Every day I visit the Star Online for my daily dosage of whatever goes on in our dear country.

In yesterday’s paper, I happened to come across an article titled
“Woman sues former lover for not marrying her”.

The title caught my attention so I read on.

The story goes that this 38 year old woman was suing her 40 year old ex-boyfriend for having sex with her 31 times and not marrying her.

Notice the article said exactly “31 times” and NOT About 30 plus times”.

That’s because Miss Nagamah here recorded down the time and place of every time they had sex from 1998 to 2001 though Miss Nagamah denied any ill intention in doing so.

31 TIMES!!!

She must love Baskin Robbins.

So after all the sex (31 of them), the boyfriend decided to run off and marry another woman so Miss Nagamah is using her right as a woman to sue him for changing his mind.

Now I don’t know about you guys but I thought that made perfect sense!

Hooray to Miss Nagamah for being brave and standing up to her rights.

There is much that we can learn from her.

From now on, here’s what we should do.

First, go out and spend a little bit of money on a “Buku 888” like this.Then every time you have sex with your partner, record down not only the time and place but as much details as possible ie (how long it lasted, how it was, what positions you did it in and in what order) so that it can be used in court.

Remember that it is PERFECTLY NORMAL to record down the date and place of every time you have had sex with your partner.

So when your partner decides to break up with you, just bring him/her to court and don’t worry about having any SIGNED LEGAL CONTRACTS like this

to prove that your partner was having sex with you only because he/she promised to marry you because a verbal agreement is good enough for use in court.

Take for example last Friday night.

I AGREED to meet a friend for drinks but at the last minute something came up and he decided that he couldn’t make it. Now I could very well take him to court and sue his ass and the judge WILL rule in my favour because I only agreed to go out with him because he told me that he was going to show up.

But he didn’t!

So I feel “deceived” for agreeing in the first place!

So… a verbal agreement is all you need.

And when I say verbal agreement I don’t mean going through the hassel of taking an oath like this
All that is required is


Of course, the silly man denies that he ever proposed to her but in cases like this, we must never believe the man because he is the offender.

We must believe the woman because she is the victim!

But not only did the man deny that he proposed to her, he went as far as to say that “he had slept with Nagamah… “more than 20 times” but only because she had wanted it.”


How could Miss Nagamah ever want sex?

The only reason why she would have sex with him is to do him a FAVOUR

NOT because she gets any joy or pleasure out of it. Right?

After all, only men enjoy sex.. women don’t. Right?

So good luck to Miss Nagamah.

Be strong woman!

You have STRONG case and I’m sure the judge will rule in favour of you.

Girl power WOOHOO!!! PS: You can check out the full article here.

PPS: I would personally prefer a wife with some ‘experience‘ but hey… what do I know!