
Merry Christmas My Dear Readers

I was about to publish a new blog entry about a wedding dinner I just attended recently.

And then at the end of the post, type a little note saying
“Merry Christmas!”

But I decided that it just wouldn’t be enough!

It is only appropriate for me to dedicate a whole blog entry just to wish all of my dear readers (some whom have been with me religiously for too long), a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

To all of you… you have all given me the best present I could possibly ask for…

Your undying loyalty in reading my blog.

Thank you… I appreciate it a lot more than you could ever imagine…

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“Smelly Tofu”

In my last blog entry, I left off where I was with my bro, sis and my newly made friends on board the Taiwan MRT.

Now after we were all done with making poses on the train, we finally reached our destination.
The girls were taking us to a little street market kind of place that was full of young people.

Young people went there to shop and more importantly… to try the yummy yummy junk food.

Now I urge my dear readers not to be deceived by the food in Taiwan.

While the Taiwanese have lovely lovely munchies like these sugar coated munchies
There were some that were much less exciting.

So listen to Boss Stewie when he says this.

Here’s how the story goes.

When the girls asked us where we wanted them to take us, we told them that we wanted to eat all sorts of Taiwanese food… especially the deserts.

All of them were quick to say that we had to try this thing which directly translated to English means “Smelly Tofu”.

Now at first I thought smelly was like.. durian or garlic… smelly to some people.. but delicious to others, especially me!

And Boss Stewie lurrrrvess tofu, so I made sure they took me to a stall that sold the famous “Smelly Tofu”.

Thus while walking down the streets of the street market, we came across this store selling the “Smelly Tofu”. The girls giggled excitedly and were quick to buy us a couple of the Tofu.

I was excited myself!

I lurrrveeeeee tofu… and if the Taiwanese love “Smelly Tofu” and I love the Taiwanese then I love “Smelly Tofu” too.

I removed it from it’s paper wrapping and slowly took a bite. All the girls looked at me intently seeking approval…

It had a very unique taste to it at first… then after a while I began to taste something different but I couldn’t seem to pin-point what it was exactly.

Then I looked over at my brother who asked me how it tasted and then went on to take his own first bite.

I knew exactly how to describe it but I didn’t know if I should say it in front of my newly made friends.

So I said
“It tastes like…. uhmmm…

By then my brother had tasted it and had the disgust in his face.

He completed my sentence for me
“SHIT….. it tastes like SHIT!”. And I said
“YEAH!!! It tastes like SHIT!!! LITERALLY !!! I’ve never eaten shit before but I’m pretty sure this is what it would taste like.”.

Our Taiwanese girl friends burst out laughing upon hearing us say that.

Then I asked them why the hell they brought a bunch of tourists to eat something that tastes like shit!

But they went on to say
“EH!!! 很好吃的!!!” (Very nice wan!!!)

So there you have it everyone.

When in Taipei, please stay away from the “Smelly Tofu”. Then again, I never once thought that there would be once in my life when I would say that something tastes like SHIT… and actually mean it literally.

You gotta love Taiwan.

PS: Apparently the “Smelly Tofu” is actually an acquired taste. Just like blue cheese or even durian.

"Smelly Tofu"

In my last blog entry, I left off where I was with my bro, sis and my newly made friends on board the Taiwan MRT.

Now after we were all done with making poses on the train, we finally reached our destination.
The girls were taking us to a little street market kind of place that was full of young people.

Young people went there to shop and more importantly… to try the yummy yummy junk food.

Now I urge my dear readers not to be deceived by the food in Taiwan.

While the Taiwanese have lovely lovely munchies like these sugar coated munchies
There were some that were much less exciting.

So listen to Boss Stewie when he says this.

Here’s how the story goes.

When the girls asked us where we wanted them to take us, we told them that we wanted to eat all sorts of Taiwanese food… especially the deserts.

All of them were quick to say that we had to try this thing which directly translated to English means “Smelly Tofu”.

Now at first I thought smelly was like.. durian or garlic… smelly to some people.. but delicious to others, especially me!

And Boss Stewie lurrrrvess tofu, so I made sure they took me to a stall that sold the famous “Smelly Tofu”.

Thus while walking down the streets of the street market, we came across this store selling the “Smelly Tofu”. The girls giggled excitedly and were quick to buy us a couple of the Tofu.

I was excited myself!

I lurrrveeeeee tofu… and if the Taiwanese love “Smelly Tofu” and I love the Taiwanese then I love “Smelly Tofu” too.

I removed it from it’s paper wrapping and slowly took a bite. All the girls looked at me intently seeking approval…

It had a very unique taste to it at first… then after a while I began to taste something different but I couldn’t seem to pin-point what it was exactly.

Then I looked over at my brother who asked me how it tasted and then went on to take his own first bite.

I knew exactly how to describe it but I didn’t know if I should say it in front of my newly made friends.

So I said
“It tastes like…. uhmmm…

By then my brother had tasted it and had the disgust in his face.

He completed my sentence for me
“SHIT….. it tastes like SHIT!”. And I said
“YEAH!!! It tastes like SHIT!!! LITERALLY !!! I’ve never eaten shit before but I’m pretty sure this is what it would taste like.”.

Our Taiwanese girl friends burst out laughing upon hearing us say that.

Then I asked them why the hell they brought a bunch of tourists to eat something that tastes like shit!

But they went on to say
“EH!!! 很好吃的!!!” (Very nice wan!!!)

So there you have it everyone.

When in Taipei, please stay away from the “Smelly Tofu”. Then again, I never once thought that there would be once in my life when I would say that something tastes like SHIT… and actually mean it literally.

You gotta love Taiwan.

PS: Apparently the “Smelly Tofu” is actually an acquired taste. Just like blue cheese or even durian.

Taiwanese Girls

On my recent trip to Taiwan, I befriended a number of very nice Taiwanese girls.

Allow me to introduce them.

From the left
Boss Stewie, Hui Fern, Joe (My DJ Bro), Koyuki (a nice Taiwanese/Japanese girl), Jane and my sister Fayth.

Now last weekend, the girls were all nice enough to bring us clueless Malaysian tourists all over Taipei to experience the sights & sounds and of course the lovely food in the city.

I’m not a big fan of Taiwanese food but I lurrvee their deserts and junk food.

For example, last Saturday, the group of us were walking the streets of Taipei when Jane suddenly disappeared.

Only to appear again a few minutes later with a cute little Hello Kitty biscuit (cake) thingy which you can see me holding in this picture.
and see me eating in the picture (BWAHAHAH).

But before I start telling all of you about where the girls took us or about the Hamsap pigs they have in the Taipei Subway that seem to enjoy getting in sex positions and saying “Pukii”,

Let me first tell you about the girls.

Taiwanese girls seem to looooveee taking pictures.

Now… when a Malaysian takes a picture, he/she would try to look normal and smile… just like me in this picture with Jane.

But Taiwanese girls like Jane on the other hand, tend to like posing in pictures (notice Jane’s pose in the picture).

I couldn’t help but ask her what on earth that was supposed to mean.

She giggled and replied that it was meant to make her look a lot more cute than she already is.

Plus, she said it’s boring to take pictures without some sort of pose.

So I thought:

When in Rome… do as the Romans do…

When in Taiwan… do as the Taiwanese do…

So I decided to pose as well.

First, I did her pose

Then I did another pose that was supposed to look ‘cool’ but ended up making me look like a patient who escaped from Tanjung Rambutan’s Hospital Bahagia for the mentally retarded.

Then there was the 3rd picture that made me look like I not only escaped Hospital Bahagia but was so retarded that I deserved to be drug out to the street and shot.

Boss Stewie is beginning to like Taiwanese girls.

The Land of Fresh Seafood!!!

Taking a break from the city of Taipei, I decided to travel out to a fisherman village somewhere along the coast of Taiwan.
Now apart from the nice scenery and the clean air… you can imagine that a fisherman village have the widest variety of fresh seafood.

I walked into this fishmarket that had tens of vendors all selling the same kind of seafood. The mission was to select the fresh seafood that you want to eat, buy it and then they’ll have it cooked for you at a nearby restaurant.

That’s seafood as fresh as it gets.

There were tons of live seafood there.
There were lobsters
Crab Some weird looking sea creatureShark Meat


Kotek-like sea animals that apparently taste like abalone

Oh and one very very depressed looking sotong.

Look at its facial expression… it almost felt as if it was talking to me and saying

So out of pity, I decided to help the sotong.

One minute it was like that in the picture above.

And in another minute it was… on my lunch plate…

Same goes for the lobster, crab, octopus

and the mandarin speaking fish that called me a “FAT FUK” the minute he layed his eyes on me.

The bastard!

I went back to Taipei with a very very full stomach and a point made very clear that anyone (or anything) who calls me fat will end up on my dinner table sooner or later.

The Ministry of Sound at Taipei

Ok, for those of you who don’t already know, I touched down in Taipei, Taiwan two days ago and I spent the past two days sight-seeing.

But before I start on with all the pictures I took from the places I’ve been to in the past two days, I am going to first tell you about last night.

Last night, I went to the Ministry of Sound at Taipei.

Now as far as the Ministry of Sound is concerned, prior to today, I’ve only been to the one in London (not even to the one in Singapore) so you can imagine how excited I was.

The entrance to the club wasn’t exactly anything fancy.
After paying and going through a security check to make sure that I didn’t bring my parang with me, we walked into a blue-coloured tunnel that took us right into the club.

Which was where the party was.

There was the DJ and the emcee on stage

There were the Taiwanese guys in the crowd that looked extremely happy to be there.
And most importantly… there were the HOT HOT TAIWANESE CHICKS!!!

I must say that not all Taiwanese chicks are hot… but the ones that are…. are so hot that you could tfk non-stop till Chinese New Year.

Now I decided that I couldn’t possibly take pictures with the ones that were dancing on the dance floor with me without looking like a ham sap lou.

So I took pictures of the girls dancing on stage.
And holy crap… some of them danced sooooo seductively I’m so sure half of the guys there had wet their pants.

Unfortunately, the lighting in the club didn’t allow me to take good pictures (also coupled with the fact that I’m a terrible photographer), so these pictures of the girls obviously doesn’t do justice.

I even tried taking a picture of this lovely angel here whom I thought was the sexiest girl on stage.
But alas… that was the best picture I could get of her.

Yet, after all the girls and dancing, the night came to an end before I even knew it.

I left MoS Taipei… with a tired soul and almost dead camera battery.

My camera’s battery deserved a break.

Just today alone I had snapped close to 400 pictures.

Yet, on my way out I looked back and managed to take another picture before the battery died.This was the last picture my poor tired camera managed to take that night on the way back to the hotel before it died for good. It was a picture of me and this very nice Taiwanese girl I happened to meet that very same night.

Oh… and for those of you who weren’t able to be there with me… I even took some videos of the club.

See how thoughtful Boss Stewie is?

The videos didn’t exactly come out great but it’s the best I can do with my cheap camera ok?


2 Very Important Questions

Ok everyone… I have 2 VERY important questions for all of you.


Watch this video.

Then answer these 2 questions:

a) Do you think it would’ve worked if she said “IT WASN’T ME!!!”.

b) If you were her… wouldn’t you have intentionally drowned yourself in that same jacuzzi tub AFTER you did the most embarrassing thing in your life (and had it recorded on camera and posted on Youtube and then have a Malaysian post it on his blog for all his readers to see)?

*Although if she really did drown herself in that jacuzzi… she might actually go down in history for being the first person in the world to drown in her own shit.

Another Entrepreneur Takes Off

Somehow in the past months in doing business I have always managed to meet many other fellow entrepreneurs.

One of them that I met months ago was a guy named Wong Sui Cheng.

Sui Cheng graduated from Purdue University in the USA just a year or two ago.* Pic of Purdue

While he was still a student, he founded D-Pomelo Sdn Bhd that he used to build Kip-Up, a social networking site.

After graduation, he was faced with a decision to either get a good stable job at a company like Intel, or … go on his own.

He decided to screw the job and go down the road not taken.

He has since focused his attention on a new internet business called MealAvenue.com that launched just a few days ago.
MealAvenue.com does two things.

One… it is an online food directory for restaurants in Penang (Coming soon to KL).

Two… it provides a solution for a common loyalty point system among all the restaurants that sign up with it (you collect points that allow you redeem gifts later on).

And the best part is… you won’t need another one of those plastic cards… all you need is to remember a short reference number!Mealavenue’s official launch was on Monday and he even got the Chief Minister of Penang (Tan Sri Koh Tsu Khoon) to attend his launching.

So as you can imagine, his launching was covered by all the major newspapers the next day.
I get inspired every time I see fellow entrepreneurs either succeed or take off with a very good start.

Who knows, one day Mealavenue could be the Bonuslink of restaurants not only in Malaysia but in Southeast Asia.

For those who are interested, you can check out his article in the Business Times

Or visit his newly launched website here.

The New Way To Reduce Risk of HIV Infection

For many many years, people have been fighting HIV as one of the world’s worst killers.

Since it’s discovery in 1 December 1981, the World Health Organisation estimates that HIV has killed over 25 million people worldwide.

Governments all around the world have in the past decade been working very hard to curb the spread of HIV which has taken its toll especially in places like Africa.Some governments tackle the spread by educating its people on the virus.

Some governments provide free condoms to its people to prevent the spread of AIDS (although there was one country that stupidly STAPLED condom instructions TO the condom effectively punching a hole through the condom before it’s even used).

and some countries even go to the extent of putting on giant-sized condoms on their historical monuments to remind their people to do the same before they get into bed.
But after many years, the brilliant medical scientists that dedicate their lives to better healthcare have come up with a solution that could reduce your chances of HIV infection by 50%.

The solution is simple…

POTONG!!!I’m serious!

The US Government yesterday announced that through some testing, they have found that circumcising adult men may cut in half their risk of getting the AIDS virus through heterosexual intercourse.

Hence since our government has already made the effort to curb HIV in our beloved country in the past decades… it is now our turn to do our part.

So my fellow men… you all know what to do…



Why Some Singaporeans Fear Malaysia

My leetle dotcom has offices in both Malaysia and Singapore.

So sometimes I find myself in Singapore and sometimes, my Singaporean partner Ming finds himself in Malaysia on business trips.

Yet, months ago when our leetle dotcom first started Ming constantly expressed how Malaysia was very ‘unsafe’ and how he was very very afraid to cross the border especially to Johor.

He always mentioned how a lot of his friends going over to Johor have been robbed or had their cars stolen.
And I always told him how ridiculous I thought it was.

Sure… our criminal record isn’t anywhere as clean as Singapore’s but it’s not bad enough to fear coming over to the country.

Yet, this morning I opened the newspapers and read about how two Singaporeans were kidnapped in Johor and held for four days before being released for a ransom of RM2.5 million.

If Ming ever finds out about this…. Netccentric Pte Ltd (our leetle dotcom) is going to have to foot the bill in hiring bodyguards for his protection whenever he’s in Malaysia.But it’s ok… we will spend within our means.

Rather than having imported bodyguards like this which would probably cost $10,000 (approx RM36,000) a month (which excludes the RM3,000 air fare for flying them over to Malaysia).
We can have budget bodyguards like this that cost RM2.50 an hour (which includes the RM1 bus fare to take him to work every day).
Gunalah Barangan Buatan Malaysia!

Or… if all else fails…

I could bring Ming to this little shop in KL.
And he could buy himself some protection.

As for me…

Two days ago I drove across to Penang Bridge back to Penang.And safe or not safe…. it feels soooo good to be back home (though I’ll be flying to Taiwan in a few days).

PS: You can read the article on the kidnapping here.