I spent some time over the weekend doing some drone flying. I have this drone (well it’s my second one after I expensively crashed my first one) that I use every now and then.
I don’t really use it as often as I like to because I don’t really know where to fly it sometimes. But when I do have ideas of where to go I bring it and take some nice videos.
What attracted me to drone flying at first was just to toy of the drone. The technology, the stuff it could do, I would wow and wow at each feature. That novelty wears off quite quickly though and what hooked me after that instead was creating videos.
I’m not very good at creating drone videos yet. I’ve watched a lot of tutorials online and good drone videos really take a lot of creativity and patience, and stable flying. I’ve worked on some of those things, but overall still pretty shaky.
My favourite thing to do is the drone selfie. Which is like what Gin and I did here in this video.
The other thing I really like about drone flying is seeing how things look like from the sky. Very often things look very very different from the sky.
Like this video here I took of the KLGCC golf course. A few years ago when I used to play golf I used to go there a lot. But still seeing it from the sky is a whole different sight. A really beautiful one.
I don’t really know where else to fly my drone in KL. Does anyone have any ideas or any videos that they want to see?