Merry Christmas everyone!
It’s Christmas and I’m spending it here.
My hometown of Penang. I don’t recall spending Christmas anywhere else all my life. Just about every Christmas is a time I spend back home in Penang. Partly because it happens to be my parents’ anniversary and partly because Christmas is a time of family reunions so I come back to Penang for that.
Christmas is a time of giving and the kids have been a big beneficiary of that so far getting all sorts of different presents. The best one of course was this playground thing that my Dad bought.
That’s right my Dad. My Dad has never been the type to celebrate Christmas but for the first time ever, he yesterday decided to bring all the kids to Toysrus and buy them all a present. He then spotted this one that he thought all his grandkids would love and he ended up buying it. Helped that it was in discount.
As for Shorty and I. Well we didn’t really buy anything for each other for Christmas. She asked me what I wanted and I said a “drone” but the drone I wanted isn’t even in stock yet. It’s been such a long time now that I’m just considering maybe we should save the money and not buy a drone at all.
Speaking of saving money, we decided that it was too expensive to eat out for Christmas Eve. So my family decided to stay home and cook. This is what my sister-in-law managed to whip out after a few hours in the kitchen,
Some nice potatoes, fish, macaroni pie…. and….
One thing I didn’t do this year was a year end trip. Which is ironic because now that I’m unemployed I should have all the time in the world to go right? But well we decided not to because we’ve been traveling back and forth to Penang for my brother’s wedding and now Christmas.
And Shorty has been a little bit tired of traveling for long trips. This year was a good traveling year for her. She’s been to Croatia and to New York. We also did go to Japan this April and Legoland a few months ago.
So I guess we save money on the year end trip and will figure out where to go next.
Okay I gotta go now and babysit the kids. I hope you guys are having a fantastic Christmas. Merry Christmas to you guys from me, Shorty, Penny and Fighter.