Chinese New Year used to be fun for me because of the money I would receive as a kid. Now that I’ve been married for a few years though I no longer get the joy of receiving, but replacing the joy of receiving is the joy of giving.
It’s only when I started giving Ang Pows that I started paying special attention to how Ang Pow packets look. In my experience the nicest ones come from all the private banks. I don’t really know why but they seem to be able to come up with much nicer ones that the other Ang Pow packets you see around.
This year though I noticed a slight drop in the standard of Ang Pow designs. Haha I’m not sure if it’s because the banks are cutting down because times are bad but well generally they’ve dropped.
Here are some of the nice ones I’ve seen this year though.
Here’s one my God mum gave my kids. It’s from LV so it looks really atas. I particularly like the seal at the back.
Shorty likes this colourful one from UBS.
Doesn’t seem to be very monkey theme but she likes the colors and all.
This one is from Julius Bar. Not a bar but another private bank.
One of my favorites though is this one from Coutts.
It’s made not of paper but of velvet or something like that. Super atas! Super nice! Too bad I didn’t get any this year.
And finally there’s our Netccentric Ang Pow this year. Here’s how it looks like.
Quite simple on the front and on the back just a little Netccentric logo.
What do you guys think?
Any other nice Ang Pow packets you’ve seen ? Do share!