
The Haunted Toy Dinosaur in My Living Room

Fighter has this purple toy dinosaur. My first thought was that it was a really good educational toy. It has a button on its head that would make some sounds if you press it.  Sometimes it plays a tune and sometimes a kid’s voice from inside the dinosaur would greet you with a “HELLO!”.


Then of course there are all the colourful buttons along its back. Each button represented an alphabet and each time you pressed one of them the same kid voice would say the alphabet.

Great right? I’m quite convinced that it has helped Fighter learn his alphabets. This dinosaur toy and I had a really good relationship until something started happening.

It first started with my helper saying that sometimes they’re walking past the living room and they hear the dinosaur play music on its own. They look over only to see nothing but the dinosaur. Nobody around to activate it.

Initially I brushed it off. I thought they were being paranoid but then some nights I would be in bed upstairs when I hear the dinosaur playing tunes on its own downstairs. Almost like somebody was downstairs pressing its buttons.

I open my door and look downstairs only to see nobody around. This one time I walked downstairs and there it was. All alone on the play mat was the purple dinosaur, staring at me in the darkness.


I waited a while to see if it made any noise on its own but no. Nothing. It’s as if it knew I was around and didn’t want to give itself away. So I turned it off and then went back to sleep.

Then the next morning I would hear the kid say “HELLO!”. To my knowledge that only happen when somebody presses a button. I rush out of my door and look and see nobody around. The dinosaur was where I left it the night before and as I stared at it, it remained quiet. Not a tune. Not a word. Not a sound.

And that’s the funny thing right. I thought that maybe the toy has a motion sensor that activates it but there can’t be. There’s nobody around. Windows are closed so no movement from wind hitting curtains or anything like that.

So I have only one theory left. I think Fighter’s purple alphabet dinosaur might be haunted. Does anyone else have this toy? Does your purple dinosaur make sounds on its own?

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