A few days ago Fighter turned two. It has been two years since he was born premature at 31 weeks and put into the intensive car unit. Now he walks, understands us very well and can speak a word at a time. He has been such a joy.
For his birthday I worked in the morning but I took a couple of hours in the afternoon off to bring him for a walk in the mall. I love being with him. It’s like to him (and to Penny), we are the most important people in the world to them in spite of our imperfections. To them we are perfect as it is with the parents of kids everywhere else.
If you haven’t caught these videos yet, here are a couple of videos.
This one is from my Snapchat.
It’s a collection of his videos on his birthday.
And this one is from my Periscope.
Unfortunately from the saved video here from my Periscope you can’t see all the comments that were left by the 500 people or so tuned in live. But in any case it’s good enough to experience the moment.
My dear daughter Penny on the other hand was fast asleep at the time so she couldn’t be a part of the video.
Sometimes in life I think we focus so much on chasing career, money and wealth. We compare what car the other person has that we don’t, or the house they live in, or what their net worth is. But I think the most important thing that we sometimes overlook is family. Our kids who bring us so much joy.
We after all are the past and present. They are the future. There are no kids that are better than others. They’re all a promising part of our future.