

Hi Guys

I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance t update these few days. Between juggling a regional meeting in Singapore and making the final preparations before our IPO, it’s been crazy for me.

After work a few days ago I sat down to think about what I could blog about but my mind was mentally too tired to write or express anything I had on my mind.

In the mean time I’ve been regularly updating my Dayre and Snapchat. You can find me on @timothytiah for both.

Speaking of Snapchat here’s my latest compilation of Fighter videos when he came down to Singapore to see me.

Even though I have to travel quite a bit these days I try to maximize time with Fighter by having Shorty bring him down with me if they’re free. Fighter loves traveling too. Always loves seeing new things. The only thing is that his routine gets messed up and in the new environment he seems to test his boundaries and throw some tantrums around. You can read about that in my latest Dayre update.

I’ll update again when I get the chance to. In the mean time take care everyone and have a wonderful weekend ahead!

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