
Fighter Videos!

I’ve been posting a number of Fighter videos on my Dayre lately but I thought just in case some of you guys don’t follow me on Dayre I’d post some here too.

1) Fighter does some exercise

This video was just taken this morning. My sister told me that Fighter likes this pull up bar that we have at home. So I lifted him up to reach for it and he seemed to know exactly what to do. So we had the idea to do this. At first I thought of putting an “eye of the tiger” soundtrack as the background music but just didn’t have the time to do it.

2) Fighter plays with his toy Ferrari

So my college friends and I had this bet back in college that whoever of us had a son first, the rest would pool money and buy that son a Ferrari when he hits 21 years old. I ended up being the first to have a son. So for Fighter’s Full Moon they gave me this toy Ferrari with the promise of a real one to follow when he turned 21.

This particular morning Fighter insisted on opening up the box and taking the Ferrari out and he started playing with it.

3) Fighter’s first words

Fighter says a lot of words but we’re not always absolutely sure if he really means what he says because he doesn’t say it consistently. He doesn’t even say Mommy or Daddy consistently yet. Well Daddy to some extent but not all the time.

The words he says all the time?

“There” and “Car”.

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