I was in Sydney this week for what must’ve been the shortest trip to Australia I’ve ever been on. Well okay wait there was a shorter one. My work trip to Melbourne a couple years back was just as short. Just 2 nights.
This Sydney trip on the other hand was also 2 nights but it was a lot busier for me. Here’s how it went.
I left KL for Sydney on a Tuesday night. I slept on the plane and arrived at 6AM on Wednesday. My first meeting was at 9AM. My meetings went on all the way till 1AM on the first day. By the time I was in bed it was 2AM. Then the second work day started.
Thursday. This one lasted till 2AM. Friday came and I spent most of it in the office too until night when I flew home. I arrived KL Saturday morning at 4AM.
I did manage to take some pictures of my Sydney trip though and I think they tell a good story of my trip.
This was taken on the second day right before we headed to work. I was feeling a lot fresher because at least I had a proper sleep in a bed before my meetings started. The day before I had only slept on the plane.
Here’s a snapshot of the meetings I had during the day. Well these meetings really lasted all the way till night and this is how the nights looked like.
On the first night we only managed to duck out for dinner about 9PM. Being Sydney though most of the restaurants had already closed by then so we ended up eating in a pub.
And ordered some beer along with it. When we got to the pub the kitchen was closing too and we just made the last order.
Learning from our mistake of eating dinner too late on the first day, on the second day we went out for a nice dinner. Italian food at the Westin in Sydney.
I enjoyed it and the great conversations we had.
On the last day of the trip I managed to duck out for a quick lunch with my cousin Michelle here. Michelle Tiah! She’s now working in Sydney.
She told me her lunch ritual is first to have lunch in a food court and then buy a coffee back to the office. She said the coffee in Australia was awesome so I asked her to bring me to her favorite place. She brought me here.
A place called Gumption. Perhaps I’m not a coffee person so I couldn’t really tell how this was better than the coffee we had back home in some of the hipster coffee places. I thought it was just okay.
This last picture was taken on one of the nights that we worked late. The office we worked at was at a really busy place called Martin Place. Whenever we left the office though it was totally quiet like this. And cold too.
That’s Angeline walking in front of me. She was freezing and practically did an Olympic standard sprint back to the hotel.
So that was my quick trip to Sydney. Really busy but you know what… I actually had a lot of fun!