This week really flew by for me very quickly. I’m sitting right now in my living room on a Sunday afternoon as I write this on my laptop. Some badminton tournament is playing on the telly and on my left, Shorty is sitting with Fighter on the couch. Fighter is reading her book and Shorty for some reason tying up his hair.
I was deciding what to blog about so I pulled out my phone and flipped through all the pictures I took this week. I thought the pictures I took gave me a good representation of how my week was. So here it is:
1) I was so busy working that even when I was home I didn’t have the time to spend with Fighter. So one day Shorty brought Fighter to office to visit me.
He sat quietly on my lap as I did my work… well at least it lasted for a few minutes. Then he got bored and went on to greener pastures. By greener pastures I mean my female colleagues who gave him all the attention he wanted.
2) I think this next picture was taken when I was away over the weekend.
Fighter hanging out with Penny. Fighter used to be really jealous when he sees me carrying another baby but I think he has gotten used to Penny. He’s also learned to love her and “sayang” her.
Shorty’s strategy was to let him play with Penny. Sometimes we would cringe because not knowing how to control his force he sometimes can be a little rough with her. But Shorty made sure that we maintain our discipline and not overreact to it… for fear that if we do, he might resent her.
I think that has worked and he has really gotten used to having Penny around.
3) I’ve been treated to these cookies all week along.
I love cookies and Shorty has been making loads of them. Her reason for making cookies over cake or anything else is that cookies can be kept. Whereas cake.. well there’s only a certain amount of cake we can eat. And that’s even with me.
Her cookies are extremely awesome. I’ve stopped buying cookies from outside for now and just insist on her making more and more. My favorite is her oatmeal raisin ones but she has made others like chocolate chip or peanut butter ones. All equally awesome.
4) Weekends were spent with a lot of coffee. Fighter always insists on drinking whatever I drink. When I drink beer in front of him, he wants it.. but I insist on keeping it away.
The other one is coffee. He always wants to have a sip but giving him coffee would just make him bounce off the walls all day… from a caffeine high. Plus I’m not sure if caffeine would be good for him at such a young age. Yesterday I was drinking some coffee shake and he insisted on trying so I let him taste a little. Fortunately it didn’t have a major effect. He still went to bed a couple of hours later as scheduled.
5) Grocery shopping with Fighter is a joy. He doesn’t like to sit in the trolley but he likes to sit on this basket trolley thing.
He sits there quietly and plays with all the groceries we buy and put inside there. I had a hard time trying to convince him to get out of the trolley once we were done.
6) Since my 160KM ride in February, I haven’t been waking up early and doing any long rides. I just started being lazy and well.. lazy to wake up so early. This weekend though I decided to get back into it.
Did an 80KM ride with some 50 or so other cyclists from a cycling club. The experience of riding in huge groups of cyclists is really amazing and I wish I had brought my sports camera along to capture the moment.
I was happy to know that I could still keep up with the group after having not done a long ride in a long time. Before that my rides on weekends were like 20-30KM or so.
Alright I’m gonna go spend some time with the family now. I’ve got a really busy week going ahead with lots to do. Update again soon guys. Have a wonderful week ahead.