
Nuffnang’s 7th Birthday and Things Shorty & Fatty Say #328

Last night was Nuffnang’s 7th Birthday Party. We had it in Barbecue Garden with the support of Heineken, Mamee and a number of other sponsors.


When I was there I happened to meet a reader who said she loved reading my blog and that I was the only guy blogger she read. I asked her what was it that she liked about what I blogged about… because I’ve never really put a lot of thought into it. I just blog to fun things for myself that I want to remember.

She said she enjoyed the Things Shorty & Fatty Say a lot… because it gave an insight into me and Shorty’s lives. So with that in mind, here’s the latest two.


Shorty is doing some stuff with Colgate lately and part of her engagement was to attend this Colgate briefing to learn about oral hygiene. She came back with a lot of trivia about our mouths that she was sharing with me.

Shorty: Did you know that it’s useless to rinse your mouth with mouthwash if you don’t brush your teeth? Apart from temporarily eliminating your bad breath?

Me: Really? Why?

Shorty: Because if you don’t brush your teeth, there’s still a lot of food stuff or sugar stuff stuck in there.

Me: Oh ….

Shorty: And sugar somehow reacts with the bacteria on your teeth and does this process called demirelazation….

Me: Did you mean demineralization?

Shorty: Ya that’s what I said.

Me: No… you said… demirelazation. C’mon Shorty… you can’t just make up words like that!

Shorty: HAHA! Ok so anyway… the sugar reacts with the bacteria within 5 minutes and you have like acid in your mouth that eats away at your teeth. That’s why toothpaste is alkaline, so that it neutralizes the acid.

Let me end with a picture of Shorty and me at the #Nuffnangis007  party last night. Check out the hashtag on Instagram for the tons of photos taken of the party last night. Barbecue Garden at Life Center is a really nice venue with great food too. Check it out. 


Have a great Sunday everyone!

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