First and foremost, today is Shorty’s birthday. So let me say… HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHORTY!!!
Shorty and I are in the car. We come across this narrow road where cars are double parked on both sides turning two lanes into one.
Me: So inconsiderate these double-parkers!! Now it’s all jammed up.
Shorty: Yalah!
Me: I wish the cops will just come and issue summons for them all!
Shorty: I wish lightning will just zap them all.
Me: Wah that’s kinda extreme isn’t it Shorty?
Shorty: Fine then I wish there would just be nails on the sides of these roads. So you want to illegally park there… park there forever!!!
We’re at a mall…
Me: Ahh I just remembered I left my shaver in Penang.
Shorty: So?
Me: Maybe I should go buy another shaver.
Shorty: Ok.
Me: Or maybe I’ll just ask my brother to bring it back for me. Don’t want to waste money buy another shaver. What would I do with two shavers anyway.
Shorty: Fine…
Me: Or should I buy a shaver ah?
Shorty: Make up your mind lah!
Me: Umm…
Shorty: How are you shaving now? Plucking ah?
Me: Har har .. very funny.