
Fighter Comes Home

Today was a happy day for me. Happy because tonight as I write this blog entry on my laptop, Fighter is in his cot right in front of me sleeping (or at least trying to sleep in between his stretches and grunts). After five weeks of being under intensive care, Fighter was finally discharged from the hospital and brought home. My brother took this photo of the moment we walked out of the intensive care unit.


The nurses were all sad to see him go. I guess taking care of a premature baby for over five weeks and watching him grow would make anyone feel some sense of emotional attachment to Fighter. He was like a star. The nurses all grouped together to say bye to him and take pictures with him. It’s amazing how Fighter has impacted their lives when the truth is they truly have done the same for Fighter… giving the care and attention he needed to grow from a 31 week preemie to the 36 week (still preemie) but healthier and bigger baby he is today.


When he was born, he weighed only 1.1 KG. And today he’s at 1.88 KG. Our confinement lady came today too. Not to take care of Shorty anymore since Shorty has passed her confinement, but really to help take care of Fighter. She said that in her 17 years of doing this, she had never seen a smaller baby. The smallest she had seen before Fighter was 2.3 KG.

I feel overwhelmed with joy today… that I can sleep in the same room as Fighter tonight. I also have many of you readers to thank. For those of you who left comments in the hardest times, thank you so much for them. In moments on darkness, the light and positivity you shed Shorty and me was priceless. Thank you.


Now I have to go back to my little boy. The one little boy who had to fight hard to be in this world and the one who has and will continue to bring me and Shorty so much joy. He’s little… but he’s ours… and he’s a Fighter.


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