Shorty and me have been at the hospital every day visiting Fighter in his incubator. The past week has been good. Fighter has managed to outgrow the tubes that go into his veins and the face mask that helps with his breathing. He’s still feeding through a tube that goes straight into his stomach though, so the next step is for him to learn to breast feed on his own.
We’ve been trying to get him to learn to breast feed but one thing we learn about him is that he won’t do it unless he wants to. Like if we push him towards a nipple he would pull back. Then once we just left him on his own and he started getting up and sucking away on his own. So we learned that nobody forces Fighter to do anything… he does it as and when he wants to (at least until he’s old enough for us to train him properly).
The past week or so we’ve been taking loads of pictures of Fighter. Along the way though we somehow managed to capture a lot of really cute poses or facial expressions he had. He has also been spending the past week with this little giraffe blanket/toy that Shorty brought for him.
So today while talking to Shorty I was inspired to put together some pictures of his funny expressions to make a little story. The story is fictional of course… because Fighter can’t talk yet. But this is how we imagine him to be if he could 🙂
Me: Fighter.
Fighter: …. *ignores*
Me: Fighter…. I need you to learn to breast feed now with mommy.
Fighter: No. Imma sleep.
Me: I need you to practice breast feeding now or you’ll never get out of here.
Fighter: No. And there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m just a baby. HAHAHA!
Me: I can take your giraffe friend away.
Fighter: You whaaa…??? No… no you wouldn’t do that to a baby.
Me: I would if I need him to learn to breast feed.
Fighter: No.
Me: Fine I’m going to take giraffe friend away.
Fighter: NO! You do that and imma Kung-Fu your ass !
Me: I don’t care. I’m taking giraffe friend away…
Me: Okay we talk. Either you go learn to breast feed… or I take giraffe friend away. FOREVER!
Me: Then come breast feed.
Fighter: NO!
Me: Fine I’m going to help myself now to giraffe friend…
Fighter: OK OK OK WAIT WAIT… OK OK FINE YOU WIN.. I GIVE UP… I’ll go with you.
Me: Ok good. Now lets go.
Fighter: Goodbye giraffe friend!!! My people need me!!!