Our neonatalogist (specialist for premature babies) had just left the room after telling us problems that premature babies could face because some things happen at the end of the pregnancy whereas Fighter is only at 31 weeks. For example, most of the antibodies from Shorty haven’t been transferred to Fighter yet because normally that happens at the end. After the Doctor left the room, Shorty started crying.
Me: What’s wrong?
Shorty: *continues crying*
Me: Why you crying?
Shorty: So many things happen only at the end of the pregnancy. If only I could have given him more time.
Me: What are you talking about? You bought him 3 weeks! You found out about Preeclampsia at 28 weeks and managed to hold on till 31 weeks. Now it’s just his turn to fight.
The next morning Shorty was in a better mood. She messaged me just as I was about to leave the house for the hospital to see her.
Later that day…
Me: You know someone told me that once she had a son, the son was the priority and she focused less on the husband.
Shorty: Is it? HAHAHA
Me: So I see… this is how it’s going to be eh Fighter?
Shorty: HAHA noo… I still will sayang you *rubs my head*
Me: Hmmmm
Shorty: *still rubbing my head* This Fatty got such a big head huh…
We were thinking of a Chinese name for Fighter.
Me: I was thinking we settle on Tiah Kean Li.
Shorty: HAR? Cannot ah… it’s like that video… “KEN LEEEEEEEEEE….. tou li bou di without yuuu”. He’ll be made fun of so much in school.
Me: HAhaha please la. By the time he goes to school everyone would have forgotten about that video.
Last night was an emotional moment for us. While spending time with Fighter in the intensive care unit, the nurse suggested that we take Fighter out and have Shorty carry him.
She said it’s good for the baby, something we can read online called “Kangaroo Care”. That Fighter will feel comfortable in the arms of the mother, feeling her heart beat and listening to her voice.
When Shorty was holding Fighter in her arms she started crying. After we went back to her room…
Me: Why did you cry just now?
Shorty: *sigh* I don’t know… I just feel… like it’s just so much to handle. I just want to get well and go home and bring my baby boy home with me.
Me: I know but we’re doing so well now. To be honest, if all this turns out okay and Fighter comes out healthy, I wouldn’t have wanted this to have turned out any other way. I think this experience has done wonders for our relationship and it would help us appreciate Fighter more. I can imagine… the next time Fighter wakes us up in the middle of the night with his crying, I don’t think I’ll feel annoyed. I’ll feel so relieved that he is strong enough to cry so loud.
Shorty: I know but I also feel sad because of how I look now. I look so ugly…. I used to be pretty. Now I can’t even post a picture of myself on my blog or Instagram. Like I’m not what my followers expect of me anymore.
Me: C’mon. This is just pregnancy. It’ll go back to normal soon. Besides, your most liked picture on Instagram and on Imotiv isn’t from one of your beautiful camwhoring pictures. It’s of the struggles you faced with your pregnancy and now with Fighter. People say you inspire them. Isn’t that wonderful? Knowing that you inspire people?
Shorty: I didn’t do anything also.
Me: Who said? You bought Fighter 3 more weeks!
Shorty: I didn’t have a choice and I just had to go along with it. Anyone else in my situation would have done the same.
Me: Not everyone. You were having high blood pressure to the extent of blurry vision, risk of stroke and risk of losing your eyesight. You had difficulty breathing, you threw up, you had constant headaches throughout the day and throughout this whole time you were stuck for weeks on a hospital bed. Anyone might be tempted to deliver Fighter earlier and get out of this situation. You on the other hand held on until your body couldn’t take it anymore.
Shorty: ….
Me: There’s one other thing.
Shorty: What?
Me: You know how we always joked about whether we would love each other if either one of us became fat?
Shorty: Ya…
Me: I now know that I would love you even if you were fat. 🙂