This afternoon Jude Maximus Tiah aka Fighter was born. At 31 weeks, he’s a tiny baby, premature and only weighing 1.13 KG. To give you an idea of how small Fighter is right now, here’s a picture of the incubator he is in.
He’s so small that they had to put him in an intensive care unit where a specialist can monitor him to make sure he grows well. We’re not out of the woods yet because premature babies could run into problems but we’re hoping Fighter will be healthy. So far the Doctor says Fighter is doing okay.
Shorty is still in the hospital recovering from the surgery and the nurses are trying to keep her blood pressure down. I think I will write more about my experience in the Operating Theater some time in the future. Not tonight though… because I’m feeling really mentally exhausted. It’s been a long but fulfilling day. I woke up this morning not knowing that my son will be born today but now that he’s here, I feel relieved. I just pray he grows to be a healthy baby.
Thank you all for all your prayers and well wishes. Thank you God for protecting Shorty and Fighter.
Daddy and Mommy loves you Fighter.