Dear Fighter,
Today’s date will be a date I will remember for the rest of my life. It will be the date of your birthday. You see I woke up this morning to news of your Mom. The Doctor found that her blood pressure and pulse have gone out of control and that she has water in her lungs, making it hard for her to breathe.
So the Doctor has decided that she has to deliver you in a few hours time. I sit now by your mom’s bedside typing this to you on my laptop. Your mom is sleeping on the bed, with tubes sprawling across her from both her hands and machines plugged into her to monitor both your vitals and hers.
According to a monitor right next to your Mom, your heart is beating away healthily. I pray that means you are ready. Your mom has done all she can in the past 3 weeks, now it’s your turn to fight on. Don’t be scared. Our hearts will be with you throughout your fight. Remember your parents love you.
I can’t wait to see you Fighter.