I’m in Melbourne now to visit the office of Nuffnang Australia and to attend some meetings. First let me show you some pictures of our office in Melbourne that I took this morning. It’s actually in this building that used to be an old cinema or something.
Ok so anyway, my trip here is a really short one. I flew in Tuesday night and I’m flying off Friday afternoon. Towards the end of Wednesday though I realized I managed to finish most my work here on Wednesday itself. So I was thinking of getting a flight back on Wednesday night itself (that means I would have just spent only a day in Melbourne). Plus I miss Shorty and Shorty misses me. So we were discussing this over Line on whether to pay extra to change my flight.
But in the end the price of the ticket change moved up to RM1,000 which is when we decided it was too expensive to change. So I decided to just stay here till Friday.
Miss ya Shorty! Fatty will be home soon.