
So about Things Shorty & Fatty Say…

Today I read back the first paragraph I wrote in the first Things Shorty & Fatty Say.

“Ok today I had an idea. You see, Shorty and I say all sorts of things to eat other. Sometimes they’re things to annoy each other, to make each other laugh or smile or even just to insult each other sometimes. It’s always the dumbest things that we say sometimes and I wish I could remember them all but I normally forget it by the next day because there are new things to said then. So I decided that what I’ll do is every time we say something silly I’ll remember it and try to put it on my blog by night. I’m gonna call this Things Shorty & Fatty Say.”

It was just about 8 months ago when I wrote that. I didn’t think much of it to be honest. It wasn’t meant to try to portray Shorty and I as a sweet or cute couple or anything (I guess if I wanted to do that I shouldn’t have included conversations of us farting or saying bad words at each other). It was just meant to share our conversations. We don’t have a really mushy mushy or romantic relationship neither do we think of ourselves as a “perfect couple”. Actually what I think about our relationship was best said in my wedding speech last year.

Audrey and I are very far from a perfect couple. She’s short, I’m fat. She’s forgetful, I have a bad temper. She falls sick once every two weeks, and I have recurrent medical problems with my eyes. We annoy each other almost every day… but somehow in the weirdest way that I nor the universe can understand… we make each other happy.”

We are one of the most imperfect couples out here… but we think we’re perfect for each other. So that’s why we’re all here today. To celebrate the wedding of an imperfect couple that is perfect for one another.”


Initially I thought Things Shorty & Fatty Say was something I would do for a while that’s why I thought maybe ending at #100 would be good. Then I had requests to continue it so I decided to do another 100 to #200. Then I read all your comments on my recent post and I was a little moved. I say a little because Shorty thinks I’m made of stone. That she has never seen my cry before although in my defence I think I’ve cried many many times. (Real men cry. We cry man tears. Have you ever seen a man “teardrop”? It’s buff on top and slims down as you follow it down. Kinda like an inverted normal tear.)

Reading your comments was indeed such a reward for me.



For some, Things Shorty & Fatty Say made you laugh, for some it inspired you, for some it made your day and for most… it made you happy in some way. That’s the biggest reward that blogging has ever brought me. To bring happiness or to inspire someone. So yes I’ve decided to continue. Not for another 100 to end at #300… but to keep on going as long as I can (although one day this has to stop somewhere right?).

So thank you for your nice comments and thank you for inspiring me. #201 will come in the next few days 🙂

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