
Things Shorty & Fatty Say #185, #186, #187: Do the Hustle


At a market called Borough Market in London.


Shorty: Shit I need to pee need to pee need to pee.

Me: Okok lets go find a toilet.

5 minutes later

Shorty: Where’s the toilet???

Me: I don’t know. Maybe there.

Shorty: ARRGGGHH!!!

Me: OK I SEE IT! It’s over there!

Shorty: YES!

Me: *sings* WEEEE are the CHAMPIONS….. ”

Shorty: Ohhhh.. witty huh this Fat one.

Me: What? Huh? Ohh… yah yah….

Shorty: You didn’t actually mean to say “Wee” as in go to toilet “Wee” when you sang the song did you?

Me: No I did… yes I did.

Shorty: No you didn’t…. not very witty after all huh this Fatty.


Walking on the streets of London.

Shorty: *humming some song*

Me: *hums do the Hustle*

Shorty: What song is that?

Me: Err…

Shorty: Party Rock..?

Me: No… it’s called Do the Hustle. *hums song loudly and dances*


We’re looking at baby clothes when Shorty sees this really cute skirt.

Shorty: Haih Fighter… why can’t you be asexual.

Me: Hey! Don’t say that about Fighter. I would rather he have a sex than no sex.

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