
Things Shorty & Fatty Say #146 & 147: ALAS!!!


Shopping at Giant when Shorty comes across these Hello Kitty hand soap dispensers.


Shorty: OOH!

Me: Haih ok fine… if you want to buy go ahead. We can afford little luxuries like that…

Shorty: OH OK!!! *grabs one and puts in the basket*

Me: WAH really taking it literally huh this girl! Didn’t even hesitate buying this huh.

Shorty: What! You say can mah…

Me: Fine fine…. Oh there’s actually soap inside already.

Shorty: Yah… see? Useful!


Shorty: HAHAHAHA FATTY FATTY!!! Come I tell you this funny joke I read on Reddit.

Me: Ok what?

Shorty: So this is a thread about the most “I’m totally fucked” moment you’ve ever had. And this guy’s story is that he was at the US/Canadian border and he needed to take a crap…

Me: Oh there we go… another shit joke… I kinda saw this coming…

Shorty: Nonono… it’s not what happened to him that’s funny. But basically at the end of the story he said he managed to make it to the toilet and he said “Alas I managed to unleash the demon in me into its watery grave.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Me: Oh…

Shorty: Then someone replied “Alas? Maybe he actually wanted to shit his pants”. HAAHAHAHAH!!!

Me: Oh… uhh hahaha…

Shorty: Not funny meh?

Me: What’s so funny? Alas just means “at last” right?

Shorty: HAHAHAHAA MY POOR STUPID FATTY *ruffles my hair*…. No wonder you didn’t get the joke. “Alas” means  “too bad”.

Me: Oh… I knew that…

Shorty: HAHAHAH sure lah!

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