I had food poisoning just a couple of days ago. Been throwing up and having diarrhea. Last night I came back after dinner so tired I slept at 10PM and woke up at 11AM the next day.
Me: *wakes up in the morning* OMG I slept 13 hours! I’m becoming more like Shorty. Soon I might start losing height and become a Short Fatty.
Shorty: HOH!!! Actually my record is 14 hours of sleep.
Me: I would never dare beat that.
Me:* Weighs self on weighing scale in our bathroom* WOW!! I lost 1KG Shorty!
Shorty: Please la.. that’s because you had food poisoning so you lost all that water weight.
Me: Ye of little faith…
Typing today’s update for Things Shorty & Fatty Say when Shorty comes up behind me
Shorty: Take out that last line in this conversation.
Me: HOHHH!!!!
Shorty: You always add one extra line after the punch line. Not necessary one.
Me: HOHHH!!! Teaching me how t0 write Things Shorty & Fatty Say huh? Teaching ME HUH!? Like teaching Leonardo Da Vinci how to PAINT!
Shorty: *points at title* Ya what… It’s Things SHORTY & Fatty say Fatty…..
Messaging each other