
Things Shorty & Fatty Say #92, #93, #94, #95: How to show off a Rolex


While walking around Fahrenheit. 

Shorty: Fatty I think your shirt makes you look fat.

Me: WHAT? Did I ask?

Shorty: Hahahahaha

Me: Then why are you telling me that? It’s like you not asking me whether this dress makes you look fat and I just say it does.

Shorty: Haha ok la ok la sensitive.


Me: Shorty, I think I’m running out of Things Shorty & Fatty Say.

Shorty: What? Got so many funny things we say every day what.

Me: Yah but I’m having trouble remembering them to write about them at the end of the day. Maybe I should just really end at #100.

Shorty: What number are you now?

Me: #91 or something. So just need a few more. Any ideas?

Shorty: Why don’t you just Google for some jokes?

Me: Yah like that lousy stand up comedian we saw in Vegas.


Shorty and me are going to Japan next week and so we were buying some winter clothes. I was looking for a beanie to wear on my head but couldn’t find one. So in the car park after our day of shopping…

Shorty: Look Fatty… you can take his beanie.


Me: Alright Shorty… you distract him and I’ll grab it ok?

Shorty: HAHA ok.

Me: I mean… I would’ve gladly distracted him instead and let you grab it but I don’t think you would’ve been able to reach.

Shorty: HEY!


Shorty and I recently went to the LV store in KLCC. I was looking to buy my mum a present there but as usual the sales girl there paid very little attention to us because we probably look like we have no money to buy anything LV. So today in the car…

Shorty: Fatty if you wear a Rolex and walk into the LV store do you think that sales girl would still snub us?

Me: Ya if she doesn’t notice it.

Shorty: Can lah… you wear it and then I’ll ask you what’s the time. HAHA !! Good plan right?

Me: YAH YAH! Then I’ll purposely stand right in front of her with my watch facing her and say “Hmm… my eye sight not so good. Excuse me Miss, can you look at my watch and tell me what time it is?”


Me: Yah she’ll totally see it then.

Shorty: Yah if still not yet I could look at your watch for you and say out loud “Hmmm I can’t see properly the time lah. The ROLEX logo is blocking the needles”.

Me: HAHAHA Good one good one!

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