Me: *ruffles Shorty’s hairy* I’m glad I ended up with this Shorty. Even though I never imagined that the girl I ended up with would be so short.
Shorty: So hot?
Me: What?
Shorty: You said so hot right? Hehe it’s ok Fatty… I know I’m hot.
Me: Have you seen our new Nuffnang mug and umbrella?
Shorty: Where where?
Me: Well if you followed me on Instagram you would’ve.
Shorty: *searches on her computer* Aiyo aiyo this Fatty…. sensitive ah… I just didn’t see it!
Me: Shorty… wanna see a big black cock?
Shorty: Where?
Shorty: HAHAHA Stupid Fatty…. you know what you should do. You should tweet pic this with the caption “Here’s a picture of my big black cock”. HAHAHAHAHA
Shorty: Yah big black cock with a red head. Then you can add “Be envious”. HAHHAHAA
Me: HAHAHAH OKOK !!! I TWEET NOW: *Tweets: Here’s a picture of my big black cock. Be envious”*.
10 minutes passed
Me: Shorty… nobody seemed to reply my tweet. I’m getting worried that everyone thought I’m serious.
Shorty: YA HAHAHAHA maybe they didn’t get the joke and think that you really tweeted a picture of your big black cock.
Me: Can’t be lah… why would even think I have a black cock? As in that kind of… well you know.
Shorty: HAHAHAAH well.. either ways it can’t be good.