
Things Shorty & Fatty Say #85, #86: Kempen Sopan Santun


At dinner with a friend Janice.

Janice: You remember the accident that happened in Penang that cost the life of this pretty girl? Some girl posted on Facebook something along the lines of “Doesn’t mean you’re pretty means you’ll get a good life. God is fair”. Then a lot of people commented and scold her.


Shorty: YALAH What rubbish is that girl talking! If like that since I’m so cute I should’ve died long ago.

Me: … Don’t simply say ah! Careful what you say!


Sitting at my computer tonight

Shorty: FATTY! Have you seen my “kempen sopan santun” post?

Me: No I haven’t. Been away on business mah. Limited internet connection. I see later.

Shorty: See now la see now.

Me: Later la.. doing something now.

Shorty: Fine

30 seconds later

Shorty: Ready to see my post?

Me: AHHhh ok la ok la! *opens up Shorty’s blog*

Shorty: *points at number of comments*

Me: WAH!!! 109 comments huh! On NuffnangX some more, your phone must be beeping off the hook.

Shorty: Hehe no la today slow down already.

Me: Did you see my tweet the other day about how I kempen sopan santun also?

Shorty: No I couldn’t read your tweet, a part of it was missing. What happened?

Me: Basically I at LCCT lining up to get on to my plane. And you know how LCCT is la, on the outside area it’s a big mess of people lining up. So I joined the line with the Nuffies behind me. When I got close to the front of the line, 2 guys and 2 girls about our age came right in front of me, pretend to stand in front of me at first like blur blur don’t know anything then eventually just come cut in right in front of me.

Shorty: Really? How how? Show me like how? Ok I stand here pretending to be you. You be them. Show me.

Me: *demonstrates to Shorty how they cut my line*

Shorty: WAH SO IRRITATING! I feel like punching them now. In fact you demonstrate for me now also I feel like punching you.


Shorty: Then what you do?

Me: I said “Excuse me, the line is behind… please line up”. But they ignored me, turned their backs towards me and started talking among themselves. Then I stepped forward and spoke louder “EXCUSE ME… THE LINE IS HERE, PLEASE LINE UP FROM BEHIND”. Then the Nuffies behind me also started telling them off. So they all pai seh and just walked back.

Shorty: Ya sometimes you must get the support of the people behind you and make sure they know that they’re being cut too.

Me: Ya!

So people, don’t put up with rude Malaysians. If anyone tries to cut your line or treats anyone else rudely, call them out. That’s the only I believe we can stop them. Otherwise if this goes on, eventually we’ll all start acting like them in order to survive situations like this.

You can read Shorty’s post here.

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