My mum was talking to me and Audrey about wedding stuff last weekend. I gotta admit that I’m not very involved in the wedding preparations. Shorty has got it all covered on that end. So far no bridezilla moment from her yet… well then again she did kinda have one last week but the next day she regained her morale and was just like this.
So one thing I learned is that apparently one of our wedding band members play the trumpet. My mum asked me to think about what kind of songs we want the wedding band to play that involved the trumpet.
Well… when it comes to music I’m really ignorant. So when I thought about what our trumpet could play, I thought about this.
Well this is not really a trumpet. More like a bugle but for some reason every time I think of a trumpet I think of this tune. I get flashbacks from all the cartoons I watched growing up… you know when one cartoon wants to wake up another cartoon, he pulls out this bugle and starts blowing away the most annoying tune ever.
I decided to explore how annoying this tune would be as a wake up call. So I downloaded it to my phone and made it not just my alarm clock sound but also my ring tone. It has two kinds of effect on you… but the effect it has depends on what state of mind you are.
1) When my phone rings around people who are wide awake, they tend to laugh at my silly ringtone.
2) When you’re sleeping though there is a different effect. I tested it on trying to wake up Shorty one day. Some background on the case, Shorty is extremely hard to wake up in the mornings. A volcano can explode 500 metres away and if we don’t turn to ash instantly, Shorty would still be asleep. So I played this tune to wake her up one morning. The first 10 seconds of it passed and Shorty didn’t move an inch. Then as the tune dragged on relentlessly for the next 20 seconds she finally woke up… looking annoyed and looking like she just got out of the wrong side of bed and is going to make me pay for it.
So guys… what do you think of my new ringtone? Hehehe
When I told the Nuffies I had a new ringtone they were guessing “Is it call me maybe?”. Ah come on… this is much better.