So Shorty and I have been talking a lot of people about where to go for our Honeymoon. Most people supported the idea of a Europe trip but I’m not sure if that’s my kind of thing. While I was studying in London I did manage to explore Europe a little bit and I can’t say that it’s a part of the world that I enjoy. Plus my parents now are cautious about letting me go to Greece or Spain or places like that because their economies are not doing well. They have high unemployment and well potentially high crime. Then again if we look at the amount of crime that we have in KL right now… can it be much worse?
I don’t know if it’s just me but I’ve always had this one place that I’ve always wanted to go since I was a little boy. That place is Disneyworld, Florida. As a kid, I remember reading about it in some big encyclopedia-like book that talked about how it was the biggest amusement park in the world. Over the years, I hear that it has gotten only bigger. I’ve always wanted to go there. Go spend a week or two there in the happiest place on Earth where there is so much to see you can immerse yourself in Disney for a week and not feel bored.
So that’s where Shorty and I decided to go for our Honeymoon this year. Not Europe or anything like that… but Disneyworld, Florida. I kinda wish I could go as soon as next month but we decided that we’re going to wait till its cooler… some time in October or November before we go.
Shorty and I haven’t had a holiday in a while. This time last year we had just finished our beach holiday in Krabi and it was just a couple of months away from our London trip. So this year’s gap between this and a holiday seems like a whole long time. Plus I’m having an extremely busy year and I have so much to do before our Disneyworld honeymoon. I guess that’s why my blogging frequency has suffered a little. I’ve just had so much to do these days that I can hardly find the time to blog.
Back to the main point, has anyone been to Disneyworld Florida? How is it?