
Tough Week

Hey Everyone,

I just got back last night from Thailand working on Nuffnang Thailand. The week before I was in Philippines and next week I’m boarding another plane again. This week’s been a tough one for me with so many things going on so much that even when I’m supposed to relax now on this weekend I’m feeling stressed.

So I went to the gym this morning to try work out and release some of that stress. Well ok the truth is I do it more for the work out than for releasing stress. I don’t know why people say that exercise helps you release stress because jogging on a treadmill doesn’t do that for me. Playing computer games or watching movies does. Then something stupid happened to me. After I was done with my exercise I went to my car and realized that I hadn’t switched the Thai Baht I had in my wallet with my Ringgit. So I had no RM to pay parking with. I went hunting around for an ATM and eventually managed to find one but the minimum amount I could draw was RM50. Whereas parking was probably like RM5.

I was so sure that when I presented the RM50 note to pay the parking attendant he would flip me the finger but surprise surprise! He had change! Parking attendants today must be raking it in.

Lots of people ask me what else I’ve been doing and the truth is. Not much but work. I haven’t even been preparing for our wedding much. Shorty’s been doing the work and one lucky thing for us is that we’re getting lots of stuff sponsored even without asking for anything. A wedding dress designer named Gilbert Ng sponsored her wedding dress and designed a dress just for her. Her shoes, hair and now I hear even the wedding cake might be sponsored.

I never expected anything like that. When Shorty and I first talked about marriage plans our rule was that we would never ask anyone for sponsorship.. but if they came and we think they fit the theme without commercializing the wedding (like having buntings of corporate logos around the reception area or something) then sure. We’re lucky to have all these sponsors. Thanks to them we get to save a little bit of money.

Ok I’m going to take a break now guys. Need to release stress!

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