Shorty has been bugging me for the longest time to get a dog. I’ve always thought the idea of a dog is cute. I wanted a dog when I was a kid but my parents never wanted to give me one because they thought I wouldn’t take care of it well. Now I find myself in the same situation as my parents… telling Shorty that she won’t be able to take care of it because she already struggles just to take care of herself (though she denies that and attests to having lived 27 years taking care of herself).
In order to convince me she somehow got herself a tamagotchi from and is taking care of her virtual pet. The first pet she had looked like a piece of poo with a hat and died in the first week of hunger (well ok not died, apparently newer tamagotchis are more kid-friendly so the pets don’t die, they just run away).
Now she’s onto her second one.
So my condition to her was that ok fine she CAN have a dog but it must not trouble me in any way to take care of it. I travel and work so much I don’t know how to find the time to take care of a dog and I’m sure it’s a lot of work! She excitedly agreed and gave me her word. Now we’re looking at what kind of dog to have. The one on top of our list is a pomeranian… especially after seeing the famous pomeranian named Boo.
Here’s a video of it.
We’re already talking about what to name our dog. I suggested something silly like “Banana” and so far Shorty seems to like that idea.
What do you guys think?
Are pomeranians really hard to take care of?