
Shorty’s Birthday

It was Shorty’s birthday yesterday. I had a small surprise organized for her but a few days before the surprise, Shorty kept begging me to tell her what it was. So I did. She then proceeded to scold me for telling me what the surprise was and in my confused state I reminded myself how I will never understand women.

So we just did a simple dinner with some of her friends at Watami in Pavilion. One of Shorty’s favourite restaurants.

Every year, getting a cake for Shorty is no easy feat. Why? Because Shorty doesn’t eat cake. She used to be allergic to eggs and when she was a little girl she had cake and had some allergic reaction. So ever since then she never ate cake. So I would normally buy her an ice-cream cake but even then she would eat only the ice-cream part of the cake and nothing else.

So this year I decided to try something different. I bought her a jelly cake.

Can’t say I liked it though. Thought it was kinda weird.

As for Shorty’s birthday present, I actually gave it to her a few days before. See Shorty has been using this same laptop that she’s always been using even before we got together. That’s like more than 3 years ago. So seeing how it’s slowly dying I decided that she needed a new laptop. She doesn’t like Macs so it had to be a windows laptop and knowing her.. it had to be pink.

So I went out and bought the best pink laptop I could find. But I didn’t just give it to her like that. I gave her a decoy present that was a laptop bag wrapped up in Chinese New Year wrapper.

I thought that first she would complain about why I gave her such ugly CNY wrapping and second she would say… what’s with the laptop bag?

To my surprise though when I gave her the present she was like “OH WOW CNY WRAPPER HAHA!”.

And when she saw the laptop bag (that was a free gift along with the laptop I bought) she was like “Wow cool! Thanks Fatty! I need a laptop bag! (she actually already has one). Then she said “Speaking of which I probably need to buy a new laptop soon”.
That’s when I gave her the real present wrapped in some slightly nicer looking wrapping.

It was a pink Sony Vaio.

She loved it. But the best part about Shorty… is that she loves everything I give her. Doesn’t matter what it is 🙂


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