Shorty is away this week. Right after New Year she left me for Japan for a girls trip she had planned since a few months back. She said if I came I along for the trip I would be bored from them doing all the girly stuff. I’m normally the one that leaves Shorty when I go for my business trips so this is a first for me… and boy did I feel bored and a slight tinge of loneliness without that Shorty orbiting me on normal days.
She told me last night though that just after two days away she’s feeling “homesick” and “fatty sick”. That’s a first. Normally Shorty’s really really happy in Japan!
Heh as for me. After I spent the first few days in KL kickstarting the new year with my team, I flew today to Bangkok for some meetings. I’m now writing this post while in the Nuffnang Thailand office.
Right after Bangkok I’ll be flying straight to Chiangmai with the rest of the Nuffies from Malaysia and SIngapore who will be going there for our company trip. We normally have our company trip in December but we’ve been so held up with the Nuffnang Asia-Pacific Blog Awards in December that we had to move it to January.
Anyway I’m excited about 2012. Hope it’ll be a great year for all of us!
On another note, I saw this on FB the other day and shared it on ChurpChurp.
HAHAHA Whoever thought about this.. is a genius! Charge you more for that extra limau? How much more can they possibly charge you for an extra limau.
I mean what’s the mamak waiter going to do?