During last year’s World Cup, I had a little wager with Alex. It was the semi-finals, Germany vs Spain. I was feeling all confident for Germany since they were playing so well in the previous few games. So I chose Germany and Alex chose Spain.
At stakes was dinner. Not just dinner anywhere. But the deal was that if I won, Alex would fly over to KL and buy me dinner at an expensive KL restaurant. If I lost however, I would have to fly to London and buy him dinner. We know how that went. Spain won 1-0. So when I was in London a few weeks ago with Shorty I brought Alex for lunch at Maze.
Maze is a 1 Michellin Star restaurant by Gordon Ramsay. It’s also the only Gordon Ramsay restaurant I have tried or been able to afford. The main Gordon Ramsay restaurant in Londonis 3 Michellin Stars but can end up costing RM1,000 per head for a dinner. That’s just wayy too much for me. Maze is much more affordable.
Alex walked into the restaurant all well-dressed and all. Saying he was in between meetings. He shook hands with Shorty for the first time and sat down.
It was his first time meeting Shorty after hearing so much about her. At first it started awkward for them but after a while I knew they had broken the ice when they both started making fun of me together.
While Alex and I were talking though Shorty made it a point to take a picture of everything we ate. It looks so unlike normal food that even I have trouble remembering what we ordered. So I’m just going to describe it like this.
This is some duck thing.
I think this one is pork.
This one i have no idea.
And this one… ahh I remember.. some beef cheeks.
Finally for dessert I had this.
I know what you’re thinking. If Gordon Ramsay ever read me talk about his restaurant’s food like that he’d tell me to “never fucking come back” to any of his restaurants again. Rumour has it that once someone was at his restaurant and asked for ketchup. When Gordon Ramsay heard about that request, he stormed out of the kitchen and shouted
The patron stood up innocently and said “Me!”.
Gordon Ramsay then went up to him and said
Of course this is a story that goes around and I’ve never really gotten to verify it. But watch Gordon Ramsay on TV enough and you can imagine him doing something like that.
Over lunch I had something that made me feel like adding some soya sauce into it. But I fortunately remembered this story and kept my mouth shut.
Alright but seriously if you really want to know what I had, it’s some of the things in this menu.
The food at Maze again. Ming always says that lots of Michellin Star restaurants aren’t worth their salt but Maze is one of the few that actually are. So if you’re going to London to eat any of the really great restaurants there, try out Maze.
There’s nothing like having good food with good friends… and a Shorty.