One morning Ming decided to bring us all to Buckingham Palace. We were supposed to meet early in the morning but Shorty and I were early birds, making it some 45 minutes early.
I know… that doesn’t normally happen. Shorty doesn’t wake up any earlier than 12PM on holidays but we were all still jet lagged.
So since we were so early we decided to take a stroll in the park near Buckingham Palace. Or sit down on a park bench while having my morning sandwich.
Shorty though was busying herself taking pictures of things around her. Like these ducks.
Because I love roast duck, my friend once told me that we’re not allowed to harm or eat any of the ducks in England. They apparently all belong to the Queen and roasting them for dinner would land you in jail. Not sure how true that is but I’m glad I don’t have any desire to cook my own ducks. I just go to Four Seasons in Bayswater.
Ming arrived right on time and we headed to Buckingham Palace to meet him.
There were two major things to see there.
First was the Queen’s gallery which is apparently the Royal Family’s very own collection of art.
I never used to appreciate art. Never knew how to. Then I made it a point to get one of those audio guides whenever I went to a museum of any sort. So that I can learn about the story behind the art.
This one right here is about Cupid and his lover Psyche.
Didn’t find that particular story interesting and couldn’t help but notice how in those days, it’s attractive to be fat. Look how Psyche is chubbier than the typical model perfect girl you see in today’s world. Heck if I lived in those times, I would probably be regarded as extremely sexy… instead of fat.
My favourite piece was this one.
The artist was actually a woman and the man in the portrait was the French Finance Minister at the time. This portait was really difficult to paint because of its detail. First off how the artist managed to paint the black silky outfit the man was wearing because well a black outfit is really hard to paint and stand out. Other details include the powder on the man’s shoulder that actually comes from his wig.
On the table there were some papers about changes the finance minister was proposing the government to make. It was said that if those changes were really implemented, it would have prevented the French Revolution a few years later that resulted in King Louis XVI being executed.
Cool huh?
The other tourist attraction about Buckingham Palace apart from the grand interior itself is Kate Middleton’s dress that was displayed inside. Unfortunately we weren’t allowed to take any pictures in the palace or of the dress so I would just have to describe it for you ok. The dress… looks white and long and looks like this.
Shorty and I managed to only take a picture outside Buckingham Palace right here.
So that was Buckingham Palace for Shorty and I.