
My Boyfriend is a…..

Shorty has a friend whose bf is a pilot.

Today after badminton, Shorty casually mentioned to me
“Actually when people ask you what your bf does… it’s quite cool if you get to say ‘he’s a pilot’.”

Before my lips could protest to my own defence, she continued

“…. entrepreneurs not so cool.  Because these days everyone is an entrepreneur. Whether you’re doing some freelancing or something… you call yourself an entrepreneur“.

I then started thinking about what jobs bfs could have that would be cool. I mean for guys it’s easy. For guys… if my guy friend asks me what my gf does for a living, nothing beats
“My gf is a runway model…”


“My gf is a TV/movie actress”.

What jobs do girls think is cool for the bf to have? Well apart from the “out of this world ones” like…. “Inventor of Facebook” or “Hollywood actor” or something. Lets focus on the normal jobs that we could have.

Well I came up with my very own Top 5 List.

5) Pilot

I guess I can’t deny that this is….. cool *bitter*. I mean how can you not be cool if you fly one of these babies.


Although I hear from my pilot friends these days that they don’t really do anymore actual flying with joysticks and all *still bitter*. They tell me that everything is computerized these days. They sort of just operate a computer and everything’s on auto-pilot.

The coolest of the coolest though is say if the bf flies one of these babies for the Air Force.


4) Investment Banker

When a girl tells you her bf is an investment banker, you think of someone who looks like Ari Gold in his best suit like this…


and earns like this.


They travel business class, stay in 5 star hotels and typically drive nice cars. Sure after the 2008 credit crisis, everyone hated investment bankers for a while but all that hate came to an end really quick. Before you know it, everyone wanted to be investment bankers again. Why? Because it’s the most economically efficient job to be in to earn the most money. See if you’re a businessman and you invest in something that fails, you lose your money.

If you’re an investment banker and you make deals that make people a lot of money, you get a huge bonus. The kind of bonus that most businessmen don’t even get themselves. If you lose money, you’re losing someone else’s money. You don’t lose any money yourself and the worst thing that can happened to you is that you lose your job. It’s kind of like… you go to a casino and you get to gamble with someone else’s money. If you win, you take a smaller portion of that money. If you lose it… well that person just tells you, you’re not gambling with my money anymore. Go find someone else to gamble with.

So I think being an investment banker or a fund manager is one of the best ways to earn money… if that’s your main motivation.

Note: I’m generalizing a bit here. Different investment bankers have different roles to play… not all of them directly invest 🙂

3) Doctor

Doctors are just naturally cool because … well they heal people. And everyone always has questions to ask them. Whether it’s this rash you have on your elbow or…. whether or not drinking milk before you sleep is good or bad.

At first though… there was a possibility of the impression that doctors looked like this.


Haha ok not exactly like that but well… a little geeky and all.

Then TV shows like Grey’s Anatomy came along with doctors that look like THIS.


So now when a girl tells her friends that her bf is a doctor, their friends don’t picture THIS.

They picture THIS.

McDreamy-vs-McSteamy (1)

So he looks like that and he heals people. HOW THE HELL DO YOU COMPETE WITH THAT?!

2) Politician

When you think of politician, think Obama.


Or Sarkozy and his hot wife.


These are like the cool politicians the world have to offer.

Politicians have power! Everywhere your politician bf goes, he brings along a police escort. He doesn’t need to stop at traffic lights or wait in jams. He is too important for that… the country needs him and his time for much more important stuff.

Imagine being around your girl friends and saying “Ah I gotta go for a cocktail tonight. Obama’s meeting my bf there and my bf needs me to entertain Michelle Obama while they’re busy.”

1) The number one coolest job I think is…. ASTRONAUT (Yeah ok so this is a little out of this world but you just gotta have this!).

Now when I say Astronaut… I mean Astronaut…. not “space tourist”. There’s a clear difference between the two. The former actually goes into space and does some work for the benefit of mankind. The latter though goes to space just for fun.

How is an Astronaut NOT cool?


First of all when you picture an astronaut boyfriend, you think of a mofo who can take all sorts of punishing G forces. His friends will be like “Did you go on the TOWER OF TERROR RIDE in Disneyland?”.

And he’ll be like… “Mehhh…”.

Or if he goes on a ride like this. Instead of acting the way the guy in the video screamed, he’ll be like…

“Mehh….. just another day at work”.

On top of all the experiences he has had that few humans to date have ever had (zero gravity, looking at Earth from space etc etc), Astronauts are known to be the smartest people around. NASA doesn’t send idiots to space… (well okay they did send monkeys…. but not idiots). They send the best and the brightest of the human race to represent us!

So that everyone, is the Top 5 of my list.

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