
The New Nuffnang Australia Office in Melbourne

Hey Guys,

Guess where I am this week?

For the past 4 weeks I’ve been traveling every single week. 3 weeks ago I was in Hong Kong, then Singapore, then Bangkok and this week I’m in Melbourne.

Man… I broke a new record this month. I think out of 30 days in a month, I spent 20 or so sleeping in a hotel room in a foreign country. My trip to Nuffnang Australia this week couldn’t be avoided though. Already I think I haven’t visited the Australian team enough in the past 12 months but this Saturday they’re having a huge blogging event.

It’s called Nuffnang Blogopolis where they’re expected to have 300 or so bloggers from all over Australia. Among the speakers are Darren Rowse of Problogger, Arnold Aranez of Mr Gadget who won the Nuffnang Blog Award for Best Geek Blog in 2009 and Phoebe Montague of Lady Melbourne. Each ticket was sold at AUD 100 (RM320) each and it’s all sold out. In fact we’ve been getting requests for more and more tickets but I think we’ve reached our limit. Think we’ll try to have a bigger one next year instead.

So anyway Ming and I came a few days to visit the Nuffies here in Nuffnang Australia. As always they look like they’re having loads of fun.


I also notice that it’s the only Nuffnang office in the region that has more Macs than PCs. Something I’m sure Ming wouldn’t approve of heh.


When we arrived some of the Nuffies took us for lunch at this really nice steak house.


After lunch they took us to see the new office for Nuffnang Australia which they’ll be moving into next week. I loved it!

This is the front of the office building. The entrance to it is this big green door.


Here’s how it looks like on the inside once you walk in.




It’s a loft like kind of office with a big open area downstairs and a loft upstairs.

This is the view from upstairs. This time next week or so, all these desks will be filled up and full of Nuffies busying about their day.


This is one of the meeting rooms we have.


The blurry dude in that picture is David Krupp, our Country Manager for Nuffnang Australia. Someone we all more affectionally call “Kruppy”. We have a little pantry area where people can cook their meals and eat on the side.


Also a server room that hasn’t really been loaded up with stuff yet.


And an upstairs area where we can put some workstations.


So what do you guys think?

Heh we try to make all our offices in the region nice and homely but I think this one could potentially rank up to the Top 2 nicest of our offices.


I’m really proud of Nuffnang Australia. When we first started off 2 years ago, lots of people didn’t think we’ll be able to make it. Today Nuffnang Australia’s growing so quick I can’t wait to see where we’ll be in the next few years. If you asked me 4 years ago when we first started Nuffnang if one day we’ll be able to have an office like that in Melbourne, I would never have believed it.

Today… we have and it’s all thanks to these wonderful people.


Our partners Martyn, David and our Country Manager Kruppy who came to us from MySpace years ago.

Nuffnang Australia’s looking good and I’m so glad to have been able to be a part of the story.

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