
Why you never win at Marina Bay Sands

Last week when I was in Singapore I went with some of the Nuffies to Marina Bay Sands. We went to walk around the place and eventually ended up in the casino playing some baccarat and roulette. At the end of the night, all of us had lost money. Not even one of us won.

So the superstitious ones of us starting thinking. You know how they say that when people build casinos they have certain designs in place to create a better “Feng Shui”  for the casino which equates to worse luck for the gambler? Like they say RWS has pyramid shape things at the entrance to take away luck from you and stuff like that.

Well Marina Bay Sands only needs one thing. When you’re in the casino, look in the middle ceiling of the casino and you’ll see this.


What does it look like to you?

Heh well our Singaporean Nuffies told us that the locals there refer to it as “THE GIANT CIBAI”. That it’s meant to “Cibai” all your luck away. So that night we tried to avoid playing directly under it but clearly that wasn’t good enough to get past the giant cibai. Nothing escapes the giant cibai. It sees all and it cibais all!

PS: As a disclaimer, I’m sure many people have won at MBS before. Haha just sharing whatever I’ve heard.

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