
April Fooled

I never forget that it’s April Fool’s Day! Never! Because I’ve been trained to remember it. Growing up, on every April Fool’s Day my babysitter would prank me. I would wake up early in the morning for school, put on my school uniform then go down for breakfast. When she sees me she would say “Hey Tiam your fly is down”. I would look down and she would say “April FOOL!”.
So over the years I constantly forced myself to remember it. Until the years I got into secondary school I started Fooling her back too. So this year’s April Fool was no different. I knew it was coming but every year more and more people seem to want to fool me and they get smarter and smarter.

This morning I woke up, checked my e-mails as usual and I saw this e-mail from David Lee, a director of Nuffnang Australia.

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I was shocked! You guys remember David Krupp right? David Krupp (or we refer to him as Kruppy) has been with Nuffnang Australia almost ever since we started off. Before Nuffnang Australia he was at MySpace so we were lucky to have him.

I knew he had always been a ladies’ man. Very charming and all so I wouldn’t put it behind him to get involved with someone in the office. The truth is that while our “official stance” is to frown upon inter-office relationships, in Nuffnang and ChurpChurp.. where everyone is young and hang out a lot so much it happens. So Ming finally decided that fine.. if it happens it happens because every Nuffie has the right to pursuit his own happiness. Just don’t let it affect your work or your colleagues around you.

In this case, David Lee was saying that it was causing problems in the office so okay. The next e-mail I saw was from Ming.

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So I guess… ok Ming knew.

Then the next e-mail we got was from Kruppy himself.

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And that’s when I went “FUUUUCCKK!!!”. So there you have it Kruppy, now you know how much we all love you.

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