
International Suit-Up Day

Wednesday was apparently “International Suit-Up Day”, something some of the Nuffies decided to celebrate so I said okay. In the morning I was going for a photoshoot for Prestige Magazine’s 20 Under 40 and had to wear a suit there anyway so I thought why not. When I got to the office I couldn’t recognize the place.


Instead of jeans and t-shirt everyone was all suited up. It didn’t look like Nuffnang, ChurpChurp or Nom Nom Media at all. In fact it looked like I was in a law firm. The Nuffies called the office “Tim, Ming & Co” for the day.

We finally looked like a “grown-up” office. I remember I was in the elevator going down one day and this lady on our floor asked me “What is there where you came from ar? Is it a college library?”.

When I told her it was an actual office for an internet company she said “Ohh because I see everyone there so young so I thought it was a library”.
Wednesday though, we looked like a proper traditional office.

Even at lunch we were looking all grown up.


Here’s a group picture of all of us that suited up that day. Some of us didn’t, so they were the ones helping us take the pictures instead.

Looking all serious and all.

And here’s a picture of us doing the Nuffnang stickman pose.


Happy International Suit-Up Day everyone!

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