
Risk Management

So my brother, sister and I were planning a trip back to Penang one of these days. It’s been a long time since we’ve ever been back to visit my parents. At first we were thinking of driving back together but due to some complications we all decided to take a flight back. So I called my Dad one day and told him that I’m booking a flight for all of us to go back to Penang together.

In response to that he said
“WOAH WOAH! WAIT……. why are you all flying same flight? Go separate flight! Safer that way”.

Of course what my Dad meant was that he didn’t want all of us flying on the same plane because if that plane so happened to *touch wood* crash, then we’ll all be screwed! Instead he wanted us to take different flights so… well, we spread the risk. My smart Dad.

You know this is something even many companies do. Like I know for some companies when they go on a company trip, people from the same team don’t fly together for fear that if anything happens to the plane, the whole department doesn’t just disappear all in one go. Or there’s an urban legend that there are only 3 people in the world who really know the secret recipe for Coke and these 3 people are never allowed to fly on the same flight or be in the same place.

Ming and I too follow that policy as much as we can (though there have been some exceptions).

You know, whenever we go anywhere we try to fly separate flights. It’s funny though why people have this policy for planes but not for cars. I mean the chances of you getting in a car accident is supposed to be higher than a plane crash right?

Well that’s one of the things that just makes me wonder.

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