
Real Chanel or Fake Chanel?

I’ve only just recently come to learn how much a woman’s hand bag can cost. Now I used to think LV was expensive with the lower range bags cost RM2,500 to RM5,000.
Until my girl friends told me about Chanel. Chanel apparently costs at least RM10,000 onwards… for each bag.
Seriously… unless the bag comes with a coffee maker, a missile launcher and your very own R2D2 from Star Wars I can’t understand how a bag can be worth that much!
Since I’ve learned about these bags I’ve started paying attention to seeing them in public and I’ve seen so many of them! Heck it’s almost as if everyone has a Chanel. 
Many of which are apparently fake though. I saw this really trashy looking girl in 1-U the other day wearing Asadi sneakers, jeans and some t-shirt but carrying a very flashy Chanel bag. I wanted to believe it was real at first but even Princess ruled that out as a real bag.
Then just last week I saw this girl lining up in front of me at KFC carrying this Chanel bag.
You tell me… real or fake?

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