
This Blog Needs Happiness

Quick Plug: Malaysian Dreamgirl Season 2 Auditions are open. Click here if you’re thinking of auditioning for the show.

Just yesterday I was having an interview with this very nice journalist from a business magazine. She was really nice and she turned out to be an avid reader of my blog, always quoting whatever I had said in my earlier blog entries.

One thing she did say during the interview though was that I seem really really happy, bubbly and giggly in real life but on my blog I sound very serious and depressed.

So fair enough… I have decided today that THIS BLOG NEEDS HAPPINESS. Like beautiful sunset kind of happiness!and that shouldn’t be too hard to do at this time of the year. Heck it’s the time of the year where everybody seems to be going for a holiday. I send one e-mail to a client with a few CC’ed people and I get like 3-5 auto-responders telling me that who and who is on leave or gone for a trip.

I’m leaving for a short year-end trip tomorrow too. Perhaps blogging about all that will make this blog happy again.

In the mean time, do you know what will make me happy? If Coffee Bean brought back my favourite Ice-Blended Caramel Hazelnut 🙁Every Christmas season (at least for the past few years), Coffee Bean would release this orgasmic drink called the Ice-Blended Caramel Hazelnut (Remember how I even blogged about it early this year?)
I waited anxiously all year for this drink to come out this year but I went to a Coffee Bean last week to ask for it, only to have them tell me that they don’t have it =(

Please Coffee Bean… bring back my Ice-Blended Caramel Hazelnut…!!!!

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