
The Quickest Way To Lose Weight

Now for those of you who don’t know the story. Here goes.

I had always been skinny growing up (too skinny actually)… all the way up to university when I spent too much of my time eating chips and burgers. Then I started going to the gym to lose weight and build some muscles but a few years later I came back to Malaysia and started Nuffnang.

While working to grow Nuffnang I barely spent any time exercising at all and I spent way too much time eating. So I grew fat!

Then just about two months ago I started waking up early in the morning to jog in KLCC Park every day before work.I also started to control my eating, took a lot less rice, banned myself from ice-cream for a month and after 2 months… here’s the result.

Here’s how I looked like about 5 months ago while I was in Canada.The shirt I was wearing was a bit baggy so the photo might’ve been a little exaggerated but you get what I mean.

This is how I look like now.
You know what the joke is though… the joke is… as much as I think the jogging and dieting played a part, I think I lost the most weight after I had food poisoning in Shanghai. After almost a week of diarrhea, vomitting and loss of appetite, I came back to Malaysia and everyone who saw me said
“Wah you lost so much weight already!”

Heck I’ve lost so much that I think I should be putting back some weight now after realizing that I can’t wear some of my jeans. I have two types of jeans, one with waist size 32 and one with waist size 34 if I felt like wearing it a little loose.

Now I can’t wear the size 34 no more… it’s like I can just pull it off if I weren’t wearing a belt. And now my size 32 is a little loose but just about right fitting.

So there you have it everyone. Forget about slimming courses or exercise or dieting… just eat some dirty food and give yourself food poisoning.


*Okay you know I’m just kidding right, please don’t be stupid and poison yourself.

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